
Sunday, November 10, 2013

My First Job

NAME LYNA CHIN STUDENT ID 1174935 THE MEMORY OF MY FIRST joke My graduation job was a waitress in a restaurant. I signify my starting job experience was kind of much(prenominal) divers(prenominal) and special than early(a)s. I made a crocked conclusion to work in another country for my low accessory job because the pay rate is very(prenominal) low. Moreover I wish to have novel experiences in smart placement and new environment, a dream of mine since I was very young. I left my country, Burma and my family after(prenominal) I got complete documents. I think you can imagine that how painful it was for me to separated from my family for the first cartridge clip and how lonely I felt in other country, Malaysia. I made my mind strength and force to vote strike down any difficulties. I knew that the respon sibility to take care of myself was necessary. til now my dream was coming true but the process was more stressful than I thought and full of anxiety. I urbane that my new country could not compare with peaceful my parents menage plate was. When I arrived at the place where I would work, my emboss took me to the gild where I would stay.
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I was filled with wonder and fervency visual perception new people and hearing new languages. Everything seems so weird and so weird especially girls and boys staying to nonplusher in the equal house without anybodys control. When I was with my pare nts they invariably supplied my needs. They! were always with me wheresoever I was and they showed me the right pave I should take. I started thought process that it was a time for me to be on my own . My boss introduced me to co worker one after another. Each of them was from different country. That was the first time I speak side clamorously in real life setting. I had been learning English at school but I had not use it practically in the world. I had a lot devil in speaking skills and hearing skills. merely I recalled the reminiscence of school how I had learned. For the first twin months at...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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