Monday, May 25, 2020
Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment - 1319 Words
People and courts often justify capital punishment as society’s moral duty to safeguard the safety and well-being of its citizens. According to Miriam-Webster, capital punishment is the practice of killing people as punishment for serious crimes. Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being. There is much controversy in the punishment of offenders who have committed murder. It is the maximum sentence a person can receive if the crime of murder is committed. Some would say it is inhumane and not a real punishment because the person cannot serve an experience punishment through death. Other perceive death as being just because of the belief in â€Å"Eye for an eye.†The pros and cons differ as to whether it is effective in†¦show more content†¦Many ethical and moral questions can be asked concerning capital punishment. We condemn murder, but we also legally allow murder of individuals. How is it that we condemn the mercy killings of terminally i ll patients, but can legally allow judicial killings of convicted murderers? It seems that the law contradicts itself by condemning murder then accepting death as a punishment. The morals are inconsistent and are not beneficial to justice if it cannot be consistent. The solution to this issue is to revise the sentencing laws for less violent crimes. Create a maximum secured facility that will humanely house convicted murderers in total isolation for life. Death is not a sound justice. The grief of the victim’s family will still feel that grief regardless of whether or not the offender is legally put to death. If the offender is put to death, he or she is escaping justice for their crime. Opponents of the death penalty claim that sentencing a person to death does not change the reality of the situation; the harm already done simply cannot be fixed from a vengeance standpoint. You cannot bring the murdered person back by taking the prisoners life. Proponents of capital punishment tend to defend their opinion mainly on two grounds: death is a fitting punishment for murder, and executions maximize public safety through incapacitation and deterrence. The view of proponents of theShow MoreRelatedPros And Cons Of Capital Punishment1608 Words  | 7 Pageswhere capital punishment is legal. As of April 2016, there have been 1,431 executions in the United States, but the number of executions in recent years has been steadily decreasing (Timmons 2017). The death penalty can be put up for moral debate, and one can ask oneself whether the death penalty is ever morally permissible. There are some pros and cons to having capital punishment. For example, deterrence and prevention are good reasons to have the death penalty, but, in reality, the cons far outweighRead MorePros And Cons Of Capital Punishment1237 Words  | 5 PagesPros and Cons of Capital Punishment INTRODUCTION Each year there are around 250 people added to death row and 35 executed. The death penalty is the most severe method of penalty enforced in the United Sates today. Once a jury has condemned a criminal of a crime they go to the following part of the trial, the punishment phase. If the jury recommends the death penalty and the judge coincides, then the criminal will face some form of execution. Lethal injection is the most common process of executionRead MorePros And Cons Of Capital Punishment1303 Words  | 6 PagesCapital Punishment: The Benefits and Downfalls Taylor M. Osborne Charleston Southern University Abstract The following essay explores the pros and cons of capital punishment. A brief history of how capital punishment was introduced into modern society is included. Various resources have been used for research which include online articles, studies, and textbook references. This paper suggests the costs of capital punishment to be very high, but brings closure and justice to families, and evenRead MorePros And Cons Of Capital Punishment1471 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Capital punishment is one of the most controversial ethical issues that our country faces these days. Capital punishment is the legal penalty of death for a person that has performed heinous acts in the eyes of the judicial system. Discussion on whether capital punishment is humane or considered cruel and unusual punishment has been the main issue this of debate for years. Recent discussion goes far beyond the act itself but now brings into question whether medical personal shouldRead MorePros and Cons of Capital Punishment3687 Words  | 15 Pages1. Morality PRO: The crimes of rape, torture, treason, kidnapping, murder, larceny, and perjury pivot on a moral code that escapes apodictic [indisputably true] proof by expert testimony or otherwise. But communities would plunge into anarchy if they could not act on moral assumptions less certain than that the sun will rise in the east and set in the west. Abolitionists may contend that the death penalty is inherently immoral because governments should never take human life, no matter what theRead MoreThe Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment Essay855 Words  | 4 PagesThe Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment Since the mid 1900’s, capital punishment has brought many individuals into many diverse view points throughout the years. Capital punishment is a way of punishing a convict by killing him or her because of the crime he or she committed. Capital punishment will always have its pros and cons. There are opponents who absolutely disagree with capital punishment. And then there are advocates who support the idea. In the advocates view point, capital punishmentRead MoreEssay on The Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment1208 Words  | 5 PagesThe topic of capital punishment is one that is highly debated in our society today. Capital punishment is the ultimate punishment our society can give one for their actions. On the other hand, it is viewed as a denial of human rights that promotes more violence in our society. Religious states that in the United States, over 13,000 people have been legally executed since colonial times. (Religious Tolerance) Is capital punis hment a moral act? It is not a moral punishment as it deniesRead MoreDeath Penalty: The Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment Essay527 Words  | 3 Pagesto you about these problems with the death penalty in my paper. Everyone should ask themselves what they believe. Do you believe that by killing people using the death it will save lives. The death penalty is called capital punishment. You get sentenced with capital punishment for really bad crimes. Some of the ways they do the death penalty are with lethal injection, deadly gas. In some of the foreign countries they will kill people that have been given the death penalty by a firing squadRead MoreCapital Punishment Essay667 Words  | 3 PagesAdvent Catholic Encyclopedia, Capital Punishment is the infliction by due legal process of the penalty of death as a punishment for crime. Capital Punishment, also known as, the Death Penalty has been around for centuries. The first established death penalty laws date as far back as the Eighteenth Century B.C. in the Code of King Hammaurabi of Babylon, which codified the death penalty for 25 different crimes ( Not only is Capital Punishment ancient, it is highly controversialRead MoreBureau Of Justice Statistics : The United States Primary Source For Criminal Justice1439 Words  | 6 PagesCapital Punishment. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). U.S. Department of Justice. 25 Nov. 2014. Web. Web. 25 Nov. 2014. Bureau of Justice Statistics is the United States primary source for criminal justice statistics. The website has published information on crime, criminal offenders, victims of crime, and the operation of justice systems at all levels of government. According to Bureau of Justice Statistics, â€Å"The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is a component of the Office
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Essay on Educational Psychology - 1169 Words
One of the more popular areas of psychology is Educational Psychology. Educational Psychology can be explained several ways. The idea is to study theories and concepts from different parts of psychology and apply them in educational settings. These educational settings may occur in different school settings such as preschool. The goal of educational psychology is to create a positive student-teacher relationship. Educational psychology uses five different types of psychology, behavioral, cognitive, developmental, and social cognitive, and constructivist in this research paper I will be briefly discussing each type of psychology listed above. Behaviorism is the point of view where learning and behavior are described and explained in terms†¦show more content†¦Some examples are belief, desire, ideas and motivation. Next, cognitive psychologists think memory structures determine how information is perceived, processed, stored, retrieved and forgotten. Cognitive psychology include perception, categorization, memory, knowledge representation, language and thinking processes. â€Å"The relationship of cognitive psychology to classroom is like the relationship of physics to engineering. Knowledge of the mind gleaned from cognitive psychology experiments will not tell teachers how to teach children, any more than knowledge of physics can prescribe what a bridge should look like†(Willingham, 2009) Developmental psychology is the point of view that occurs in learners over the course of a period of time. The developmental perspective includes theories that are continuous and discontinuous. Discontinuous theories are stage-like. The processes of learning and development involve distinct stages, which are characterized by qualitative differences in behavior. Theorists who use discontinuous theories use a specific beginning and end period for each stage. Continuous theories explain that learning and development generally happen in incremental processes. Learning involves changes throughout the lifespan. â€Å"Contemporary views on the nature of cognitive development have been vastly influenced by the work of one man. This was Jean Piaget (1896-1980), once a biologist, who turned hisShow MoreRelatedEducational Psychology and Assessment1205 Words  | 5 PagesCertificate in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector - (Intensive) |Unit Title |CTLLS UNIT 3 - Principles Practice of Assessment | |Theory Assessment Number | | |Candidate Name |KEN PHILLIPS |Candidate Number | | |Date Issued | Read MoreExploring The Dynamics Of Educational Psychology1382 Words  | 6 PagesDynamics of Educational Psychology Importance of continued education. I think it should be a priority for educators to be up to date on research being conducted in the field of Educational Psychology because it promotes effective teaching and learning. If they stay updated, they will continue to learn new teaching methods and learning styles that will help their students to succeed. I think if educators are only sticking to the past research that they learned in educational psychology rather thanRead MoreTheories And Research Of Educational Psychology1615 Words  | 7 PagesSelect one area of applied psychology in this module. Discuss how theory and research in this area has been helpful or unhelpful in addressing human problems. Educational psychology has produced a vast array of theory and research that can be applied to educational settings to address problems that may occur. This essay will discuss how helpful, or not so helpful, research and theory has been in dealing with problems found in schools such as morality and understanding how children learn in orderRead MoreReflection Paper On Educational Psychology2629 Words  | 11 PagesErna Ananna Professor Gefen CEDF 710, Educational Psychology Date: 17th December, 2014 Fieldwork Reflection I. Introduction: Few weeks ago, I had an opportunity to observe a fifth grade inclusive classroom in P.S. 146, Anna M. Short School which is located in the Upper East Side of Manhattan. They had a total of 32 students where 16 of them are boys and 16 of them are girls. The class has collaborative teaching system. One of the class teachers is specialized on Special Education. They have totalRead MoreThe Field Of Educational Psychology856 Words  | 4 PagesSnowman, Jack (1997) defined educational psychology as a branch of psychology concerned with the scientific study of human learning. The study of learning processes, from both cognitive and behavioral perspectives, allows researchers to understand individual differences in intelligence, cognitive development, affect, motivation, self-regulation, and self-concept, as well as their role in learning. The field of educational psychology relies heavily on quantitative methods, including testing and measurementRead MoreNature of Educational Psychology3 596 Words  | 15 PagesCHAPTER NO 1: NATURE OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY MEANING OF PSYCHOLOGY The word â€Å"psychology†comes form the Greek word (Psyche mean Soul, Logos mean Science), thus the meaning of Psychology is the science of soul. EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY Education in the narrow sense is the modification of behaviour of children in a controlled environment. To shape the behaviour of the subject and bring some positive or negative changes, it is necessary to study the science of behaviour. The developmentalRead MoreEducational Psychology : Vocabulary Terms1025 Words  | 5 PagesRegan Garey 1-18-16 Educational Psychology Vocabulary Terms 1 Action research- a process of different methods that are used to diagnose and solve issues that arise within schools or problems that teachers can face themselves. This process helps to improve or change the actions of those people involved. 2 Behavioral health- the range of mental and emotional well-being of a person. This would include how that person copes with normal, day-to-day activities to the challenges of life and everythingRead MoreMy Paper On Is Educational Psychology1545 Words  | 7 Pages The topic pertinent to psychology that i chose to do my paper on is educational psychology. Educational psychology is the study of how humans learn and retain knowledge, primarily in educational settings like classrooms. This branch not only involves just the learning process of early childhood and adolescence but it also involves the social, emotional, and cognitive learning processes that are involved in humans throughout their entire lifespan. Educational psychology combines numerous amountsRead MoreEducational Psychology Personal Statement896 Words  | 4 Pages​When I declared a psychology major during the second year of my undergraduate career, my objective was to attend medical school and eventually become a psychiatrist. I enjoyed the psychology classes in which I was enrolled and found them to compliment the premed curriculum I also wanted to study. I reasoned that a major in psychology would provide insight that could later be useful in my planned studies of psychiatry. Although I decided against going to medical school, psychology remained the primaryRead MoreThe Role of Educational Psychology in Teaching2687 Words  | 11 PagesThe Role of Educational Psychology in Teaching Aundrea Riley PSY 6631: Psychological Foundations of Education March 9, 2012 Dabney Hunter McKenzie, Ph.D. Introduction There are many who have wondered about the place of educational psychology in teaching and learning. However, a closer look at the nature and scope of learning and teaching and the essence of educational psychology clearly shows a relationship that can be best described as mutually
Friday, May 15, 2020
Subsidies The Impact on Our Global Market - 1333 Words
Subsidies: The impact on our global market Chinese mercantilism has not only cost the US a significant share of manufacturing job loss, but also has distorted the global location of and nature of production systems. The only real solution to the problem of Chinese mercantilism and massive industrial subsidies in particular, is for the world trading community to say enough is enough. -Robert Atkinson Subsidies by governments around the world have played a large and significant role in the production of many products and raw materials used in the global market. Several notable industries have benefited such as the solar photovoltaic production in China, farmers and automotive parts manufacuters. We will review the impact of these subsidies for the providers, recipients and consumers to determine if there are having the desired positive effect the creators are looking for or the negative impact that those that oppose state are happening and the government’s response to these subsidies. When implementing subsidies in the se various markets, the governments, typically the main source of subsidies, are seen by some as acting like parents to the industries that are receiving these funds. Generally the subsidies are grants, tax breaks and trade embargoes against competing companies in foreign countries and are put into place to allow a new industry to begin to develop such as the solar, wind and alternative fuel (ethanol) energy sectors that have only in the lastShow MoreRelatedChinas Excessive Export Of Steal1272 Words  | 6 PagesUpdated April 6, 2016, The Wall Street Journal reported that there has been a heated controversy on China’s excessive export of steal to the global market. A government official from China’s steal industry, Xinchuang Li claimed that they will hit back at the increasing tariffs imposed by other countries. One of the Indian steal producers Tata decided to sell its plant to UK business due to deteriorating financial performance, which is largely blamed for the plunge in steal prices. In addition toRead MoreAnthony Bugg Levine : A Global Leader World Economic Forum1741 Words  | 7 PagesNonprofit finance fund, Board Member of Global Impact Investing Network and Adjunct Associate Professor at Columbia Business School. He lives at Greater New York Area and he studied at Princeton University as MPA in Economic Development and at Yale as BA for Political Science and International relations. He has an award as Young Global Leader World Economic Forum last March 2014. He is into social entrepreneurship, microfinance, fund raising, emerging market, philanthropy, social enterprise and economicRead MoreFood Choices For Health And Planet980 Words  | 4 Pagespart of why I became vegan was because I knew that I knew a vegan diet is good for the environment. These issues impact the entire wo rld because everyone is affected by the negative effects of climate change. My local community is most affected by climate change through our local National lab that employs citizens to do work relating to climate change. Nationally, climate change impacts the amount of citizens who have asthma and extreme weather conditions that nation is experiencing. I agree withRead MoreEssay on Demands and Supplies in Education and Government1503 Words  | 7 PagesOur world is energized with constant demand and supplies. Education is no exception. Government demands that children in a specific age group should have school exposure. To this end, the public schools offer subsidies to increase the supply of students (i.e. to attract more students into education). However, the same application of subsidy to private schools does not yield practical intended results as private school education is mostly by choice and does not come under the direct impact of demandRead MoreCurrent Policy And Politics : The International Image Of America Essay1426 Words  | 6 Pagesnegative externality of that energy usage is the impact of climate change worldwide. The international community believed that our nation created roadblocks in the way of reaching a global agreement on climate change and environmental protection. President Obama and Secretary Kerry worked hard to change this stigma given (1) the widely accepted scientific research concluding human activity is jeopardizing the planets future and (2) the majority of our citizens are passionate in their beliefs thatRead MoreRenewable Energy1335 Words  | 6 Pagesenergy balance. Introduction Canada government subsidizes a number of socially beneficial services, including health care, education and energy services. Subsidies to the energy sector mainly are for oil and gas production, however, they are not all socially beneficial[figure 1]. In fact, they have negative impact for the environment and hinder developments of environmentally friendly alternative energy options. Indeed, Canada’s implementation of the Kyoto Protocol is seriously threatenedRead MorePestle Analysis for Singapore Supermarket1011 Words  | 5 PagesIssue | Impact on Business | Political | * To facilitate the take-off of e-commerce in Singapore, the Government has been putting in place a supportive legal and policy framework. For example, the Electronic Transaction Act, passed in Jul 98, provides a favourable legal environment for safe and secure e-transactions. * The government provides direct subsidies and fiscal incentives to support companies embarking on e-commerce initiatives. One example of a direct subsidy program introducedRead MoreEssay on The Pros and Cons of Globalization900 Words  | 4 PagesGlobalization can be defined as the system of interaction among the countries of the world in order to develop the global economy. It also refers to the integration of economics and societies all over the world ( Globalization can be both advantageous and detrimental to developing countries. Some of its advantages are increased external finance, improved technology and political conformism. Disadvantages of globalization includeRead MoreRenewable Energy : The Beneficial Option For The Future !1227 Words  | 5 PagesRenewable energy; the beneficial option for the future! The threat of global warming is influencing people to become â€Å"greener,†turning to renewable energy options which are often referred to as alternative energy. Renewable energy refers to energy that does not come from burning of fossil fuels or pollutant infused methods to provide energy. It is the harnessing of natural resources that are constantly renewable such as sunlight for solar panels and wind for wind turbines, just to name two (LambRead MoreChina Is A Developing Country968 Words  | 4 Pagesand Security Review Commission heard testimony from several experts from the private sphere and academia on â€Å"China’s Industrial Policy and Its Impact on U.S. Companies, Workers and the American Economy.†Some experts who testified said unless the U.S. somehow reverses the decline in domestic manufacturing, and stops the eroding of our industrial base, our economic recovery from the recession will not be robust. â€Å"The result is that U.S. companies are contributing to the development of China and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Econ - 634 Words
Question Results Question 1: In our macro Circular Flow, the Businesses are choosing to borrow _____________ billion dollars. Your Answer(s): * 5000 Correct Answer(s) (in green): * 5000 * 3500 * 1000 * 500 Question 2: In the Private Sector, there are many choices to be made by Business managers regarding which â€Å"projects†to borrow for and which â€Å"projects†to invest in. These choices often contain a great deal of ______________________ as well as the potential for benefits (profits). Your Answer(s): * Risk (the possibility of costs being more than originally perceived) Correct Answer(s) (in green): * Risk (the possibility of costs being more than originally perceived) * Uncertainty (the†¦show more content†¦* inclusion * exclusion * questions * none of the above Question 10: _____________ taxation is present when marginal (additional) tax rates increase with additional income. * Progressive * Flat * Regressive * none of the above Question 11: The median income of _____________ of nations in the world is less than $10,000 per year. Your Answer(s): * a few Correct Answer(s) (in green): * a few * half * none * a majority Question 12: In our macro Circular Flow, the Households are choosing to save _________ billion dollars. Your Answer(s): * 500 Correct Answer(s) (in green): * 5000 * 3500 * 1000 * 500 Question 13: By taking more income through personal income taxes and providing more welfare funds (transfer payments), _________ can be re-allocated. * labor * land * capital * all the above Question 14: A ____________ externality exists when third parties are benefited by a transaction that they did not directly undertake. * negative * positive * moderate * extreme Question 15: The basic principles of effective taxation would choose to avoid over-reliance on any one tax that can create ________ on the inflows. * up and down cycles * only down cycles * only up cycles * all the above Question 16: A monopoly is aShow MoreRelatedEcon984 Words  | 4 PagesMaximum four per group, all students must be registered in the same section of the same course. Names must be in alphabetical order on the cover page. †¢ Graded work will be available for pick-up beginning on the afternoon of Friday March 14 in the Econ Distribution Center, Dunning Hall Room 334. You will require your student card. †¢ This assignment covers material from Chapters 20-24 of the text. True, False, or Uncertain [48 marks - 6 marks each] Explain why each of the followingRead MoreEcon1249 Words  | 5 PagesECON 410.502 Macroeconomic Theory Spring 2010 Instructor: Guangyi Ma Extra Problems #1 Suggested Answers and Comments Notice: (1) This set of extra problems contains 25 multiple-choice problems and 6 analytic (short-answer) problems. These problems are not homework and will not be graded. The aim of these problems is to provide you with additional exercises. (2) I will give solutions of the assignment and the â€Å"extra-problem†set after the due date. Page 1 Problem 1~25: MultipleRead MoreEcon Ans975 Words  | 4 PagesECON2103 – Problem Set (1) Multiple Choice Questions: 1. Understanding opportunity cost You work as an assistant coach on the university basketball team and earn $12 per hour. One day, you decide to skip the hour-long practice and go to the local carnival instead, which has an admission fee of $7. The opportunity cost of skipping practice and going to the carnival, valued in dollars is _________. 1) 2) 3) 4) $20 $12 $19 $7 2. Determining opportunity cost Winona is deciding whether to buy a suitRead MoreEcon2406 Words  | 10 Pagesï » ¿Homework Assignments Problems Applications Chapter 1 Homework 4. You win $100 in a basketball pool. You have a choice between spending the money now or putting it away for a year in a bank account that pays 5% interest. What is the opportunity cost of spending the $100 now? 5. The company that you manage has invested $5 million in developing a new product, but the product is not quite finished. At a recent meeting, your salespeople report that the introduction of competing productsRead MoreEcon5686 Words  | 23 Pagesï » ¿[Q#2020] If buyers’ value for bicycles increase, the demand for bicycles will ______.a. Increase [Q#2053] A supply shortage in the market for lettuce will _______ the equlibrium price of lettuce. a. Increase [Q#2057] At any moment the equilibrium price in the market for tablet computers will be determined by ________ . c. Buyers and the sellers of tablet computers [Q#2059] The equilibrium price is also known as c. the market-clearing price. [Q#4021] Along a demand curve with a constant slopeRead MoreEcon4429 Words  | 18 PagesECON 11026 Assignment Item 1 . S0183732 Part A Q1ai) Article can be found in the following website :;vId= The article ‘ Strong jobs figures put rate cut in doubt’ described that there is an increase in employment in the last one month which might help in putting hold to rate cut by Reserve Bank of Australia. There are positive signs in Australian job market with increase in 44000 employed peopleRead MoreEcon754 Words  | 4 PagesAssume that a cargo ship carrying the merchandise of a cloth merchant has been wrecked. Such a setback will be accounted as the merchant’s: Part I: Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. (1 Point each) 1. Which of the following is a positive statement? a. Heavy snowfall drives up the demand for heaters. b. Fiscal expenditures should be increased to combat recession. c. Government should encourage foreign direct investments to generate employmentRead MoreEcon1039 Words  | 5 PagesPreface In our data analysis we do some univariate analysis before proceeding to models. In survival analysis it is highly recommended to look at the Kaplan-Meier curves for all the categorical predictors. This will provide insight into the shape of the survival function for each group and give an idea of whether or not the groups are proportional. We also consider the tests of equality across strata to explore whether or not to include the predictor in the final model. For the categorical variablesRead MoreEcon1239 Words  | 5 PagesQuestions based on â€Å"Too Big to Fail†movie Watch the movie and answer the following questions briefly. Upload your answers on Moodle using the Link â€Å"Submit Assignment on Too Big to Fail here†1. When Lehman brothers was in trouble, Henry Paulson called the other banks’ CEOs on a meeting to find a solution to Lehman Brothers’s problem? Why did Henry Paulson think that a private sector solution, instead of government bailout, was needed? 2. (Up to about 43:00 of the movie) Why did the LehmanRead MoreEcons1089 Words  | 5 PagesINTRODUCTION TO MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS Dr. Gong Jie National University of Singapore Why Do We Study Economics ï ¶ People have to â€Å"Choose†♠¦ Resources are scarce. â™ ¦ There is No Such Thing as Free Lunch! ï ¶ Economics: the science of Rational Choice â™ ¦ Rationality: the basic assumption â™ ¦ Rational Choice: Economic agents use all the information available to make decisions that most efficiently satisfy their needs and achieve stated objectives. â™ ¦ How do people make rational choice? This is the subject of
Leadership Style For A New Supervisor - 1458 Words
Becoming a new supervisor can be an exciting, but daunting experience. Determining what leadership style you embrace can set the tone for your career. Consequently, the leadership style that is selected will determine the willingness of subordinates to work for you or against you. A new supervisor will be confronted with issues and problems they were not aware of as a front line officer. The responsibilities of a new supervisor will increase substantially and they will be held accountable for their subordinates’ actions. One of the biggest challenges for any new supervisor is to gain respect and trust from the subordinates that are being supervised while ensuring the policies and procedures of the department are being followed. In order to understand what leadership style will work best for a new supervisor it is important to define the different leadership styles that will be discussed in this paper. Although there are many different styles of leadership that have been studied and practiced, some of the basic leadership styles are autocratic, consultative, democratic, participative and laissez-faire. For a new supervisor it is important to determine what leadership style fits their individual personality and the organization, but also allows the job to get completed through their subordinates. The autocratic leadership style â€Å"is the most frequently mentioned in connection with the past (Hess, Orthmann, Ladue, 2015, p. 68).†An autocratic leader does notShow MoreRelatedLeadership Style For A New Supervisor1422 Words  | 6 Pagesunderstand the best leadership style for a new supervisor. The leadership style that is selected will determine the willingness of subordinates to work for you or against you. A new supervisor will be confronted with issues and problems they were not aware of when they were a front line officer. The responsibilities of a new supervisor will increase substantially and they will be held accountable for their subordinates’ actions. One of the biggest challenges for any new supervisor is to gain respectRead MoreMy Personal Leadership Challenge Analysis1227 Words  | 5 PagesThe new ways of thinking that will help me to readdress my personal leadership challenge involves better understanding the concepts of values-based le adership, situational leadership, and style, skills, and trait approaches to leadership. Values-based leadership revolves around how the values that people have, influence the decisions they make and the actions they take. Northouse mentions that â€Å"because leaders usually have more power and control than followers, they also have more responsibilityRead MoreSupervision, Managing For Results1247 Words  | 5 Pagesanswered throughout this paper in a written report format. To be an effective leader, supervisors need to carefully analyze every job situation they face, especially if it involves the jobs of many employees. In case 21 in the Supervision Managing For Results (2013), the reader is presented with several scenarios to approach the situation of the transferees, but only one is to be selected to solve the issue. Supervisors are presented with various issues that require them to make the best decision to solveRead MoreTransformative Leadership954 Words  | 4 PagesTransformative Leadership in a Nonprofit Organization Yulanda Harris EDD8100 – Foundations of Educational Leadership and Management 1 April 21, 2013 Capella University Abstract A transformative leader is a leader who can bring about influential change in others. These leaders not only transform essential change, they change the way we think and act. Transformative leaders create practices and processes in organizations proactively. In addition, transformative leaders can be foundRead MoreEvaluation Of The Field Supervisor s Role896 Words  | 4 Pagessupervision in social work as â€Å"the process of overseeing, directing, coordinating, enhancing, and evaluating the on-the-job performance of workers for whom the supervisor is responsible.†The field supervisor’s role is to guide and assist the student as they learn to implement the theory and skills learned through their academic studies. The supervisor and student form a working partnership whereas each utilize this placement to enhance their levels of expertise. The placement provides a hands on approachRead MoreCharacteristics Of A Transformational Leadership963 Words  | 4 PagesCharacteristics of Good Leadership Leadership comes in many facets. It is important to pick the right leadership depending on the situation. In this paper the key leadership that will be discussed is transformational leadership. Transformational leadership is a leadership style that has been adopted by a lot of individuals in the 21st Century. It is also a leadership style that leaders in the military have utilized to effectively train new Soldiers. Throughout this paper I will speak about theRead MoreWeak, Ineffective Leadership Essay1000 Words  | 4 PagesA leader sets the tone for those they supervise. Having a weak or ineffective leadership style turns what could be a productive organization into one that lacks direction, is chaotic, and fails to live up to its potential. Incompetent central leadership can also cause a power struggle amongst the other remaining team members. Groups seek leadership; when leaders fail to use their powers others will maneuver to use the power left in the void. This can lead to a power-struggle and backstabbing (MorganRead MoreWhat Are Charismatic Leadership?1118 Words  | 5 Pages1. â€Å"All supervisors should be leaders, but not all leaders should be supervisors,†Do you agree or disagree? Support your position. I agree with this statement because leadership in an organization is essential to its survival. On the other hand, supervisors also play a critical role in large establishments, but leaders and supervisors are not essentially one and the same. Both leaders and supervisors have some mutual aspects, but they also can be different significantly in some different waysRead MoreEffective Supervisors and Managers1433 Words  | 6 Pages    Effective supervisors are necessary in all settings where employees need guidance and supervision to complete tasks, serve clients, and meet deadlines. Good supervisors are searched for from multiple environments, including corporations, private and public organizations, and educational institutions. A skilled supervisor is an effective communicator, problem solver, and employee motivator. A supervisor must be capable of drawing out the potential within an employee and enhance their strengthsRead MoreThe Consolidated Life Case Study1171 Words  | 5 Pagestwo divergent management styles. A loose and people-oriented management style, applied by the supervisor Mike Wilson which proved to be efficient with the current situation of Consolidated Life company, versus a strict and task-oriented management style exercised by the senior vice president Jack Greely, a style assumed by the management to be the reference model that reflects the company’s culture and to be followed by all managers. Clash of cultures and management styles When Mike first got hired
Genetics and Mental Illnesses Essay Example For Students
Genetics and Mental Illnesses Essay Discoveries in genetics have helped change the way society looks at mental illnesses such as manic depression and schizophrenia. A generation ago, the leading theory about schizophrenia was that this devastating emotional and mental disorder was caused by cold and distant mothering, itself the result of the mothers unconscious wish that her child had never been born. A nation-wide lobbying effort was launched to combat such unfounded mother blaming, and 20 years later that artifact of the Freudian era is entirely discredited. Its widely accepted today that psychotic disorders are brain disorders, probably with genetic roots (Herbert 72). Just like every other topic in the genetics debates there are a few sides to the debate on the causes of mental disorders. One side feels mental illnesses are caused purely by genetic inheritance and another feels they are caused by environmental factors. A different side feels that it is a combination of the two. The problem is that most people take a side that supports either genetics or environment when most cases are not only genetic, but also environment. Take this situation for example. I have a thirteen year old friend who has been depressed a lot for the past few months, maybe even a year. Her mother recently decided to get her screened for depression. Well, they decided that she has a chemical imbalance in her brain that causes her to be depressed. In other words, shes depressed because genetically shes abnormal and that abnormality keeps her brain from making a certain chemical she needs to keep from being depressed. The thing is thats not the only reason shes depressed. Shes not very happy at home. Her parents wont let her do anything, which includes seeing her friends outside of school most of the time. They made her work all summer in her stepfathers shop and almost didnt let her quit when school started. Shes only allowed one phone call a day and it is limited to five to ten minutes. Now, as far as I am concerned, that is reason to be depressed. With circumstances like this, maybe her depression isnt all just the chemical imbalance caused by her genes, and maybe it has something to do with her environment. This situation illustrates the idea that mental illnesses are not only genetic, but are also environmentally caused. As Leonard Darwin says in The Need for Eugenic Reform, In studying cases of insanity both factors must always be taken into account, and the only logical course to adopt is to entirely discard all such phrases as due to heredity and due to environment. This does not mean that genetics does not sometimes cause the depression. For example, David Rosenthal summarized dozens of studies reporting that schizophrenia, a mental illness, clusters in families; that is, relatives of a schizophrenic are considerably more likely to become schizophrenic than are people without schizophrenic relatives (Stark 134). David G. Myers says at one point, Some people more than others seem genetically predisposed to particular fears and high anxiety. Identical twins often develop similar phobias, in some cases even when raised separately (Myers 464). Many studies have been done on the subject of twins who develop the same mental illnesses. In one study it was found that one pair of 35-year old identical female twins independently developed claustrophobia (Myers 464). Years of studies of families, adopted children, and twins separated at birth, suggest that both schizophrenia and manic-depressive illness run in families (Herbert 77). These problems become more prominent in instances where the afflicted person is an identical twin (Myers 464). This means that the closer you are genetically, the more likely you are to be schizophrenic also. The risk of having the gene is 10-15% if you have an affected sibling, but only 2-3% if your parent is the afflicted relative (Wilson). It has been proven that the 1-in-100 odds of any persons being diagnosed with schizophrenia become 1 in 10 among those with an afflicted sibling or parent, and close to 1 in 2 among those who have an afflicted twin (Myers 478). This is true whether the twins are reared together or apart (Myers 478). .ube5ed641f143698812fa5be138087d72 , .ube5ed641f143698812fa5be138087d72 .postImageUrl , .ube5ed641f143698812fa5be138087d72 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ube5ed641f143698812fa5be138087d72 , .ube5ed641f143698812fa5be138087d72:hover , .ube5ed641f143698812fa5be138087d72:visited , .ube5ed641f143698812fa5be138087d72:active { border:0!important; } .ube5ed641f143698812fa5be138087d72 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ube5ed641f143698812fa5be138087d72 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ube5ed641f143698812fa5be138087d72:active , .ube5ed641f143698812fa5be138087d72:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ube5ed641f143698812fa5be138087d72 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ube5ed641f143698812fa5be138087d72 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ube5ed641f143698812fa5be138087d72 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ube5ed641f143698812fa5be138087d72 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ube5ed641f143698812fa5be138087d72:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ube5ed641f143698812fa5be138087d72 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ube5ed641f143698812fa5be138087d72 .ube5ed641f143698812fa5be138087d72-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ube5ed641f143698812fa5be138087d72:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Elephantiasis I Did My Report On Filariasis, Which Is More Commonly Kn Essay Thus it is obvious that .
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Personal Identity and Afterlife Essay Example For Students
Personal Identity and Afterlife Essay Personal Identity and the Afterlife Identity defines the fundamental nature of everything, whether that thing is an objective physical entity or a subjective idea that has to be mentally constructed. To understand the nature of these abstract ideas, we must first understand the concept of identity. When speaking of identity, one of the first types most people think of is the identity of the self. This self could be the attributes that a person attaches to himself. Gender identity is a simple attribute one may place upon the self. These certain attributes are so important that a person may find it impossible to imagine himself without. In the study of philosophy, there are two key notions that divide the definition of the self. First, philosophers may define the personal identity as a physical form. That is, the person is described by the material characteristics, such as age, height, nationality, gender, etc. The second notion is rather abstract and is described by the mental properties of a person that cannot be physically grasped. These properties can be defined in a general term as the soul. People use this word regularly and fail to understand the problem such an abstract idea may cause. This analysis will examine the two different notions of the personal identity problem. An eternal question posed to philosophy is that of life after death. Is there life after death or do we simply cease to exist following our demise? If personal identity is defined by either of these, will that make someone existing now the same person that will be existing in the future? Would it be possible for a person to survive bodily death? John Perry, author of A Dialogue of Personal Identity and Immortality, illustrates the case of a dying philosophy teacher, Gretchen Weirob. Two friends, Sam Miller and Dave Cohen visit Gretchen on three consecutive nights. She initiates a conversation on the prospect of life after death. Although she is very skeptical about an afterlife, she claims hope provides comfort and hope does not always require probability. But we must believe that what we hope for is at least possible (Perry, 2). Miller contends that if the physical body were the sole determinant of the personal identity, death would be the absolute end. However, he believes that the identity is more than that. But surely you are more than that, fundamentally more than that. What is fundamentally you is not your body, but your soul or self or mind (Perry, 6). The soul or mind is described as the immaterial aspect of the self. At this point, the dialogue eludes that the soul rather than the physical body define the identity. If the body defined the identity of a person, then it is clear that death would cease your existence. When a person decomposes, his remains are no longer in one form. They are scattered into the surrounding nature. Thus, death causes the loss of the physical identity. If I were to describe myself as a 510, 155 lbs., black haired, brown eyed man, would I still be existing after my death. Of course not! I would not be recognizable because those things that made me unique are now gone. Since they are no longer together on the same body, wouldnt that mean I cease to exist? Furthermore, if the physical body defined personal identity, then someone existing now cannot be the same person that will exist later. What would happen if I lost my legs or gained 100 pounds? I definitely wouldnt be the same person I described earlier. Even I dont use the height or weight issue, arent the molecular components of my body changing hour after hour, minute by minute, second by second? How can I ever be the same person? I conclude that if the material body defined a person, than someone existing now can never be the same in the future. .u66f0748f78b64d32dcd993b5e437251f , .u66f0748f78b64d32dcd993b5e437251f .postImageUrl , .u66f0748f78b64d32dcd993b5e437251f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u66f0748f78b64d32dcd993b5e437251f , .u66f0748f78b64d32dcd993b5e437251f:hover , .u66f0748f78b64d32dcd993b5e437251f:visited , .u66f0748f78b64d32dcd993b5e437251f:active { border:0!important; } .u66f0748f78b64d32dcd993b5e437251f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u66f0748f78b64d32dcd993b5e437251f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u66f0748f78b64d32dcd993b5e437251f:active , .u66f0748f78b64d32dcd993b5e437251f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u66f0748f78b64d32dcd993b5e437251f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u66f0748f78b64d32dcd993b5e437251f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u66f0748f78b64d32dcd993b5e437251f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u66f0748f78b64d32dcd993b5e437251f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u66f0748f78b64d32dcd993b5e437251f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u66f0748f78b64d32dcd993b5e437251f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u66f0748f78b64d32dcd993b5e437251f .u66f0748f78b64d32dcd993b5e437251f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u66f0748f78b64d32dcd993b5e437251f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Fahrenheit 451 Brave New World Essay Perry uses the example of the Blue River to convey the same idea. So you expect, each time you see the Blue, to see the water, which makes it up, in similar states- not always exactly the same, for sometimes its a little dirtier, but by and large .
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