Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Informative speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Informative speech - Essay Example There are many facts you must know about folate. Folate is a very important water-soluble B- vitamin found in a variety of foods. Its natural source is vitamin B9 found in peas, dried beans and other green leafy vegetables. As an additive in its synthetic form folate is found in bread, cereal and grains and is referred to as folic acid. It is also â€Å"found in supplements and added to fortified foods.†(Herbert V. 1999) Folate is indispensable to pregnant and nursing mothers because it helps in the rapid division and production of new cells and also prevents anemia during pregnancy. Some of the foods that are rich in folate are green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and turnip greens. According to the book, Nutrition Concepts and Controversies published in 2006 by Whitney and Sizer, folate is also found in asparagus, broccoli, and spinach. Fruits such as citrus and other juices also contain folate. Folate is also present in dried beans and peas. In 1996, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published regulations requiring the addition of folate to enriched breads, cereals, flours, pastas, rice, and other grain products which are consumed in good quantity and contributes a good deal to the American diet. According to the reports on the â€Å"The Recommended Dietary Allowances†(RDA) on the amount of folate necessary for children is 200 micrograms, for adults it is 400 micrograms and for pregnant women it is 600 micrograms of folate. .Folate deficiency results from the inadequate intake of folate. The book Clinical Spectrum and Diagnosis of Folate Deficiency published in 2001 by Allen Lindenbaum, explains that medication such as aspirin and other drugs used to treat cancer and alcohol abuse reduces the body’s ability to absorb folate. Folate deficiency in children results in poor or very slow overall growth rate. . In adults, the symptoms include diarrhea,
Monday, October 28, 2019
Story Murderers Walk Essay Example for Free
Story Murderers Walk Essay In the story murderers walk, Gary Kilworth conveys his ideas on law and justice very effectively by using narrative voice, narrative structure, setting, use of language, plot and characterisation. The central premise of this story is that natural justice should and will always prevail. The plot of this story is a game. You are introduced in the exposition to murderers walk, a free city state with no law. Kilworth explains about the elated feelings of criminals that have escaped the law, which leads on to an explanation of the game they play in the inns. Groups of nine murderers play a card game to decide their own death sentences. The loser, the player receiving the ace of spades must commit suicide within 24 hours. We are introduced to our main character that remains nameless throughout. He is a newcomer, who begins to play the game to feel that rush of adrenaline at escaping death again. We reach the climax as he loses. 24 hours of pure hell, thinking about death, before his life is over. Then denouement, just before death another player enters with two jokers and the game is declared void. The resolution being you are dragged kicking and screaming to play another game and relive the torture. The narrative voice of the story is quite unconventional. It is told in second person, and in the present tense, which makes it direct and involves the reader which is very effective as it makes the reader want to continue reading the story. The unconventional way in which the story is told conveys how unconventional the justice system is in Murderers walk. There are no laid out laws but justice is still carried out by nature. Narrative structure in Murderers Walk is in the style of the rules of a game which is ironic because in the story there are no rules, this suggests that Gary Kilworth believes rules are needed in society. If there are no rules then humanity will simply create some showing the power of imagination and that natural justice will prevail eventually. The story usurps the readers expectations. At the beginning of the story, in the first paragraph, the last line says it is not unusual to see a man or woman being dragged, or driven, or forcibly carried. Sometimes they are screaming; sometimes they are stiff with fear. This reader automatically assumes that the character in question is being taken to their death but this is wrong and only as you reach the end of the story do you discover this. The last paragraph says They have stolen your death from you That is when they drag you along the street kicking and screaming, like a man being led to his execution. This clearly conveys Kilworths opinion on law and justice. Natural justice will always prevail, even though the criminals can escape death they go through a worse torture having their deaths stolen from them as they were ready to die. Now they have to play the game again and undergo all the stress and tension again. During the whole of Murderers Walk there is no mention of dates or times. There is a mention of cobbled streets and old houses that overhang the alleys which suggests it may be set in Tudor or Stuart times but then there are still many streets now that have Tudor/Stuart buildings in them so it is quite possible it could be set anytime. It is like the place has been frozen in time. Because its a lawless place it doesnt keep up with everyone elses time, its a law unto itself. This emphasises the eeireness and the feelings of terror and fear. This shows Kilworths view of the law and its failings. It cant control everything, and it never will, nature will always be a law unto itself eventually. Kilworths uses powerful language to great effect. He uses strong words to create powerful images, for example the pallor of your distended face: purple perhaps? Your eyes, huge balls easing out of their sockets? Your tongue hanging long between blue lips? You weep. Your head is full of a thousand active thoughts, each one a nightmare. These words create a powerful atmosphere of fear. Showing how natural justice can be just as bad, worse even than human laws. Gary Kilworth uses numerous words relating to law and justice, like refuge, justice, law, escaped, rules, execution, guilt, fear, sanctuary, victims, and innocent. These words are repeated all through the story hinting at the theme of the story and continuously suggesting Kilworths views on law and justice. It is ironic how Murderers walk is described as a sanctuary. Leave the city-state and the sanctuary of Murderers Walk to take Sanctuary means safe and holy whereas Murderers walk is perhaps the exact opposite, it is a haven for criminals and its quite dangerous considering the games they play. This adds to the dark atmosphere Kilworth is trying to create. The setting he creates is dark and sinister. Its cobbles, slick even on dry days, tread the malefactors who have run to its shadows to escape the rope He tries and succeeds to put across a hostile setting to show that natural justice can be just as effective and worse than normal justice. No attention is given to character details in this story. We arent even given names. This adds mystery to the plot. Only one character is mentioned singly, the main character. All we are told about him is that he is a murderer that has escaped the law, we dont know who he murdered or how. All the other characters in the story are only mentioned collectively. During the story the characters dont interact at all except through the game. Its as though theyve become nothing, they live only for the adrenaline rush of the game and theyre all just waiting to die. Kilworth lets the reader get to know the character through his emotions rather than letting the reader know all the details of the characters life and the reader immediately stereotyping him. Its a very effective way of writing. It emotionally involves the reader rather than them just learning about the characters, he tries to bring the reader into the story. The place is empty of emotions yet at the same time full of them. The limited usage of characterisation makes the place seem hostile and uncaring which simply re-emphasises that natural justice is just as bad as human law and that justice will always prevail. Gary Kilworth conveys his ideas on law and justice effectively from the beginning to the end of the story. He uses many words throughout Murderers Walk relating to law and justice, such as execution, guilt and death. He uses narrative voice in an unconventional way. He directly involves the reader by using second person, drawing them into the dark, dank, terrifying underworld of criminals. He structures the story like the rules of game, like societies rules, except theyve created their own. He creates a hostile setting which is very effective in proving his point that natural justice can be worse than government law. He effectively puts across that natural justice will prevail. He blends a mix of menacing pictures and dark meanings to show everything resolves itself in the end. Although the justice is very unconventional, the criminals in the story get what they really deserve in many ways. Their torment forces them to try and cheat death until they are released by death. So in Murderers walk, Kilworth shows an innovative and effective way to show that justice finds its own way in the end.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
A Summary and Application of Presence and Resistance: Postmodernism and Cultural Politics in Contemporary American Performance :: Research Papers
A Summary and Application of Presence and Resistance: Postmodernism and Cultural Politics in Contemporary American Performance Here it is a book seen from the outside. A book is only a book when seen from the outside. Seen from the inside, a book is not a book, but a train ride at night - Michael Goulish In his book Presence and Resistance, Philip Auslander responds to the claims of many prominent cultural theorists that recent performance has been unable to engage in political critique. He argues contemporary performance can - and has - mounted a critique of postmodern politics. He holds up performance of the 1980’s as an example of politically critical (what he terms ‘’resistant’’) performance, claiming it carved a space for political critique by questioning, or reconstructing, the authority of the performer’s presence. He breaks his argument into two parts. First, he positions resistant performance of the 1980’s within postmodern mass media culture and identifies it as a response to the failure of the 1960’s avant-garde. Second, he examines the resistant strategies performers of the 1980’s employed to deconstruct presence and mount political critique. He focuses mainly on performers Laurie Anderson, Spalding Gray, and T he Wooster Group, and secondarily on comedians Andy Kauffman and Sandra Bernhard to illustrate his points. Part I will summarize Auslander’s argument, and Part II will use his insights to discuss Michael Goulish’s book, 39 Microlectures in Proximity of Performance, which gains relevance as a resistant text in light of Auslander’s analysis. Part I Auslander takes time to situate the performances of the 1980’s within the context of postmodern culture before launching his main argument on the strategies resistant performance employed. The ‘’mediatized,’’ information-saturated, environment of mass media culture, he argues, is paralyzing. Paralysis extends to the political sphere, where even the most vehement political critique is neutralized by the fact that one â€Å"must participate in the very activity that is being denounced... to denounce it’’ (Jameson qtd. Auslander 23). Auslander acknowledges mechanized culture’s impact on political critique but refuses to accept the conclusions of other major cultural/media theorists that a politically resistant performance aesthetic has not yet been developed, or that performers can only find a voice by rejecting mainstream culture altogether. Instead, he argues that performers of the 1980’s succeeded in critiquing postmodern cultural politics and did so, necessarily, from within mediatized postmodern culture. Auslander explains the significance of internal critique, arguing that resistant performance of the 1980’s grew from a rejection of the fringe approach of the 1960’s avant garde.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Aging Musculoskeletal System
The Aging Musculoskeletal System Crysany Arroyo GE 258 ITT Technical Institute Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a disease that is described by low bone mass and loss of bone tissue basically thinning of the bones that lead to weak and fragile bones. Bones are always in a state of changing where new bone tissues are replacing the old bone tissue in order to keep the strength. It affects men and women but it is usually a disease that affects mostly women.However when someone is diagnosed with osteoporosis it means that the bone tissue and mass is not replaced as fast with new bone tissue which is one factor of osteoporosis. Another factor that causes osteoporosis is a deficiency in estrogen which typically occurs in menopause causing low bone density because of the drop of estrogen. The probable effects on an everyday life of an 84- year old thin white female maybe critical. Since the bones become so thin and have low bone density, a minor fall can cause a fracture. Osteoarthritis Of all b one deficiencies osteoarthritis is the most common.It typically comes with aging and wearing of the joints. The joints have a protective cartilage(cushion that separates the joint from the bone) on the end of your bones that once you get older wears down damaging the joints. It affects both men and women. Generally before the age of 45 it affects men and affects women normally after the age of 55. The causes of the osteoarthritis are not due to injury or wear and tear of the joint although can have an increase in the severity but mostly has to do with the natural aging of the joint.It mostly affects the hands, feet, knees and hips. In an 84 year old thin white female osteoarthritis can be painful. Stiffness is a symptom of osteoarthritis which cause pain after inactivity of the joint after a period of time. Muscular Atrophy Muscular atrophy unlike the other diseases I’ve mentioned is specifically targeted at the muscles. It is a disorder that causes progressive deterioration and weakness of the muscles. There are different types of muscular atrophy. There are 3 types that affect children before they turn 1.The most severe of them all occurs before birth, around 30-36 weeks of pregnancy which is called Type 0. The other two types I and II which affect that child at birth or around the first few months. In adults there are two types. Those types are the Finkel type and Type IV which usually affect adults after age 30. Muscular atrophy occurs generally with age, however it can also be caused by injury, birth defects, stroke. Spinal cord injury and sometimes can occur due to osteoarthritis.An 84- year old white, thin small boned white female with muscular atrophy can have back pain, walking problems, and limited range of motion which are some of the many symptoms of the disease.References 1. What is osteoporosis and can it be treated? (2011, Nov 09). Liverpool Echo, pp. 22. http://search. proquest. com/docview/902777135? accountid=27655 2. What causes osteo porosis?. (2010). Osteoporosis: A Guide to Prevention & Treatment (2010), 5. 3. What you should know about osteoarthritis. (2012). American Family Physician, 85(1), 57-58 4. Ask dr. H: What causes osteoarthritis? (2012, Feb 27). Press of Atlantic City, pp. n/a. http://search. proquest. com/docview/923715946? accountid=27655 5. â€Å"spinal muscular atrophy†A Dictionary of Biomedicine. Oxford University Press Inc. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. ITT Educational Services. 27 April 2012 <http://www. oxfordreference. com/views/ENTRY. html? subview=Main&entry=t312. e8720> 6. Spinal muscular atrophy: What it is and how to cope. (2008, ). New York Amsterdam News, pp. 37-37. http://search. proquest. com/docview/390101328? accountid=27655
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Could the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet happen today? Essay
The story of the â€Å"star crossed lovers†is a true tragedy as there was so much potential for the relationship to work. The feelings that the couple from â€Å"two houses alike in dignity†were so immense that they ended up dying for each other. If it wasn’t for fate, their dedication would have allowed them to grow old together, and not end up dying at such a young age. Fate is a continuous factor throughout the play and leads to much of the tragedy. A good example of this is the Capulet party. It is quite ironic that Peter, the Capulets servant can’t read the list of people invited to the Capulets party. So he approaches Benvolio. This leads to Mercutio asking Romeo to come with them the party, which happens to be a masked ball, so they would not be identified as Montagues. In Act 1, Scene 4, Romeo says â€Å"some consequence, yet hanging in the stars, shall bitterly begin this fearful date†Even before he had met Juliet, Romeo has predicted that something will start that night of the party but would lead to disaster and heartache- which it eventually does. Perhaps the largest part of that fate plays in the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is in Act 2, Scene 3, where friar Lawrence is established as a herbalist. This gives him the knowledge to make the concoction that makes Juliet appear dead. If Juliet had not appeared dead, then Romeo would have not have committed suicide. Thus ending with them still alive, but by chance they both had visited Friar Lawrence and not a different religious representative. The relationship between the parents and children makes the suicides truly sad, as Romeo and Juliet were two children who would be missed. Montague and Lady Montague were both concerned for Romeo when he is acting differently because of Rosalyn’s rejection. Lady Montague asks Benvolio, Romeo’s cousin, â€Å"O where is Romeo? †because she is concerned. Montague then goes on to say â€Å"Could we but learn from whence his sorrows grow, we would as willingly give cure as know. †He is basically saying – I would give anything to know what troubles my son, and to make it right. Capulet only wants the best for his daughter and at the beginning of the story Capulet tells Paris, Juliet is too young to marry. â€Å"Earth hath swallowed all my hopes but she. †Meaning, Juliet is Capulets only surviving child. â€Å"She is the hopeful lady of my earth. †He wants things to go right for his much loved daughter. The death of Tybalt causes Capulet to realise life is short and that Juliet should marry Paris to make her secure in life. Juliet refuses Paris as a husband so Capulet threatens to throw Juliet out because she is disgracing Capulet. He says, â€Å"You shall not house with me. †â€Å"And you be not hang, beg, starve, die in the streets! †Although he did not do this to be horrible, he just wanted the best for his daughter and he considered the best to be Paris; a â€Å"lovely gentleman†Juliet appears to have a formal relationship with her mother, Lady Capulet. Juliet has not been raised by her Mother, but by her nurse. There is a lack of emotion between the mother and daughter. Throughout the play there is very little conversation between the two, and Lady Capulet only seems to deliver messages, and do as Capulet tells her. She seems to have no power or place in Juliet’s life. The nurse has raised Juliet and Capulet makes all the important decisions. Juliet’s nurse takes messages between Romeo and Juliet making the relationship easier for them. â€Å"As I told you, my lady bade me inquire you out. †-The nurse speaking to Romeo. When Romeo tells the nurse of the marriage, the nurse replies â€Å"This afternoon sir? Well, she shall be there. †The nurse can travel freely around Verona and suspicions are not raised when she speaks to Romeo, unlike Juliet, who would rarely be allowed out of the Capulets mansion, let alone to speak to a male and a family enemy. Friar Lawrence’s plan to â€Å"Turn your households rancour to pure love. †was a good idea but misguided. If he had refused to marry the couple then perhaps their dedication to each other would not have been so strong. If Benvolio had not persuaded Romeo to come to the party then he would never have seen Juliet and a relationship would not have started. Juliet would probably have ended up marrying Paris and would have found another lover to idolise. Courtly love is a part of both Romeo and Juliet’s lives, although not involved in their relationship together. Romeo at first wishes to court Rosalyn but she is not interested. The love Paris had got for Juliet is courtly. When Paris speaks to Capulet he says, â€Å"Now my lord, what say you to my suit. †and â€Å"Younger than she are happy mothers made. †There is no reference to how much he loves Juliet but that he wants to make Juliet a happy mother. There is no romance between the two. Paris arranged the marriage through Capulet. Juliet appears to have no affection towards Paris, as she barely knows him. After Tybalts Death, the marriage to Paris is forced upon Juliet. When Romeo and Juliet first met there was a fascination between them that continues throughout the entire play, although it is far more obvious at the beginning of the story. When they first met there was lots of flirting and Romeo plays words and refers to â€Å"blushing pilgrims†(his lips) and â€Å"a shrine†(her hands). After this meeting the feelings that they have for each other becomes deeper. â€Å"Juliet is the sun, arise fair sun and kill the envious moon. †Romeo is so in love with Juliet, he is comparing her to the goddess of the moon and saying that Juliet is far more beautiful. â€Å"Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, having some business, do entreat her eyes. †Again Romeo is comparing her spiritual representations. He is almost saying she is more than human. Juliet is what all mankind look up to with the urge to explore, and yet not quite understanding what is attracting them to her. Romeo’s love soon turns to lust – â€Å"O whilt though leave me so unsatisfied? †(Act 2, Scene 2). Romeo is basically asking Juliet if she is going to make love to him. Her reply is that she will only make love to him if they are married. At this point their relationship enters a new level of commitment, and once married, a more mature relationship is established. Once Romeo is banished foe killing Tybalt, it becomes clear how dedicated Juliet really is. If the plan had gone right, Juliet would have given up her family and security to live with Romeo and to be his wife forever. Upon hearing about Romeo being banished for her cousin’s death, Juliet says, â€Å"I’ll go to my wedding bed, and death, not Romeo, take my maidenhead. †(Act 3, Scene 2) – She would rather die a virgin that night, than live without Romeo. But because the plan went wrong, we see Juliet has all consuming feelings of love for Romeo and their relationship. When discovering Juliet’s â€Å"death†, Romeo asks Balthasar â€Å"Hast thou no letters to me from the friar? †the Friar’s letter had not been delivered to Romeo and so he is unaware that Juliet is just under the Friar’s concoction. However, unaware of the circumstances, Romeo heads back to Juliet. On seeing her body he swears they will live forever and he swallows the poison. â€Å"Seal with a righteous kiss a dateless bargain to engrossing death. †Meaning that he and Juliet will be together forever in death (Act 5, Scene 3). When Juliet awakes she is shocked to see Romeo’s dead body lying next to her. She cannot live without Romeo so she stabs herself with Romeo’s dagger and as she does so she says, â€Å"O happy dagger! This is thy sheath; there rest and let me die! †She would rather be dead than live without her one true love. The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet could still happen in today’s society as the amount of control that Capulet had over Juliet still exists today although perhaps not to such a high degree. It could cause a teenager to rebel against their parents and go with the person their parents would disapprove of most. Juliet has quite a remote and emotionless relationship with her mother and a girl today may well seek the attention and â€Å"love†of an older male to replace the affection that she doesn’t receive at home. People today still have arranged marriages, either as a part of religion or tradition. If they could not support themselves without their parents, then they may marry so they don’t end up on the streets. There are still people committing suicide because of â€Å"love†. Some people can be so deeply in love that they are willing to die if their partner died because they see no point in living without them. Friends loyalties are, generally, to their friends and not to their parents. This could lead to messages and rumours being passed between the two partners form their friends. Also Love at first sight is not a common occurrence but it does happen. There are factors though, that makes the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet happening in today very unrealistic. In today’s society, children would not necessarily have to marry someone they don’t want to. Most parents don’t want their children to rush into marriage at that age. Parents today are more comfortable with their children â€Å"dating†and family feuds still occur but are far less common. Marriage is no longer a lifetime commitment. Divorce is a common practise between couples who no longer want to be together for whatever reason. This means there is no real reason to commit suicide to escape a relationship you don’t want to be in. Several of the key events, which make Romeo and Juliet a true tragedy, come back down to fate. It would be extremely difficult, or nearly impossible to find a drug that would make you appear dead. Even if you could, communication is much easier now than it was in Shakespeare’s time and an e-mail, phone call or text message could have been sent instead. Also it is now quite rare to find someone who can’t read. This would mean that the party would not have been known. But this is today so the news of someone having a party would not stay a secret for long and the word would spread quickly. I personally believe that the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet could still happen in today’s society but it would not be on the same scale as the story of Romeo and Juliet.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Generation of Rave Subcult essays
The Generation of Rave Subcult essays The Generation of Rave Subculture and is the Term Subculture Still Relevant for the Genre? The dictionary defines subculture as A cultural subgroup differentiated by status, ethnic background, residence, religion, or other factors that functionally unify the group and act collectively on each member. Therefore anyone subscribed to that group must have similarities with other members. In the case of youth culture and subculture the links tend to be less permanent but have an extremely important and pervasive effect on the community. According to David Muggletons Inside Subculture youth culture is based around factors such as lifestyle, musical taste, beliefs, sexual orientation, even dress sense. These attributes encourage the generation and upkeep of a sub-sect of individuals all with similar ideals and principles. The culture overtime can generate expectations of its members in an almost autonomous role inspiring the use of drugs and changes in musical taste and doctrine. Mark Tittley, a researcher into subculture, explains how and why a subculture begins to grow. A subculture forms when the larger culture fails to meet the needs of a particular group of people. Rave developed as a kickback from the sterile, kraftwerk-esque, 80s. It began as a quite innocent knee-jerk reaction to synth-pop that developed from a mandate from those select few in search of something new (as with any new movement). Music, being an overriding factor in most cultures, had a very prominent effect on rave. Unlike other movements rave was missing a common factor. The focus of any movement is the artist. Innovators and architects of the music take on the role of spokesperson or become the icon of a generation. Jazz had Dizzy Gillespie, glam rock saw David Bowie as an idol, and generation X grunge teens venerated Curt Cobain. All of these embodied the scene becoming iconic and almost representative of s...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Gold Rush Essay essays
Gold Rush Essay essays A gold rush happens when people hear that gold has been found. They then rush to seek their fortune. Gold is a soft, yellow precious metal that is very valuable. Some people use gold as money. The California Gold Rush is very famous. Thousands of people moved to California after James Marshall at Sutters Mill found gold on January 24, 1848. Although it took a year for the news to reach the east coast, by 1849 thousands of 'forty-niners' were mining for gold. Most miners used a shallow pan to find flakes of Although there have been many gold rushes, the California Gold Rush brought over 200,000 new people to California in just a few years. Most miners went home broke. Freighters and merchants who brought and marketed supplies made the real money. Levi Straus 'struck it rich' by making and selling durable pants. Its father was James Marshall, a dour, paranoid carpenter from New Jersey. Its mother was the natural happenstance of geological and hydrological forces that placed a pea-shaped dollop of gold in a sawmill ditch here on the chilly morning of Jan. 24, 1848. James Marshall had a work crew camped on the American River at Coloma near Sacramento. The crew was building a sawmill for John Sutter. On the cold, clear morning of January Marshall found a few tiny gold nuggets. What he had really found was the ignition switch for one of the most massive migrations in human history: the California Gold Rush. As a result began one of the largest human migrations in history as a half-million people from around the world descended upon California It was quite literally a rush. More than 90,000 people made their way to California in the two years following Marshall's discovery, and more than 300,000 by 1854 or one of about every 90 people then living in the United States. The first printed notice of the discovery was in the March 15 issue of "The ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Donts for Getting Letters of Recommendation for Graduate School
Donts for Getting Letters of Recommendation for Graduate School Writing letters of recommendation is generally part of a faculty members job. Students need these letters to get into graduate schools. Indeed, grad school admissions committees generally wont accept applications that lack these important letters because they reflect the professor or faculty members assessment of a student applicant. Students need not feel powerless in the process because they do, indeed, have a great deal of influence over the letters that faculty members write. While professors rely on a students academic history in writing letters of recommendation, the past isnt all that matters. Professors impressions of you are important too - and impressions constantly change based on your behavior. There are things you should avoid to ensure that the professors you approach for letters see you in a positive light. To avoid problems, dont: Misinterpret a Faculty Members Response Youve asked a faculty member to write you a letter of recommendation. Carefully interpret his response. Often faculty members provide subtle cues that indicate how supportive a letter they will write. Not all letters of recommendation are helpful. In fact, a lukewarm or somewhat neutral letter will do more harm than good. Virtually all letters that graduate admissions committee members read are very positive, usually providing glowing praise for the applicant. However, a letter that is simply good- when compared with extraordinarily positive letters - is actually harmful to your application. Ask faculty members if they can provide you with a helpful letter of recommendation rather than simply a letter. Push for a Positive Response Sometimes a faculty member will decline your request for a letter of recommendation outright. Accept that. She is doing you a favor because the resulting letter would not help your application and instead would hinder your efforts. Wait Until the Last Minute Faculty members are busy with teaching, service work, and research. They advise multiple students and likely are writing many letters for other students. Give them enough notice so that they can take the time required to write a letter that will get you accepted into graduate school. Approach a faculty member when he has the time to discuss it with you and consider it without time pressure. Dont ask immediately before or after class. Dont ask in a hallway. Instead, visit during the professors office hours, the times intended for interaction with students. It often is helpful to send an email requesting an appointment and explaining the purpose of the meeting. Provide Unorganized or Inaccurate Documentation Have your application materials with you when you request your letter. Or follow up within a couple of days. Provide your documentation all at once. Dont offer a curriculum vitae one day, and a transcript on another. Anything you provide the professor must be free of errors and must be neat. These documents represent you and are an indicator of how serious you view this process as well as the quality of work you will do in grad school. Dont make a professor have to ask you for basic documentation. Forget Submission Materials Include program-specific application sheets and documents, including websites to which faculty submit letters. Dont forget to include login information. Dont make faculty ask for this material. Dont let a professor sit down to write your letter and find that she does not have all of the information. Alternatively, dont let a professor try to submit your letter online and find that she doesnt have the login info. Rush the Professor. A friendly reminder sent a week or two before the deadline is helpful; however, dont rush the professor or offer multiple reminders. Forget to Express Appreciation Your professor took the time to write for you - at minimum an hour of his time - so take the time to thank him, either verbally, or by sending a thank you letter or note. Remember that you want your letter writers to be in a good mood when they write your recommendation and to feel good about you and their decision to support your application to graduate school. Write a thank you note to your recommender and when you ask for another letter in the future (and you will - either for another graduate school program or even a job), the faculty member will be much more likely to write you another helpful and positive recommendation letter.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Trends That Influence the Design of Effective Instruction Research Paper
Trends That Influence the Design of Effective Instruction - Research Paper Example In schools, instructors and learners will always learn from one another in all sorts of manners. Connecting with others or sharing information with others, whether they are known to us personally or not, has proven to be a significant component in education (Morrison, Ross, Kemp & Kalman, 2010). Therefore, social networking will have an impact on the design of effective instruction as both learners and instructors will collaborate with one another using the social media to learn and teach more about particular subjects, test out theories and ideas, learn actualities, and determine each other’s views. Both learners and instructors will be able to find each other on their blogs, Twitter, Facebook, kid-specific networking sites, and school sites. In addition, sites such as Twitter and Facebook will continue to be influential in both K-12 and higher education. Also, social networking will be influential as instructors will be sure of grabbing students’ attention through the various social media sites. Social networking will also play a part in the design of effective instruction as it essentially promotes engagement and collaboration between learners and instructors, learners and learners, and instructors and instructors (Morrison, Ross & Kemp, 2004). This will also be essential to instructors who will be attempting to establish ways of involving every learner in subjects that are personally engaging. Media Both visual and audio media will have an impact on designing effective instruction. Creating media is another technological trend meant to design an efficient instruction. Media saturates our existence, and the better able learners are to create and communicate with media, the more connected they will be to worldwide occurrences (Morrison, Ross, Kemp & Kalman, 2010). Therefore, programs such as Adobe Youth Voices will teach learners how to edit and make films and connect them to makers of documentary films, and Digital Youth Network will teach stud ents how to record music and create videos and podcasts. Pencils, pens, and books are almost becoming outdated, therefore, developing other interactive tools will help grab the attention of the learners and play a part in influencing the design of effective instruction. School programs should be built around teaching how to develop video games o as to influence the design of effective instruction. Instructors will have to use components such as Google maps for teaching literature, LiveMocha and ePals to study international languages with native speakers, Voki to develop avatars of characters in tales, VoiceThread to communicate, and also augmented actuality, connecting learners to virtual characters. The media will influence the design of effective instruction when instructors thread media-making components into the school program with free tools, for example, Microsoft Photo Story 3 for slide shows, comic strip-creation site ToonDo, VoiceThread and Microsoft Movie Maker to string t ogether documents, videos, and images, and SoundSlides for audio slide shows. In addition, learners in college and high school will start using digital portfolios to illustrate the course of their work on websites that connect their work on achievements, and course of study, using web pages, photos, spreadsheets, and graphics (Reiser, & Dempsey, 2007). Online Resources Online resources will also influence the design of effective instruction. Conventionally, in a teacher-centered class room, teachers manage the instruction
Debriefing Report for, Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Debriefing Report for, Inc - Essay Example The voice communication often remained on the plain Old Telephone Service (POTS).In business market, voice communication is still important to the business and remained 10 to 20 times the size of internet communication. Most business spends money every month on the legacy telephony technology. The company should therefore have some POTS for these businesses. They can also switch some of the many POTS to VolP services.Ordinarilly, the market for VolP typically measured in terms of how many POTS lines are available. VolP should allow the integration of organizations many locations including the remote workers into a single communication costs and expand functionality by combining voice and data into one network and by bringing advanced features that are not currently available to most small and midsize business customers. They need to replace all the POTS Telephone circuits with internet connections and utilize open source voice applications and commodity intercircuits.Smaller versions of PBX systems should be introduced to manage voice communication and optimizing the utilization of carrier services, reducing company monthly expenses. The company should also utilize HSC services such as DSC to reduce costs by outsourcing central engineering and equipment
Friday, October 18, 2019
Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7
Music - Essay Example Moreover, it should be of very high popularity among listeners and performed by various artists over the years. Race music refers to all recordings produced and performed by African American musicians for African American spectators while hillbilly is an old-time music presented by and for southern whites (Starr and Waterman 109). According to them, both terms are used to distinguish and promote music of the south. These are used by the music industry to provide â€Å"racially segregated markets†because racial isolation was still not considered to be illegal during 1954 in United States (Frith, Straw and Street 259). Race records and hillbilly both incorporated popular music in their respective genre. Music was even used to separate the whites from the black. Although some would take it negatively, the blacks used the term race to refer to the African-American people. Twelve-bar blues progression is a very common form of blues. It is a twelve-measure long. It is a standard rhythm with three four-measure segments (Vincent). This progression uses three cords: â€Å"the Tonic (I), Dominant (V) and Subdominant (IV)†(Bennett-Lovsey n. pag.). It commonly has a three-line pattern of lyrics, the AAB pattern, with first two lines repeated or almost the same, and the other one is a response to the previous lines. Austin defined big band as a musical group presenting and performing jazz, which came out to be famous from 1930s to 1940s. It normally has brass, woodwind, and rhythm instruments with almost twenty-five musicians. The rhythm section of the big band is composed of keyboards or piano, synth, guitar, bass, and drums. Often times, percussion instruments are also added such as tumbadora or congas and bongo drum or a pair of smaller and larger Afro-Cuban drums, guiros, and vibraphone (Austin). Austin further added that rhythm section serves as the band’s stimulus and is very important to the band and to
The Western Expansion into South East Asia Essay
The Western Expansion into South East Asia - Essay Example The first phase of Western expansion into South East Asia was characterized by a scenario whereby the Western Imperialists invaded the South East Asia and facilitated a division of the region in relation to territories; this was compared to their division of Africa into various nations. For instance: The British took complete control of the Indonesian Islands while the French took control of Indochina. However, this period was characterized by a scenario where; the French, the Dutch and the British took control of the South East Asia region (Schopper, pg. 29, 2008). On the other hand, during the second phase of the expansion, the United States of America was involved in the act where they acquired the Philippines, the Guam as well as Puerto Rico. Another difference between the First Phase and the Second Phase of Western Expansion into the South East Asia occurred into the sense that the First Phase was not characterized by incidences of conflict: The Dutch, the French and the British , expanded their colonial effects into various parts of the South East Region without undergoing any conflict with the native inhabitants of these region or even other colonialists. However, during the second phase of the expansion, a series of conflict occurred frequently majorly due to resistance among the natives for instance: The United States of America being one of the Colonialists that acquired the Philippines underwent a fierce battle with the Filipino Nationalists in the year 1899.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
ELEMENTS OF COMMERCIAL & CONSUMER LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
ELEMENTS OF COMMERCIAL & CONSUMER LAW - Essay Example Therefore, responsive regulation prescribes how best regulatory enforcement can promote compliance. Responsive regulation provides a chance for the regulator to understand the intricacies between state regulation and private regulations. This is because the regulator steps aside only to become involved if need be. Good regulation however has to realize the important role played by both self regulation and state regulation and offer room for both2 . Hence formal law ought to incorporate the best commercial practices and serve to entrench those practices. This is what responsive regulation seeks to achieve. Formal law should serve as a basis for the industry to self regulate. Business communities ought to formulate law for themselves with the courts checking how businesses use those laws. A good policy needs not force the businesses choose between self regulation and government regulation. This is because it is possible to have the best of both3. Good policy has to do with understanding self regulation and how it relates to government regulation. Hence laws that regulate businesses have to be developed and implemented with the involvement of the affected businesses. Other than the government designing policies for the businesses it has been found out that, better policies are arrived at when both the government and the private sector participate. Responsive regulation advocates that the regulator responds to the structure of the industry being regulated. This means that different structures in the industry will be subjected to different degrees of regulation4. This is because different levels of the industry have different motivations hence deserve slightly different degrees of regulation. Regulation from the government should take into account the diverse objectives of the businesses under regulation. This is because regulations can not only affect the structure of the regulated businesses
Report 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Report 1 - Essay Example The image of an organization can be negatively affected by a dress code that does not mirror seriousness. The Canadian Workplace All workers in Canada have a right to dress according to their tastes so long as their preferences do not collide with workplace stipulations (Krahn, Hughes, & Lowe, 2010). Sometimes, there are rules created by corporations about what is appropriate that infringe on the workers’ personal rights. For example, there are companies that do not approve of workers with tattoos, dreadlocks, beards, and facial rings. The rules of such corporations can be rendered irrelevant by court rulings, though this is not always what happens when the workers of such corporations sue them. Business owners and corporate directors in such cases are usually required to provide evidence that justifies the existence of such rules. Sometimes, employers provide valid reasons that result in courts upholding their rules on the appropriate dress codes. For example, manufacturing p lants that have a lot of machinery have a right to require that their workers remove all facial jewelry because it might get caught in the machines and seriously injure them. Since some employers are the creators of their own companies, they have a right to determine whether their workers should wear uniforms or dress in regular clothes. The only issue that employees can complain about are those to do with decency. For example, bar owners have no right to force their waiters and waitresses to dress in skimpy outfits that make them uncomfortable. If a worker sues his or her employer for being dismissed after refusing to wear skimpy clothes, a court can make the decision that the dismissal was unnecessary if it is established that the employer’s preferred dress code for workers was unreasonable. Moreover, there are sporadic cases where bar owners who have such dress codes have been allowed to dismiss workers who refuse to don skimpy outfits. In such cases, the bar owners proved in court that they had included information in previous work notices that informed potential workers about the type of work, as well as workplace uniform, that they would have to wear when working. In most cases where Canadian companies have dress codes that do not require that workers don indecent clothing, however, courts usually side with the employers. This is because the dress codes in such cases are usually enforced to prevent accidents in the workplace. For example, safety boots and gloves protect against accidents in the workplace. Employers have the right to implement dress codes when seeking to protect their workers so long as they explain their reasons for this to their employees. In some workplaces in Canada, workers are expected to dress in uniforms. Nurses, restaurant workers, and police officers are an example of workers who regularly don uniforms when at work. Their uniforms identify them to the public and enforce consistency in the labourforce. For nurses, their un iforms do not only identify them to the public, but also serve to protect their patients from catching any germs from the nurses who work with different patients all through the day. For restaurant workers, donning hair coverings is a way of stopping hair strands from falling into the food they serve to the customers.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
ELEMENTS OF COMMERCIAL & CONSUMER LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
ELEMENTS OF COMMERCIAL & CONSUMER LAW - Essay Example Therefore, responsive regulation prescribes how best regulatory enforcement can promote compliance. Responsive regulation provides a chance for the regulator to understand the intricacies between state regulation and private regulations. This is because the regulator steps aside only to become involved if need be. Good regulation however has to realize the important role played by both self regulation and state regulation and offer room for both2 . Hence formal law ought to incorporate the best commercial practices and serve to entrench those practices. This is what responsive regulation seeks to achieve. Formal law should serve as a basis for the industry to self regulate. Business communities ought to formulate law for themselves with the courts checking how businesses use those laws. A good policy needs not force the businesses choose between self regulation and government regulation. This is because it is possible to have the best of both3. Good policy has to do with understanding self regulation and how it relates to government regulation. Hence laws that regulate businesses have to be developed and implemented with the involvement of the affected businesses. Other than the government designing policies for the businesses it has been found out that, better policies are arrived at when both the government and the private sector participate. Responsive regulation advocates that the regulator responds to the structure of the industry being regulated. This means that different structures in the industry will be subjected to different degrees of regulation4. This is because different levels of the industry have different motivations hence deserve slightly different degrees of regulation. Regulation from the government should take into account the diverse objectives of the businesses under regulation. This is because regulations can not only affect the structure of the regulated businesses
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
My writing skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
My writing skills - Essay Example My three essays addressed different audiences, which required me to use different strategies. In my rhetoric essay, I was not precise in my writing. However, I was able to improve on this and my second and third essays were more specific and clear. The different essays have enabled me to improve my vocabulary use and sentence structure. In the different essays, I have had the privilege of addressing different audiences and make use of different writing strategies. This enabled me to realize the effectiveness of different persuasive strategies. In addition, I was able to develop different writing skills distinct to the different audiences. In the Rhetoric essay, I devoted my essay to an academic audience. I focused on analyzing a piece of work by a pronounced author. My rhetoric strategies were considered poor. I could not differentiate the different persuasive styles used in the essay. Moreover, the introduction of the essay was poorly written. Additionally, my thesis was not well st ated. The essay lacked a flow and the ideas were poorly phrased. As I read the essay, I noticed several things that I would change if I had to rewrite the essay again. For example, I did not explain how David Brooks made use of different rhetoric strategies to persuade the audience. My essay just mentioned that Brooks was persuasive without explaining how. However, analyzing David Brooks work was crucial to my writing. I was able to learn the different writing strategies used in persuasive.... The second essay was an argumentative essay. In this essay, it is clear that my writing skills had improved. I was able to state my viewpoint clearly. Additionally, the essay demonstrated excellent debating skills. In this essay, I shared arguments and counterarguments on why companies should start focusing on environmental protection and avoid focusing on economic profits. I ensured that I was open-minded and based my arguments on facts. Although I stated my stand, I ensured that my tone was convincing. For example, I explained the effects of company operations on the environment. I was able to convince the corporate audiences why it is advisable for them to adopt policies that will enable them invest in environment protection. In this essay, I realized that my persuasive strategies had improved. I was able to establish facts and use them to support my arguments. Additionally, I ensured that my arguments were organized in order of their priority, which helped me to build a strong ar gument. Additionally, my conclusions were clear and were based on facts. The third essay focused on why corporation, organizations, and governments should concentrate on cooperation and not competition. The controversy essay enabled me to establish ways of convincing the audience to support my arguments. In this essay, I pinpointed the demerits that arise when organizations adopt competitive strategies. I was able to draw the readers’ attention to the different issues surrounding competition and cooperation. I gave examples of how competition results in elimination of some companies from the market and how this affects the economy. Moreover, I explained how cooperation results into a win-win aftermath resulting in success of both parties. On the other hand, I was
Monday, October 14, 2019
Jails and Prisons Essay Example for Free
Jails and Prisons Essay The four types of prisons are women’s, maximum, medium, and low security. Women’s prisons in our country are very different in some aspects as the male’s prisons. Women have greater needs than men do. They have to adjust to their needs, whether it is pregnancy, or the emotional needs of the woman. Maximum Security prison is a massive building with large inmate population. They offer tight security, high fences, thick walls, and secure cells. They are very closely monitored concerning every moment they are incarcerated there. (Schmalleger, 2011)Medium security prisons are permitted more freedom generally than the maximum security prisoners. They receive more privileges such as they can go to the prison yard, exercise room, and the library. They still strict security but they have more freedom. (Schmalleger, 2011) Minimum security prisons offer a number of programs for the prisoners. They offer services to help rehabilitate the prisoners. The primary force behind the minimum security is the prisoners’ own restraint. They are there because of their behavior and they have the choice to stay there and do well or get transferred to another level based on their behavior. (Schmalleger, 2011) These types of prisons are also classified as federal, state, women, and private prison’s. Even though every one of these institutions is different they are all there for the same reason. Prisons are made to house the most violent to the first time offenders. The concept of the institutions is to provide safety to the communities from these offenders. To keep control and keep them housed in a facility to spend out their sentence. (Schmalleger, 2011) Jail plays a very important role in our criminal justice system. Before an inmate gets sentenced to prison, they are often watched in jail to see how they react with others. Based on how they act in jail usually decides what kind of prisoner they will become. Jail is also used in our system for those spending less than a year in jail, to keep down overcrowding of prisons. They house individuals pending arraignment, readmit probation or parole, temporarily houses juveniles, the mentally ill, and bail bond violators. They also hold individuals for the military, they transfer inmates to their designated facility, and they also operate community-based programs. In conclusion all of the prisons and jails in our country work together like a fine oiled machine. They work together to ensure that an inmate gets from one place to another. They also work together to ensure the inmate remains safe and that the public is safe from the offenders.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Technical Textiles History, Technology and Types
Technical Textiles History, Technology and Types Technical Textiles Coursework In early years, the textile industry was primarily established as apparel and fashion industry. As human advanced, the industry expanded into scientific and technological sector. That defined a new role for textiles and it led the industry to adapt and further develop new applications. It is now known as new field of textile technical or industrial textile [1]. Definition of technical textile According Textile terms and definitions [2] Technical textiles are defined as textile materials products manufactured primarily for their technical performance and functional properties, rather than for their aesthetic and decorative it characteristics. History of technical textile Technical textile sector started growing with the production of synthetic yarn in the early 1900s. Before that, chemically treated natural fibres were used to achieve desired properties of the technical fabric. Manufacturers also developed special technologies such as various weaving and nonwoven techniques. It resulted into fast growth of high performance fibres/yarn. Production proceeded with notable characteristics such as 1) High resistance to temperature and chemicals and 2) Enhanced mechanical properties. Raw material for technical textiles The most desirable form of raw material is fibre, yarn or fabric.At present, most of the technical textiles are made of high-performance synthetic fibre that gives an advantage to technical textiles in many ways for e.g. cost, performance and durability. However, Raw materials have changed over the time according to the application[3]. Natural staple fibre Synthetic filament yarn Cotton yarn Jute yarn Flax yarn Coir yarn or rope Polyester Polypropylene Aramid, Glass and Carbon HDPE (High Density PolyEthylene) UHMWPE (Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene) PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) PBI (poly benzimidazole) PBO (polyphenylene benzo isoxazole) Technology used for manufacturing of technical textile Out of diversified operations, prominent processes used for technical textiles are[4]: Knitting Weaving Braiding Nonwoven Tufting Other than this, new manufacturing techniques to produce technical textile are as listed below. Most of these processes are used in combination to producedifferent fabrics. Thermo-forming 3D (Three Dimensional) Weaving 3D Knitting Fabrics Produced Using Nanotechnology Heat-set Synthetics Finishing Treatments (Coating and lamination) Handmade elements such as Stitch/Appliquà © Classification of technical textile There are below mentioned 12 categories for technical textiles that exist [5], No. Category Symbol [] Target Industry Example products 1 Agrotech Agriculture, forestry, horticulture and landscape gardening. Various types of nets such as Bird protection, Anti-hail and Fishing nets. Also, mats or ground covers 2 Buildtech Membrane like and lightweight solid structures. Architectural membranes, Awnings or canopies, Floor covering, Hoardings and Scaffolding nets 3 Clothtech The Latest developments in shoe and clothing manufacturing. Elastic narrow fabrics, Hook loop tape fasteners, Labels, Sewing threads, Shoelaces and Umbrella fabrics 4 Geotech Road construction, civil engineering products. Geo variants of composites, grids, mats, membranes and nets. 5 Hometech Furniture, upholstery, floor coverings and carpets. Window blinds, Carpet backing cloths, Filter fabrics for vacuum cleaner and HVAC filters. 6 Indutech Mechanical engineering and for the chemical and electrical industries. Absorbent glass mat, battery separators, Coating abrasives, Composites, Computer printer ribbon, Conveyor Drive belts. 7 Medtech Medical and hygiene products. Artificial organs, heart valves and joints. Also, Baby diapers, Contact lenses and Sanitary napkins. 8 Mobiltech Ship and aircraft construction, other automobiles. Automobile interior carpets, airbags, Car upholstery seat cover body covers and helmets. 9 Oekotech Environmental protection, waste disposal and recycling. Filter systems (air/water), Landfill textiles, Soil seals, Textile drainage systems and Erosion prevention systems 10 Packtech Packaging, covering and transportation industry. Flexible intermediate bulk containers, Jute products, sacks, Leno bags, and Soft luggage. 11 Protech Personal and property protection. Bulletproof jackets, Fire flame retardant apparel fabrics, High altitude visibility clothing, 12 Sportech Different sport and leisure activities. Artificial turf, Parachute fabrics, Sail cloths, Sleeping bags and Swimwear Detailed information on three applications: 1 Protective textile (protech) Protective textiles are made from textile-based material to protect the user from various hazard and critical conditions, which could affect on person life. Mostly used in civil, military, hospitals and manufacturing industries[6]. Selection factors for designing: Clothing configuration of components and options Sizes Ease of pull on and take off Clothing construction Space for other selected ensemble equipment Comfort and restriction of mobility Selection type of protection according to the surrounding. Fibres used for making: Meta-Para aramids for high resistance to tear and tensile strength Wool viscose polyamide for repellency of molten metal, heat insulation and transparency. Glass fibre for High resistance and insulation. Modacrylic cotton for electric arc flash protection, comfort and flame-resistant. it can also be used as efficient skin friendly and antistatic fibre. Polyamide for extreme resistance and low ageing High-performance polyolefin fibre Types of Protective Textiles Ballistic Protection Garments Garments manufactured under this category are under high standards by the different government authorities (for e.g. NIJ and HOSDB -) on the basis of type and the level of a threat produced by a projectile. Fibres used for manufacturing these segment are normally very efficient to protect against penetration of sharp object. They are able to absorb a high amount of energy due to their high modules; elasticity; tenacity and low density. Most of the bullet resistant armor uses multiple layers of woven fabric. A higher number of layers define the degree of protection. Hard armor has ceramic or metal plate with polymer backings, which prevents a body from the force of projectile and brittle fragmentation of the plate. Soft body armor is mainly used for lower ballistic threat or cut resistance from knives, needles and Sharpe objects. Close weave with film lamination and abrasive coating are normally used to improve penetration resistance. Physical requirements of the fabric High durability and dimensional stability lightweight and low bulk Good handle and drape Low noise emission DOYENTRONTEX ® Bulletproof ( Blunt Impact Protection Textiles Such textiles protect the wearer against injuries produced by blunt impacts. For the people involved in corrections and military troops, the protection against blunt impact threats can be a matter of survival. Technical standard for such fabrics are established over the years by government agencies. A balance is required between protection and functionality to have good flexibility and mobility for user. Good air circulation underneath the PPE suit can protect users against heat stroke or hyperthermia. This includes protection from vehicle accidents, falls, and physical assaults with weapons like bats and metal bars. Pressure Hazard Protection Used for protection against extremely high and low external pressures such as; deep sea diving, space and fighter aircraft. Fully air impermeable suits and can withstand extreme conditions and they have a dedicated air supply support system. Generally, these suits are made using the textile materials such as Nylon tricot knitted fabric, Spandex, Urethane-coated Nylon, Dacron, Neoprene-coated Nylon, Mylar, Gortex, Kevlar, Nomex. Environmental Hazard Protection Generally used for survival and operation in temperatures below-30  °C. Such garments are multi-layered and consist of: Non-absorbent inner layer Middle insulating layer capable of trapping air but permeable to moisture An outer layer that is impermeable to wind and water Fire Hazard Protection Flame resistance in fabrics are produced using flame resistant materials and fibres such as, Nomex Polyamide Polypropylene Kevlar Carbon Glass Propane treated cotton Polyester Modacrylic Fire Fighters clothing contains a flame resistant inner layer with moisture and thermal barrier lining. Outer Casing provides flame , thermal and mechanical resistance. This layer must be suitable for all climatic conditions. The moisture barrier to keep the firefighter dry and must prevent water penetration. The thermal barrier provides the main protection against heat. Chemical and Biological Hazard Protection Such protective textiles safeguard the human body from direct contact with hazardous substances such as bacteria and chemicals. These textiles are used in the following instances: Emergency chemical and biological hazard response Handling of chemical waste Acid baths and other treatments in electronics manufacturing Equipment leaks or failures Handling of liquid chemicals in manufacturing Application of pesticides and other agricultural chemicals. A typical chemical and biological protective textile consist of 3 main components: A textile outer layer(woven or non-woven) An inner layer of protective material Textile liner fabric. There are 4 types of protective materials with their different capabilities: Air- permeable materials Semipermeable materials Selectively permeable materials (SPMS) (Protective barrier to chemicals, allow only moisture from body to flow out) Impermeable materials Electrical Hazard Protection Electrical hazards include: Electromagnetic protection Electrostatic protection Such protective garments shall consist of conductive fibres such as carbon fibre, synthetic fibres, metal fibres with carbon core and conductive polymer. Another method like coating or laminating can be use for manufacturing this kind of fabric. The fabric with high electrical conductivity materials or application of conductive finish to the fabric 2 Agriculture Textile (Agrotech) The word Agro textiles is used to classify the fabrics which are useful for agricultural and horticultural including livestock protection, shading, weed and insect control, and extension of the growing season. These products are mostly used for crop protection and yield enhancement. They help to control environmental factors like temperature, water and humidity and also prevents damage to agro products from wind, rain and birds. Technology used for agro textiles There are different forms of agro textiles available such as: Nets Sheets Woven Nonwovens Knitted Coated Fibres used Synthetic as well as natural fibres are used in agro textiles. Fibres used in agro textiles are as follows: Polyolefin Nylon Polyester Polyethylene Polypropylene Jute Wool Amongst natural fibres jute and wool are used. After some time they degrade and act as a natural fertilizer. Agrotech application area Products Agriculture Sunlight, Wind and weed protection, water retention, Physical damage protection. Aquaculture Fish and anti-fouling nets, Ultraviolet radiation Protection. Horticulture Ultraviolet radiation, Wind, bird and insect protection. Forestry Soil and weed protection for tree plantations Animal Husbandry Belts of polyester and nylon material for animals identification Filtering of milk in an automatic milking system Underlay to reduce the mud on cattle paths and trails Properties of Agro textiles Below mentioned properties are required in selection of agro textile such as, Must have resistance to micro-organisms Agro textile are normally used in a moist environment prone to growth of microorganism hence it should be resistant to prevent destruction. Should withstand solar radiation They are placed over the cultivated areas instantly after sowing or planting. Hence, For such application, it has to withstand change in temperature. Withstands ultraviolet radiation To prevent degradation of molecular chains of man-made fibres caused by UV rays, they are treated with the suitable UV stabilizers. Biodegradability Natural fibres are used to achieve biodegradability. It gives the advantage of bio-degradation but has low service life when compared to the synthetics. High potential to retain water This is achieved by super-absorber fibre materials which allow holding high amounts of water for longer duration. Protection property Protection from the wind, temperature and humidity and to maintain desired condition of climate a micro-climate between ground and textile material has been created, which results in favourable condition for earlier harvests Dimensional stability This property prevents the fabric to loosen up while it is being used, as the loosening or change in dimensions of the material may lead to non-usability of the material Flexibility To allow the usage of agro textiles in variable areas and places 3 Packaging Textile( Packteck) Packtech includes several flexible packing materials made of textile used for packing various goods for industrial, agricultural, consumer and other goods. It ranges from polymer based bags used for industrial packing to jute based sacks used for packaging food grains and packaging used for tea[7]. Sacs Fertiliser, sand, cement, sugar, flour to dyestuffs Wrapping and protection applications Tea and coffee bags Nonwoven insert Knitted net packaging Silos, containers Canvas covers, marquee tents. The technology used for packtech: There are different forms of packaging available such as: Nets Sheets Woven Nonwovens Knitted Coated Fibres used Synthetic as well as natural fibres are used in packtech. Fibres used in packteck are as follows: Nylon Polyester Polyethylene or high-density polyethylene(HDPE) Polypropylene (PP) Jute cotton Polyolefin Woven Sacks Woven sacks are manufactured out of PP/HDPE materials. These are laminated or non-laminated, ultraviolet stabilised TiO2, CaCO2 or anti-slip coated. They have following advantages, Higher Strength, Light Weight, Minimal Leakage, Moisture Proof Durable Suitable for reuse Polyolefin (HDPE/PP) woven sacks are one of the packing materials used widely in the packing of cement, fertilisers, thermo plastic raw materials, food grains, sugar, Fertilisers, Chemicals, Food Grains, Cattle Feed, Salt. Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers (FIBC) FIBCs are similar to the HDPE/PP bags but that of a larger size. FIBCs are cost effective and ideal type of packaging. It is used for storage and shipping of dry bulk products. It is produced from tubular or flat PP woven fabrics. such fabrics can be coated or uncoated and they vary in terms of weights depending upon the requirements of the Safe Working Load (SWL), or Safety Factor (SF). Leno Bags Leno bags are excellent for packing preserving material for and fruits. The Leno bags have widths between 20cm to 72cm. The mesh again is as per requirement with a maximum of 574 tapes in the warp in different colours. Leno bags on an average weigh 50g (or less). Leno bags have extra ordinary chemical and mechanical properties. Wrapping Fabric Wrapping fabric is made out of HDPE/PP, cotton canvas, etc. The fabric is available in roll form and can be installed on automatic machines. These fabrics are widely used in industries. Soft Luggage Soft luggage is made out of woven fabrics like nylon and polyester. It includes uprights, totes and duffle bags which available with or without wheels and handles. Due to cost effectiveness and lightweight, more and more people are shifting from hard luggage to soft goods. Jute Hessian Jute Hessian (Burlap) is quality jute and is widely used since years. it is suitable for variety range of goods. Hessian is used for bags. Currently, shopping bags are being made out of hessian fabrics. It is also used in the upholstery and home furniture. A plain woven fabric made of 100% Jute with single warp and weft interwoven; weight of fabric is less than 576 GSM. Hessian fabrics are lighter than sacking fabrics. Jute bagging material is mainly use due to openness of the weave which allows air to circulate while protecting the substances. Sacking bags, specifically it is use for storage agro-based products. Tea Bags Tea bags consist of a filter paper pouch with a thread, which holds the tea powder and a tag. The filter paper is made with a blend of wood and vegetable fibres. Heat-sealed tea bag paper usually has a heat-sealable thermoplastic materials such as PVC or polypropylene, inner side of tea bags are made from 100% nonwoven technical textile surface. The filter paper with 12-17 GSM non-woven material is use. The heat-sealing type tea bag paper is of 16.5 to 17 GSM approx. while the non-heat-sealed tea bag paper is around 12-13 GSM. Recent development and market of technical textile: According to techtextil, the technical textiles market is expected to hit 175 billion US-Dollars by 2020, almost doubling from 93 billion US-Dollars in 2000. Technical textiles account for 27% of worldwide fabric production[8]. Some example of modern textile fibre fabrics are: Breathable artificial fabrics Ultra-lightweight high-stretch synthetic fibres, Thin light reflective fabrics, Hollow fibres Blended fibres Ultra micro fibres. 3-D structured fabrics. Metallic textiles Extreme Sportswear This exquisite fabric. Phase change materials. Electronic textiles are normally known as the e-textiles or smart textiles. Here are some examples of this type of textile: Sports shoes Wearable computer jackets Warning vests Photonic textiles for innovative lighting solutions Wearable E-Health system Electronic Textiles to Help Battlefield Medics Global positioning system (GPS) jackets. Reference : Technical Textile Overview History, Classification, Technology, Market, End Uses. N.p., 2017. Web. 16 Mar. 2017. The Textile Institute, textile terms and definition, tenth edition, Textile institute, Manchester, 1994. Yarns Used In Technical Textiles. N.p., 2013. Web. 30 Mar. 2017. Horrocks, A. Richard. Handbook Of Technical Textiles. 1st ed. Abington: The Textile Institute, 2008. Print. Frankfurt, Messe. Application Areas. Techtextil. N. p., 2017. Web. 17 Mar. 2017. Scott, Richard A. Textiles For Protection. 1st ed. Cambridge: Woodhead Pub., 2005. Print. Knowledge Documents, Technicaltextiles.Gov.In. N.p., 2017. Web. 18 Mar. 2017. 2016 Top Markets Report-Technical Textile. N. p., 2017. Web. 17 Mar. 2017.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Today’s Students are Tomorrow’s Future :: College Admissions Essays
Today’s Students are Tomorrow’s Future The least recognized, most important people in this world are the educators. They must work hard toward inventing a method to help each individual student â€Å"be all they can be!†Teachers must try to stimulate students to create a hunger for learning and to expand their success in life. Teachers should be obligated to the need for the student’s individuality. To be able to teach targeting to the students’ needs will make a difference not only in the student but also in the future of our society. Today’s students are tomorrow’s future. In many cases, it has become very complex to keep students interested in their education. So the teacher must be creative and find ways to keep pushing the student onward as well as upward. In order to devise the ultimate plan for educating students, a teacher must acknowledge that the â€Å"students†are what teaching is all about. The most important factor in the equation is unequivocally the STUDENT! All humans are different in some sort or fashion. But the fact still exists that we all have only this place to function in. So help by putting forth an effort to make it a better place for us all. I’m a firm believer that all students have some capacity to learn. It only takes the dedication and compassion of a teacher to ignite the wick and the light of the student starts to shine. Rousseau said that children are born of innocents, being neither good nor bad, and the surrounding will create the child. On average, students are with educators more hours than with their families. The hours we have with these students have to be utilized and get the best out of them. So as teachers, we must set an example of good morals and display the love of teaching and make learning a desirable trait. Learning should be a self-gratifying experience not a dreaded encounter. We all love to be achievers. Teachers and educators must put forth the desire to see their student’s progress. Like the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink but I believe you can make it thirsty along the way.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Equal Opportunities Approaches & Managing Diversity
Abstract The aim of this paper is to analyze the similarities and the differences between two popular approaches in today’s human resource management: equal opportunities approach and managing diversity approach. While the managing diversity approach focuses more on business efficiency, the equal opportunities approach concentrates on equal treatment of employees in a bureaucratic sense. The paper begins with definitions of both approaches; continues with explaining differences and similarities of both approaches comparatively.The relative superiority of the managing diversity approach for business organisations with respect to equal opportunities approach is gone through followed by a conclusive part. There have been considerable positive developments against discrimination of employees recently through legislation, while initiatives for equality and affirmative action programs were developed as well (Zafree, 2010). These steps have served to take unemployment levels and work place discrimination of the disadvantaged groups that are discriminated due to their races, ages, religions, gender, down.The equal opportunities approach, concentrates on equality and justice at workplaces (Zafree, 2010). The equal opportunities approach can be said to be a liberal school of thought usually supported by legally binding regulations, which influences actions and behaviours at workplace through legislation with formalised procedures and policies. Through policies applied through equal opportunities approach, employees and potential employees are able to exist and compete on equal terms with respect to race, gender, disability, religion etc.In other words, equal opportunities approach assumes that discrimination stems from unequal treatment of individuals. It can therefore be said that, the equal opportunities approach analyses employee and employer relationships directly from viewpoint of public, state and employees; while the focus is less for employers' situation. T he main idea behind equal opportunities approach is promoting rights of all members in the society (Torrington, Hall and Taylor, 2008, p. 576) regardless of their social, cultural, religious or ethnical backgrounds.As a result, this approach is less about the outcomes or results of working in a socially and culturally diverse environment, but on the opportunities that can prepare or lead to such an environment. From this point of view, equal opportunities approach is not directly interested in affecting employee satisfaction or product efficiency of an organisation. However, it concentrates on the equalising opportunities pertaining to positing within an organisation. There are several stereotypical characteristics in organizations that can lead to discrimination (Bekyan, 2010).With equal opportunities strategy, human resource managers are driven with an emphasis on positive action, or creating a more balanced mix of staff, permitted under all strands of the discrimination such as à ¢â‚¬Ëœstaff training', ‘flexibility of dress', ‘providing assistance with child care' and so forth. According to Equality Act (2010), age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation are the factors that are to be protected during employment process; which are directly aimed at through equal opportunities approach.On the other hand, managing diversity approach is a concept that was first applied in the United States in 1980s as a reply to the demographic modifications within the labour force, global competition, while it was also a reaction to the introduction of equality legislation and practices (Strachan, French & Burgess, 2009, p. 1). The managing diversity approach accepts that the workforce is composed of a diverse population, including diversity factors such as age, background, sex, disability, personality and work style (Kandola and Fullerton, 1998, p. ). Controlling and helping co-existenc e of these differences help creating a more productive workplace environment, where everybody would feel valued and their skills fully utilised, finally leading to achievement of organisational goals (Kandola and Fullerton, 1998, p. 8). The managing diversity approach concentrates on the positive action as the equal opportunities. This strategy goes beyond the law, focusing on the differences between people, who are considered as added value in an organization. Bartz et al. 1990) have found that the main issue of the managing diversity strategy is to understand that there could be diversities within the workforce; as well as these diversities, if correctly managed, lead to higher efficiency and effectiveness at workplace. There are examples of diversity factors such as race, culture, disability, gender, and so forth. Kandola and Fullerton (1998) have shown that within workforce there are different types of individuals with different characteristics through managing diversity approac h.The diversity consists of ‘visible' and ‘non-visible' differences such as gender, race, disability, etc. For every individual to feel valued, managers have to harness these diversities (Kandola and Fullerton, 1998, p. 19). However, in this way there will be dynamic and working environment, where all the different talents will be used and the goals of the company will be met. The ability to show empathy for the employers will in turn affect the workforce positively, where people are going to feel that they are not alienated.Then, it will be much easier to increase workforce efficiency for the managers using ‘managing diversity' approach. Managing diversity approach can be thought as a more sophisticated approach compared to the equal opportunities approach. On the other hand, it might not be right to think these approaches as completely different from each other, for managing diversity approach is probably a result of the development of equal opportunities thought of school. Nevertheless, there are some differences -rather than similarities- between the two schools of thought.Equity legislation – pertaining to the equal opportunities approach – concentrates on the crucial issues within disadvantaged groups of individuals in the labour market. However, managing diversity approach does not recognise groups overtly, but talks predominantly about individuals. From this point of view, equal opportunities approach is externally imposed, leaning mostly on legal, legitimate and legal concepts compared to the equal opportunities approach.As a result, application of equal opportunities approach is usually perceived as a cost for organisations (Foreman, n. d. ), which is not a directly profitable step for the organisation. On the other hand, managing diversity is usually an internally driven concept, aiming at helping the organisation realise its business goals (without legal coercion), as a result, this approach is a kind of investment t o the human resources of an organisation and therefore is not considered as a financial burden.So, given the two approaches, the managing diversity approach is more prone to be perceived as an efficient and effective methodology to enhance workforce satisfaction, which will affect productivity positively as a result. According to Strachan, French and Burgess (2009), managing diversity approach promotes individual differences, while they target practices in one company at particular groups of individuals, which is not directly the case for equal opportunities approach.This is due to the fact that equal opportunities approach is more legally binding, taking less notice of work environment efficiency comparatively. As a result, managing diversity approach enables strategic integration among employees, focusing on outcomes (of the working activities); while equal opportunities approach is operational and concerned with the process of the work, rather than its outcomes (Foreman, n. d. ). So, differences are problems to be solved in equal opportunities approach, where assimilation of these is promoted. However, differences are assets for organisations using managing diversity approach, for it helps boost organisation's production goals as a result of increased employee satisfaction. It can be said that, the equal opportunities approach does fail to recognise the real value that could be lying beneath differences (and diversities), while for managing diversity approach these are precious assets for the organisations.The main concept of managing diversity approach is the belief that organisations have to use benefits stemming from the multicultural environment. Therefore, it is in companies' interest to recognise and satisfy the needs of the workforce. On the contrary, the framework for equal opportunities within the working environment is built on a human rights point of view, which is obligatory rather than a desired process. However, when something is an obligation, it is not easy to assume or assimilate it as a useful feature for organisations.The main idea for equal opportunities regarding working environment is that individuals should not be discriminated, while the decisions in the institutions should not be founded upon individual characteristics. Even though issues related to human rights are universal, approaches for managing diversity differ among societies, sectors or countries depending on demographic, legal, social and economic parameters (Strachan, French and Burgess, 2009).On the other hand, for equal opportunities approach such relativity might not be possible, for the policies and tendencies for this approach are based more on bureaucratic and legal requirements rather than business and managerial needs. Focus of action for equal opportunities school of thought is on group activities aiming at development of groups – rather than individuals – within the workforce; which are usually legally required (Foreman, n. d. ). This can be a bit problematic, for ignoring individuality can lead some other problems within an organisation.On the other hand, managing diversity approach leans on universal initiatives focusing on the development of all individuals in theory. In addition, Strachan, French and Burgess (2009) have found that equal opportunities approach recognizes discrimination of people in a society, which happened in the past and is still continuing, implying a narrow view of positivist knowledge base. This could be discouraging to establish empathy among members of that society or the members of the workforce under focus.Equal opportunities approach looks for abolition of the discrimination as well as for protection for weak groups subject to discrimination. However, this can also lead to some subjective and biased policies for member of not weak groups as well. In contrast, managing diversity is not concentrated on historical and ongoing discrimination in the organisations or in the society , implying a wider and pluralist knowledge base comparatively (Foreman, n. d. ).Organisations that pursue managing diversity approach are able to synthesise equity principles with pragmatism, turning the requirements imposed by equal opportunities approach into an advantage – rather than a bureaucratic burden – for the organisation (Humphries and Grice, 1995). This is a positive feature, for both employees and employers will feel less burden stemming from bureaucracy, because with the managing diversity approach they will be making steps to improve the business and themselves, while this will not probably be the case for equal opportunities approach.While equal opportunities approach aims at forcing organisations to exert policies against discrimination, organisations that apply managing diversity approach are aware that they can get further benefits by extending the conditions required by equal opportunities approach, and increasing both employee satisfaction and prod uct efficiency of the organisation. So, forcing organisations will only result in more submission. However, this will not affect workforce peace and efficiency as desired.This is due to the fact that it will then be something that is imposed by legal institutions, rather than an outcome of a mutual demand of employees and employers. However, existing equal opportunities policies do not necessarily have to prevent managing diversity attempts. Organisations can make steps to transcend equal opportunities approach using developed and refined managing diversity policies. According to Thomas (1990), managing diversity approach and equal opportunities approach can co-exist within an organisation.Organisations that have adopted managing diversity approach do usually cover and adopt requirements of the equal opportunities approach. On the other hand, organisations that have adopted only equal opportunities approach might not be covering the requirements of the managing diversity approach. T his is a result of the fact that, equal opportunities approach is more focused on theoretical and formal necessities, while managing diversity is an outcome of real life business world needs and requirements.Organisations that apply equal opportunities approach and managing diversity approach are comparatively superior to organisations, which do not adopt these approaches (Kandola and Fullerton, 1998). It should also be added that organisations that adopt only equal opportunities approach are less superior to organisations that adopt managing diversity approach, for the latter approach is more related to and focused on contemporary problems of workforce.As a result of the points gone through in this research, it can be said that managing diversity approach is a more individual and business-oriented version of equal opportunities approach, for it is more strategic, internally driven and goal-oriented unlike the equal opportunities approach, which is externally driven and focuses on a narrower scope such as equality of opportunities, therefore functions on operational rather than strategic basis.Managing diversity approach can be developed and criticised by organisations, which is not the case for the equal opportunities approach imposed by governments and legislation. In addition, promotion of diversity by the managing diversity approach is another superior point, compared to the equal opportunities approach that aims at assimilation of diversities, which is not a promising concept for employees not belonging to mainstream social strata from ethnical, religious, social or cultural points of views.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
NGOs and Domestic Violence against Women in Pakistan Essay
To start with, non- governmental organizations assist in the collection and documentation of data regarding violence against women in Pakistan. Due to their passionate and active involvement in the whole issue of violence against women, these groups have been able to collect and document most of the information that is associated with this subject. Aspects such as the regional preference of violence against women are well documented. It is clearly indicated that women in rural areas of Pakistan are the most vulnerable group when it comes to violence against women. Due to reasons such as illiteracy and little exposure of the people in these regions, the males still respect the outdated behavior of male superiority and all that they do when the women are perceived to have made any mistake is to beat them up. Other practices that are still being carried out in the rural parts of Pakistan that are considered oppressive to women include the qasas, the hudood, karokari and early marriages of young girls to adult men (Kumar, 2005). Other crucial details that can be obtained from the records kept by these organizations are the type of violence that is common in Pakistan, the various bodies that are involved in the fight against violence against women, the success levels of the efforts and the effects of violence against women in Pakistan. Aurat Publication and Information Service Foundation was registered in 1986 and it stores information on the welfare of women in Pakistan. There is also the Applied Social Research organization that was established and registered in 1983 and Simorgh- Women’s Resource and Publication Centre that are rich sources of information on women’s affairs including violence against women in Pakistan. Apart from the above, non- governmental organizations in Pakistan play another vital role of direct provision of skills that assist the women in attaining economic independency. Their philosophy in this is that an economically empowered woman will not run to her male companion now and then for assistance thus reducing chances of being subjected to violence. Hawwa Associates as a non-governmental organization has offered support to women involved in making handicrafts in Pakistan for a very long period (Asian Development Bank, n. d). The Adult Basic Education Society has been in existence since nineteen seventy two and has undertaken the training of girls in non- formal education as a major project. It has also carried out a multi-grade teaching training for Pakistani women in the Rawalpindi Division. This project ran from 1998 to 2001. The Association for Creation of Employment trained women on how to secure training and get employment in the year 1997. They were also given training on how to handle businesses and access micro-credit facilities for their businesses (Association for the Development of Pakistan). Behbud Association is another non-governmental organization that is deeply involved in the tackling of violence against women in Pakistan through female empowerment. Established in nineteen seventy, Behbud Association has carried out major projects such as the skills training of 1971 and the education project of 1971. All these projects were carried out in Karachi, the capital city of Pakistan and the main aim was to empower women with skills that are supposed to give them an economic edge. The Bunyad Literacy Community Council has also carried out major empowerment projects such as the women development project of 1998 and the empowerment for poverty alleviation project of 1999. Caritas was established in 1965 and registered in 1980. It opened handicraft centers for women in 1998 and developed an education program for working girls in the same year. It‘s area of operation is around Punjab in Lahore. Also, there is the De Laas Gul Welfare Program that was established in 1976 but got formal registration in 1988. With vocational training as its thematic area; it has a running tailoring training project for women. This tailoring project commenced in 1997. TheAga Khan Development Network has also participated in women empowerment through micro-finance (Aga Khan Development Network, n. d). The economic empowerment of women in Pakistan has led to the reduction of gender based violence albeit not to the desired levels. The provision of counseling services to victims of domestic violence in Pakistan has always been the concern of non-governmental organizations. Bedari was established in the year nineteen ninety two and deals mainly with the psychological health of women. Those caught up in the confusion of domestic violence always access counseling services from Bedari. It is obvious that victims of violence always end up suffering from trauma as well as other psychological disturbances that can only be dealt with through the provision of psychotherapy. Theater services are offered in villages by this organization with its objective of psychological health as its major theme. Behbud Association also handles women’s health issues and was able to deal with distress management and rehabilitation of the victims of violence back in 1971 (Daiya, 2002). The role of educating the public and making it aware of the concerns of women in Pakistan is also taken up by non governmental organizations. Issues such as domestic violence that leads to grave injuries of women and sometimes even death are always brought out to the public by non governmental organizations working in Pakistan. For reasons such as that of being perceived as being weak and ineffective by its own people and a watching world, the Pakistani government does not come out to inform the general public the state of violence against women in the country. And this is where the non-governmental organizations come in handy. Ways of understanding and combating violence against women are taught to the public and the state of abuse of women is disclosed. The All Pakistan Women’s Association established in nineteen forty nine and registered in nineteen sixty five carries out the crucial role of educating the public on women’s issues. It handles the moral, social and economic concerns of Pakistani women and the one of the ways by which it does this is by educating the public and raising awareness on matters pertaining to violence against women. Violence against women takes many forms such as sexual violence, economic violence, verbal violence that comes in form of verbal abuses as well as the common physical violence that leads to bodily harm of the victim. The All Pakistan Women’s Association avails this information to the public (Persona Blog, 2007, All Pakistan Women’s Association). Besides the above, non-governmental organizations in Pakistani protect the rights of women as a role in the whole issue of violence against women. They ensure that there is no discrimination of women in the country as far as the sharing of resources is concerned. The Mothers’ Trust and the National Research and Development Foundation are at the forefront in pushing forward the rights of women. Vocational training aimed at giving women a leap so as to catch up with their male counterparts is done by the Mothers’ Trust while the National Research and Development Foundation has handled the rights of women through projects such as the Ulema and Women’s Rights project of 1998. These non governmental organizations that are involved in the push for the preservation of the rights of women also go a head to ensure that government and private enterprises that do not recognize the rights of women as human rights are exposed and pressurized to grant women equal rights like their male counterparts. Thus informing women about their rights is not the only way through which these organizations push for the recognition of the rights of women. Through coordination and networking with other organizations and government agencies, they are able to ensure that females are given full protection by the law through enforcement of penalties that are meant for those who overstep the line and subject women and girls to violence of whatever form. Far from the above, non-governmental organizations in Pakistan perform the important role of assisting women in developing action plans for their activities. Most of these organizations are international and therefore possess lots of skilled manpower. This skilled manpower always comes in handy when the women of Pakistan are supposed to come up with comprehensive ways of dealing with the issues that affect them. Therefore the design and development of work plans, action agenda and execution strategies is done by the trained members of these organizations who go a head to train the local women on how to do these things on their own (Women Empowerment Literacy and Development Organization). The Sustainable Development Policy Institute that was established and registered in 1992 has assisted Pakistani women in coming up with action plans for a long time. The Bunyad Literacy Community Council has also undertaken training programs for women focusing on how to shape their agenda as they fight for their place in society in Pakistan (Sustainable Development Policy institute). Non-governmental organizations also play the role of lobbyists in the area of legislation. The driving motivation or interest is to have laws favoring women passed by the country’s legislative body which is the Pakistani parliament. They also lobby so that laws that condemn women are dropped from the establishment. The reduction in the powers of the country’s backward traditions is as a result of the hard work done by non-governmental organizations through their lobbying. Their lobbying activities are normally done by writing to the legislators, buying spaces and airtime for advertisements in the country’s print and electronic media and holding demonstrations when there are signs of a possible negative legislation. Leaving the above aside, non- governmental organizations in Pakistan play the role a catalyst in the encouragement of local women to participate in social processes that are geared towards the betterment of their lives. There is common understanding that there can be no meaningful change of any kind if the rural women are not involved in the whole activism process. The role of making the grassroots women active in matters pertaining to opposition to violence meted out on women is therefore the work of non-governmental organizations and community based organizations in Pakistan. Through activities such as the theater programs as well as the training activities carried out by organizations such as the Mothers’ Trust, Pakistani women are mobilized and energized and this makes it easy for them to receive the targeted or intended information that is geared towards making them change their behavior so as to reduce chances of being caught up in the mess of gender based violence. This mobilization is also vital when it comes to areas where their numbers are needed to push for a particular agenda. For example if a certain piece of legislation is supposed to be passed and its impact on the lives of women will be devastating, the huge numbers of mobilized women will come out and effectively shut down the legislation by putting pressure on the legislators. If the law is beneficial to women and it is threatened with being shot down, the huge numbers of mobilized women can also come out and pressure the law makers into enacting the law. This mobilization works to the best advantage of the women (Farman). Another equally important role that is performed by non-governmental organizations in Pakistan as far as violence against women is concerned is that they act as safe havens for abused women. It is not surprising that some of the non governmental organizations operating in Pakistan run homes and centers where women and girls who are abused are given temporary hosing or accommodation till conditions that they are running away from are changed. In these homes or centers, the women and girls are provided with food, clothing, shelter as well as education. They are also provided with health facilities. It is not uncommon to find schools and hospitals within these centers or homes meant for the rescued victims (Behbud Association, n. d). Also, the world has come to understand the position of women in Pakistan not through the efforts of the government of Pakistan but through the loud cries of the non governmental organizations that are handling women’s issues in Pakistan (NGO NET portal on women and children’s human rights, 2008). Since the government is always ashamed of the poor state of women’s rights, they shut down any attempt to tell the world what is going on inside Pakistan as far as women’s issues are concerned. The non-governmental organizations, especially the international ones that are based in other countries such as Britain and the United States of America serve as informers to the rest of the world concerning the state of affairs of women in Pakistan. It is possible that without these non-governmental organizations within Pakistan, the world will be unable to know what the Pakistani woman is going through (Shaheen, 2002). In addition to the above, the non-governmental organizations serve as points of direct employment for victims of violence. Most of the women and girls who are rescued from abusive relationships within the Pakistani society undergo a period of treatment so as to clear trauma. After this treatment, they are given some duties within these organizations so that they are able to earn a wage which they use to meet their needs. In addition to teaching them some bit of responsibility and earning them a living, these people assist the organizations in doing some of the duties that they are supposed to do without spending so much (Association of business professional and agricultural women Pakistan). Moving away from the above, the non-governmental organizations in Pakistan also play the role of a vigorous campaigner as far as violence against women is concerned. Apart from the areas of education and creating awareness, the non-governmental organizations campaign with a lot of energy against this form of violence which reduces women to sub humans. They reach out to remote villages with clear messages on why men should treat their women and girls with dignity and respect as opposed to disrespect and abuse. The greater part of the campaign against violence that is directed towards women is carried out by these organizations with the Pakistani government only playing a facilitating role. The messages that are given out through the print and electronic media, the conferences, workshops, and seminars on the protection of the rights of women and girls are sponsored by non governmental organizations working within the boundaries of Pakistan (Khan, 2008). As a result of their duplicated roles and sometimes lack of transparency as well as political interference, the non-governmental organizations have also created confusion in Pakistan in the field of violence against women. This has led to the divergence from the key message and the failure to achieve the set goal of total freedom for the Pakistani woman. This is an unfortunate role that some of the non-governmental organizations working in Pakistan have found themselves playing (Raza & Ghauri, 2005, Chetia, 2007). In conclusion, it is clear the non-governmental organizations in Pakistan play numerous roles as far violence against women is concerned. They act as sources of data on this crucial subject, equip abused women with skills as a way of empowering them, they offer counseling services for the victims of violence, they educate the public, and assist women in coming up with action plans. They also assist in legislation through lobbying; mobilize women at the grassroots, act as safe haven for victims of violence, act as the eyes of the world, offer direct employment to women and act as campaigners against this vice. They also play the negative role of creators of confusion in the fight against violence against women due to political intervention, corruption and role duplication. References: Aga Khan Development Network, (n. d), AKDN in Pakistan. Retrieved on the 30th December, 2008 from: http://www. akdn. org/pakistan Asian Development Bank, (n. d): Gender and Development: Training Program for Women Artisans – HAWWA Associates. Retrieved on the 30th December, 2008 from: http://www. adb. org/gender/working/pak003. asp Association for the Development of Pakistan. Retrieved on the 30th December, 2008 from: http://forums. developpakistan. org/viewtopic. php? p=1370&sid=3c1089e69fe80705b96ea4c05cd43ccc Association of business professional and agricultural women Pakistan: Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies. Retrieved on the 30th December, 2008 from: http://www. abpaw. cjb. net/ Behbud Association, (n. d); Karachi Family Health Centers. Retrieved on the 30th December, 2008 from: http://xiber. com/behbud/health. htm Chetia, N. , (2007); Pakistani Women in Politics. Retrieved on the 30th December, 2008 from: http://www.iknowpolitics. org/node/1900 Daiya, K. , (2002): â€Å"Honourable Resolutions†: Gendered Violence, Ethnicity, and the Nation. Alternatives Journal: Global, Local, Political, Vol. 27, 2002 Khan, A. N. , (2008); Peace, Justice, Democracy: Country Report: Pakistan. 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Retrieved on the 30th December, 2008 from: http://groups. google. co. ke/group/soc. culture. pakistan/browse_thread/thread/afdb81b2097e893a? hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=women%27s+NGOs+in+pakistan#df815d5af7e911d1 Sustainable Development Policy institute: Know your rights. Retrieved on the 30th December, 2008 from: http://www. sdpi. org/know_your_rights/ngo. htm#allpak Women Empowerment Literacy and Development Organization. Retrieved on the 30th December, 2008 from: http://www. weldo. org/
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