
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Considerations of Communication Style Essay

Communication style has a very big impact on the dynamics of face-to-face encounters, that is, whether a conversation proceeds smoothly or by fits and starts, whether both continually interrupt each other or are both able to talk simultaneously without interrupting and whether their style of listening match. Differences in ethnic background coupled with those of communication style probably increase chances that implicit unverbalized matters will be overlooked or misinterpreted. To be able to understand deeper and more sophisticated effects of style differences can take years. In exploring such differences of â€Å"the other†, one cannot help but come to understand the cultural factors that have shaped one’s own style. In the communication between Japanese and Non-Japanese there are intercultural communication blocks that have to be considered, which are, problems on direct and indirectness, individuality and groups view, decision making, and discussion. Components of Communication Style  According to some experts there are various things included in the components of communication style, such as: topics of discussions, favorite interaction forms -ritual, repartee, argument, and self disclosure- and involvement depth, as well as the channel people rely upon (Dean Barlund) ; behaviors –gesticulation, eye contact, speech and kinetic rhythm, and listening behavior- (Erickson) ; interruptions, pauses, laughter, inductive and deductive statements, and types of question ( E. S Johnson). However, in this discussion, there are three variables suggested as a core to explore communication style: (1) orientation to interaction, (2) code preference, and (3) interaction format. These are not to be understood as stereotype descriptions of all members of any cultural group but rather as stylistic preferences of the cultural group as a whole. Communication style orientations are anchored in cultural standards but allow for individual movement depending upon the situation and cultural constraints.

Mobile Technology in Learning Essay

Researchers are in a dilemma about whether mobile learning should be introduced in higher learning institutions as a form of educating students. Criticism of M-learning includes lack of proper knowledge in using mobile devices, lack of evidence that M-learning works and skepticism about M-learning. However various new articles about M-learning address these criticism and strongly support the use of M-learning in higher learning institutions they include, Mobile learning as an evolution of E-learning, Clarification of mobile learning, Clarification of mobile learning and Mobile learning in higher education as a new educational tool. A new form of learning should be adopted by teachers for use with their students. Defining Mobile Education Educational technology has generated new tools and approaches to learning in the classroom. One new concept that is relatively new in education is mobile learning. Mobile learning can be described as any learning that occurs when facilitated through a mobile device (Harrington et al., 2009). Examples of portable devices include mobile phones, i-Touch or i-Pads, mp3 players, tablets, or portable computers. There are different characteristics of mobile devices that should be stated in order to learn more about mobile learning. Mobile devices have become universal and pervasive in our society that it has made an impact on obtaining knowledge. For instance, mobile devices have begun the trend of learning by finding information at a specific time instead of obtaining information for long-term memory (Traxler, 2007). An example would be a fifth-grade student wanting to know who the second President of the United States was. The fifth-grade student can use an i-Touch to find the answer by searching the internet. While the fifth-grade student may forget that John Adams was the second President of the United States, he can use the tool as a way to obtain the answer at any given time. Another characteristic of the mobile device is that it can alter the nature of work (Traxler, 2007). Instead of showing to an orientation for jury duty, people can now watch the orientation on any mobile device as long as it has internet. This saves the time of having to participate in an earlier orientation and makes the work easier for the person. Lastly, mobile devices can create new forms of knowledge as well as new ways of accessing it (Traxler, 2007). For example, instead of having to purchase a textbook for a college class, the student can download the eBook and use his eReader to read his book and study at any location. Clarification of mobile learning The research paper by El-Hussein, M. O. M. And Cronje, J. C. Seeks to clarify the meaning of mobile learning. The authors approach was to critically examine a selection of documents that relate to mobile learning. The authors argue that to comprehensively understand and define mobile learning their outset should be formed and its key components separated and arranged under three different concepts: A conceptualization of mobile learning, the first step of research involved exploring the wider context of mobile learning. Mobile learning in higher education, the second step involved identifying the technology, learner (who are nomadic and able to interpret learning materials) and learning material as well as mobile technology such as portable devices. The third concept involves examining the mobility and dynamism of the learning process and the flow of information. The authors’ definition of mobile learning is any type of learning that takes place in learning environments and spaces that take into account the mobility of learners, learning and technology. Research should be done to examine the implications of these devices for the design of teaching and learning. Mobile learning as an evolution of E-learning. The research paper by Grane et al claims that mobile learning can be termed as an evolution of E-learning. Research has been done on both M-learning and E-learning looking at how they have evolved and a comparison and contrast on the two has been drawn. Learning has always had a mobile character in it, and hence the authors seek to establish a difference between what is termed as mobile learning today and what was regarded as mobile learning traditionally. The aim of the research is to identify context and interaction as being essential to understand how mobile learning can be integrated to conventional education. The research involved introducing E-learning through mobile devices; this was achieved by giving an iPad to 97 students. The students were to use these mobile devices as part of a traditional E-learning environment. To learn how the devices were used three approaches were used: Pre/Post-test questionnaire, before the course and after the course an online survey was used to collect data. A discussion forum, an interactive and dynamic forum was used as part of the study. The interview, an in-depth interview was carried out to obtain precise information of the student’s experiences using the mobile devices. The results indicate that most students rely heavily on E-learning. Mobile devices were characterized as a useful tool for searching for information, their main advantage being location is of no importance. Evaluating Mobile Education Following the widespread reception of mobile technologies in learning, it is paramount to evaluate mobile education to see if it does benefit teachers as well as students when it comes to learning. However, it is difficult to create a perfect evaluation because it depends on how we define a good evaluation. Some guidelines that Traxler (2007), recommend are an efficient, ethical, and authentic. He believes the evaluation should access what learners really experience from using mobile devices. In addition, the evaluation should be economical in terms of cost and time. These guidelines can help execute more evaluations and studies on mobile devices in the future. While there are limited studies on this topic, we will discuss what is known about mobile education in elementary school and higher education. If teachers are now surrounded with mobile devices and technology, why do some teachers not utilize these materials or opportunities? While some teachers refuse to acknowledge technolog y or refuse to change their teaching styles, other teachers have begun to discuss the use of technology. The problem is that teachers usually concentrate on teaching about the technologies to students instead of having the students use the technologies to learn with (Salomon, 1991). Therefore, the student never really learns how to utilize the technology first-hand. It can be related to teaching a child how to ride a bicycle. You can lecture a child about everything there is to know about a bicycle and how to ride it. However, the child will never learn how to ride a bicycle unless the child is given the opportunity to actually test the skills by riding a real bicycle. If not, the child certainly does not know how to ride a bicycle. One good way of understanding if a student can use mobile device is by analyzing a study of how the student is taught. The project was to implement mp3 players as cognitive tools to create a digital book of pictures and sounds for children (Herrington, et al., 2009). Students were asked to write a story intended for young children and use the technology on iPods to recreate a digital version of that story. Students were placed into groups where they learned about the iPod and used learned practical usages that would help when creating a digital story. Then each group was given an iPod along with other resources like a computer to begin the process of creating the digital story. The researchers interviewed the teacher to gain insight on certain questions. The teacher believed the students responded positively to using iPods for the project. Overall, they enjoyed and had positive experiences using the iPod for creating the digital story. Even though teachers know iPods are too sophisticated for younger children, they gave several examples of how they would utilize an iPod to teach young children. Some examples included singing songs, listening to a narrative of a story, and recording children while they read. Overall, students learned a lot from this experience. Not only did they learn how to use an iPod but also utilized other software such as PowerPoint, Photoshop, and iMovie. Mobile learning in higher education as a new educational tool The authors Mcconatha D, Praul M, and Lynch M illustrate that mobile learning or M-learning as it has come to be known is a new tool in the academic store to assist students and teachers in the learning world. The authors assess the challenges, possible methods and potential of using M-learning in a college classroom. The article further discusses an empirical evaluation on the effectiveness of M-learning in a college classroom. From the research carried out those students who used M-learning tool demonstrated higher levels of knowledge on the subject covered as compared to students who did not use the tool. This results support the notion that use of mobile learning makes a positive and significant difference in the outcome performance of students. The main obstacle of M-learning is that it heavily relies on students owning the necessary hardware. Studies show evidence of different ways in which teachers utilize mobile devices for learning. At Osaka Jogakuin College, a college in Japan, first year students were given iPod for English class so students can download podcasts of English news broadcasts (McCarty, 2005). These English language news broadcasts were portable for students and were used to complete homework assignments. It seemed beneficial for Japanese students since they can learn the English language and how English is spoken on a news broadcast. The use of mobile technologies to support learning in large campus university classes The research paper by Oliver, R. seeks to show the advantages of using mobile and wireless technologies in large classes. The authors approach is; technology facilitated learning: technology is an affordable way of providing meaningful learning for learners and it provides appropriate learning support. The focus is on mobile learning and how it distinguishes itself from the conventional forms of E-learning. There being a growing number of devices that can be used for mobile learning, the authors aim is to show how these devices can provide opportunities to enhance learning. This research paper provides descriptions of applications of mobile technology that can be used to provide opportunities and reduce the limitations within large classes. Research should be done to examine how cultural changes can affect the integration of mobile technology in learning and the cultural issues that need to be addressed. Examples of Types of Learning that Involve Devices Mobile devices can be employed into E-learning through numerous ways. While different teachers have different styles and conceptions of teaching, they can also have diverse ways of utilizing mobile devices. Mobile devices can be used in education to support the transmission and delivery of strong multimedia material (Traxler, 2007). A teacher can post a video for the students to watch on their own time for homework on their mobile device. Other teachers may use mobile devices as a way of discussion via text or possibly real-time dialogue. Web 2.0 has also been used to improve learning. For example, students may text their reaction and opinion to an online article that the teacher chose for discussion. The type of learning a teacher uses can also have an impact on how the teacher uses the mobile device in the classroom. Personalized learning is defined as learning that acknowledges diversity, difference and individuality (Traxler, 2007). These different learning styles and approaches implement social, cultural, and diverse aspects into learning. A teacher may implement a language program like Roseta Stone for teaching Spanish in the classroom. By installing the program to the mobile device, each student has access to the activities and lessons related to learning Spanish. Situated learning is another type of learning that can utilize mobile devices. Another learning style, authentic learning, involves learning real-life problems and everyday scenarios that occur today (Traxler, 2007). A good example would be using authentic learning in a nursing class. Students would be participating in an activity that would simulate a role-playing scenario. With technology, some mobile devices may already have role-playing applications where nursing students can practice giving a shot or taking blood out of a patient. Something as sophisticated as this would be a great learning tool for nursing students. In conclusion, technology affects our lives in more than one way. Technological advancement is known to bring in changes that maybe positive or negative, but many are the times that technology has resulted in positive change. As illustrated in this paper the adoption of M-learning is set to bring in positive change in the delivery of education. Either from the various researches that have been carried out, those who adopt M learning have performed better or had an easy time teaching or learning. The negativity surrounding mobile learning has been brought about by the lack of appropriate knowledge concerning the benefits of mobile learning. Education on the benefits of mobile learning is highly recommended as majority of those opposed to mobile learning lack proper information and are still tied down to their traditional knowledge of mobile learning. Mobile learning in institutions of higher learning is highly recommended as it is a cheaper way of providing education for large classes and the students tend to understand more easily where M-learning is employed. References El-Hussein, M. O. M. & Cronje, J. C. (2010). Defining mobile learning in the higher education landscape. Educational technology and society, 13(3), 12-21. Grane, M., Olmedo, K., Crescenzi, L., & Suarez, R. (2010). Using mobile devices in E- learning programs. Herrington, J., Herrington, A., Mantei, A., Olney, I.W., & Ferry, B. (2009). New technologies, new pedagogies: Mobile learning in higher education. Faculty of Education, University of Wollongong. McCarty, S. (2005) Spoken Internet to Go: Popularization through Podcasting. Jalt Call Journal, 1(2): 67-74. Mcconatha, D., Praul, M., & Lynch, M. (2008). Mobile learning in higher education: an empirical assessment of a new educational tool. The Turkish online journal of educational technology, 7(3). Salomon, G. (1991). Partners in cognition: Extending human intelligence with intelligent technologies. Educational Researcher, 20(3), 2-9. Traxler, J. (2007). Current state of mobile learning. International Review on Research in Open and Distance Learning, 8(2). Oliver, R. (2007).Using mobile technologies to support learning in large campus university classes. In ICT: providing choices for learners and learning: Proceedings of ASCILITE Singapore. 788-798. Retrieved December 1, 2012 from Research Online

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

What Is The Blue Ocean Strategy Commerce Essay

Blue ocean scheme makes companies to come out of ocean of bloody competition by making market infinite which is uncontested and that makes the completion irrelevant. Since, spliting up bing demand and benchmarking the rivals, Blue Ocean scheme is sing grow demand and interrupt off from the competition. The concern existence can be thought as a composing of two sorts of oceans the first is the ruddy ocean and 2nd one is the bluish ocean. Red ocean includes all the industries which exist today and it is about the known market infinite. But on the other side Blue Ocean can be considered as industries which are non in bing today and it is called unknown market infinite. The industries boundaries are defined and good accepted in the ruddy oceans. In the ruddy oceans the regulations of competitory games are good defined. The companies try to take away the greater portion of the bing demand. Because there is a cut pharynx competition that makes the ruddy ocean bloody and merchandises become trade goods.Blue oceans and Red oceansBlue Ocean can be considered as a fact of the demand creative activity, untapped market infinite and greater chances of extremely profitable growing. Some industries can be created good beyond of the bing industries. But most of the blue oceans are created from the within the ruddy oceans by spread outing the industry boundaries which are bing. Since, regulations of the game are to be set so competition becomes irrelevant in the bluish oceans. Red oceans will ever be taken as a affair of concern life. When supply exceeds the demand in more industries so the competition for undertaking demand will non ensue in to prolong high public presentation. Companies will hold to travel beyond the competition. They will hold to make bluish oceans to do more net income and growing chances. The most focal point of scheme work has been on the competition based ruddy ocean schemes in the recent times. But it provided the reasonably good understanding about accomplishment of how to vie in competitory environment from analysing the economic construction of the bing industry. It besides helped in doing a pick between strategic places of distinction or low cost or focal point, to benchmark the competition.Scheme followed over the clip periodThis term bluish oceans may be new but their being is non new at all. These are an of import characteristic of concern life, past and present. If we look back 100 old ages and inquire ourselves, How many o f today ‘s industries were non bing so? Probably the reply can be seen as many industries every bit basic as petrochemicals, music recording, cars, air power, direction consulting and wellness attention, were unheard of or had merely started to germinate at that clip. If we look back merely 30 old ages so once more we see, a multibillion-dollar industries came out like cell phones, common financess, biotechnology, gas-fired electricity workss, express bundle bringing, minivans discount retail, , snowboards, place pictures, java bars and many more. If we take and seek to see merely three decennaries ago, non one of those industries was bing in a important manner. Now we see frontward twenty old ages or possibly 50 old ages and inquire ourselves how many now unknown industries will probably be so. If we go by seeing the history as a tool to foretell the hereafter, so once more the reply is many of them.Some facets considered to follow this schemeThis is the world that industries ne'er become changeless. Industries continuously maintain evolving. The some operations related to industries better, markets get expanded, and participants enter and issue as the clip passes. This is the fact that history gives us lessons that we have a great underestimated capableness and capacity to make new industries and re-create the bing 1s. The services sector which were under the old system, for illustration, now have been expanded into seven concern sectors runing from information to wellness attention and societal aid. As given that these syst ems are designed for standardisation and continuity, such a replacing shows how of import the enlargement of bluish oceans has been. As we have noticed that the overruling focal point of strategic thought has been on competition based ruddy ocean schemes.Making bluish ocean impactIt can be quantified the impact of making bluish oceans on a house ‘s growing in footings of both grosss and net incomes based on the studied information. It has been found that 86 % of the new launches were extensions in the line that can be said as incremental betterments within the ruddy ocean of known market infinite and those accounted for mere 62 % of entire grosss and mere 39 % of entire net incomes. The remainder 14 % of the launches were targeted at making bluish oceans and they created 38 % of entire grosss and 61 % of entire net incomes.Forces behind the bluish ocean schemeThe several drive forces are working behind a lifting tendency to make bluish oceans. The promotions in engineering hav e significantly has improved productiveness of industry and made providers to bring forth the maximal possible array of merchandises and services. This resulted in increase in the Numberss of industries and supply exceeded demand. This followed tendency toward globalisation accelerated the state of affairs. The trade barriers between states and parts are going lenient and as the information regarding merchandises and monetary values become immediately, easy and globally available, the niche markets and opportunities for monopoly continuously keep disappearance. Although supply is keep on lifting as planetary competition increasing, and it is non supplying clear grounds that of an increase in demand worldwide, and statistics or informations even indicating towards to worsening populations in many developed markets. This has been resulted in increased commoditization of merchandises and services, intensified monetary value wars, and catching net income borders.Blue ocean assist in mak ing trade nameFor the major services and merchandises classs, trade names are usually going slightly similar, and since they are looking more similar people normally select those merchandises based on monetary value. The clients no longer state and steadfastly inquire, as they insisted in the yesteryear, that their laundry detergent be Tide. Because of the overcrowded industries, distinguishing trade names are looking harder in both economic downswings and upturns. This shows that the concern environing environment in which assorted scheme and direction patterns of the twentieth century evolved that clip is now vanishing. Since, ruddy oceans are going systematically bloody, direction will hold to be more concerned with bluish oceans. Scheme helps in dividing victors from also-rans The thing that makes the victors separate from also-rans in making bluish oceans was their scheme. Furthermore, the companies running in the ruddy oceans went by a attack which is conventional and traveling to crush the competition by constructing a safer status and place within the industry existed. Those steadfast or Godheads of bluish oceans, surprisingly, did non take the competition as their benchmark. But they implemented a alone and different strategic logic that can be considered as value invention.Value invention of import for this schemeThis Value invention can be taken as one of the of import concerns in bluish ocean scheme. It is called value invention since in topographic point of concentrating on header with the competition, the houses try to do the competition irrelevant by making and accomplishing value for purchasers ( clients ) and the company, so looking up new market infinite which is uncontested. This value invention focuses equal importance on value and inventio n. The values without invention attempt to concentrate on value creative activity on the incremental graduated table, something which improves value but is non adequate to do you prolong in the market place. Invention without value will be technology-driven, market pioneering, or futuristic, most of the times hiting beyond what purchasers or clients are ready to accept and pay for. It is indispensable to hold better apprehension that shows differentiation between value invention as opposed to innovation in engineering and market pioneering. It makes clear that what separates victors from the also-rans in making bluish oceans is neither shed blooding border engineering nor market entry clocking. It has been seen that sometimes it exists but most of the clip it does non. The value invention takes topographic point merely when the companies bring invention with cost places, public-service corporation and monetary value. The value invention is a new and different manner of believing about and put to deathing the scheme that consequences into the creative activity of a bluish ocean and a come off from the competition. It is by and large believed that houses or companies can either make intensified value to clients at a relatively higher cost or can make sensible value at a lower cost. Here it can be said that scheme is seen as choosing a pick between distinction and low cost. But those that want to make bluish oceans follow distinction and low cost at the same time.Other schemes related to blue ocean schemeThe creative activity of bluish oceans is about conveying costs down while at the same time taking value up for purchasers. This shows that how a spring in value for both the company and its purchasers is achieved. Since, purchaser value is created from the public-service corporation and monetary value that the companies offer to purchasers and because the value to the company is created from moneta ry value and its cost construction, value invention can be achieved merely when the whole system of the house or company ‘s monetary value, public-service corporation and cost activities is decently and efficaciously matched. This represents the whole-system attack that makes the creative activity of bluish oceans a sustainable and effectual scheme. Blue ocean scheme includes the scope of a company ‘s functional and operational undertakings or activities. On the other side inventions such as production inventions can be acquire at the subsystem degree without impacting the house ‘s overall scheme. The value invention is non lone invention but it is more than invention. It describes scheme that integrates the full or whole system of a house ‘s activities and undertakings.DecisionBlue ocean scheme describes that it is all about to retrace boundaries of market to interrupt away from the competition and create bluish oceans. This highlights the hunt hazard that m any companies struggle with. The primary challenge is to successfully and efficaciously place, out of the hayrick of possibilities that exist, commercially obliging bluish ocean chances.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Ethical Marketing Reflective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ethical Marketing issues by Trump on Aberdeen Wind Farm - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that the Aberdeen Wind farm has resulted in ethical and legal battles between the Scottish government and entrepreneur, Donald Trump who believes the construction of the wind farm will result in an ugly sore adjacent to his greatest golf course. According to Trump, building his $ 1 billion golf course in Aberdeenshire was because he was informed that the wind farm project would not continue. However, â€Å"former and current first ministers, Jack McConnel and Alex Salmond† denied that they agreed to have the project stopped owing to the plans for the building of the golf resort by Trump. The current minister says Trump wanted the current government to be held accountable for the promises of the previous government, which he believes is not possible and resulted in a court battle filed by Trump’s legal team. In a bid to halt  the development of the wind farm, Trump appeared before the Scottish Parliament’s committee on e conomy, energy, and tourism and he said the wind farm was the most serious problem facing Scotland. From the research, the aim of the wind farm includes the creation of 28,000 jobs, generation of 100 MW of electricity that would supply power to half of Aberdeen city, and act as a pilot project for the aims of turning the country into Europe’s green energy. The Scottish government approved the development of the wind farm resulting in Trump taking to the courts to challenge the project to which he subsequently lost despite the use of misleading campaigns and threats about the fall of the Scottish economy. He also made use of his celebrity status through different media channels and campaigns to influence the court decision, but he was not successful.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Impact of Lobbying on Standard Setting in Accounting Essay

The Impact of Lobbying on Standard Setting in Accounting - Essay Example The essay "The Impact of Lobbying on Standard Setting in Accounting" discusses and critically evaluates the impact of lobbying on standard setting in accounting. Also, in the evaluation of the impact of lobbying on standard setting in accounting, various examples have been used to support the inferences that have been made. According to Frattini, lobbying on standard setting in accounting ensures that there are assurance and legitimacy among standard setters. The process of standard setting should be characterized by the provision of financial information, which will be acceptable and useful to all parties. Therefore, if a standard setter, especially a government body formulates measurement rules that are designated to support government policies, the integrity and credibility of the standard setter would be threatened, regardless of the fiscal merits of the measurement rules. As lobbyists pressure standard setters over the credibility of standards, the standard setters will seek to formulate accounting standards in an innovative manner. Since the parties that are affected by various accounting standards are diversified and there are no adequate conditions for guaranteeing the legitimacy and credibility of a standard, lobbying on standard setting in accounting becomes necessary. This is because ensuring procedural safeguards and inclusiveness in standard setting may be difficult. Standard setters they develop the best, possible accounting standards to secure acceptance of the standards by stakeholders. The conflict that may exist between the standard setters and stakeholders may be used strategically to influence legitimacy and credibility among accounting standard setters (McKay, 2006, p, 2). Therefore, lobbying on standard setting in accounting ensures that assurance and legitimacy among standard setters is enhanced. Lobbying and Revelation of Informatio n about Future Standards Implementation Lobbying on standard setting in accounting allows all the stakeholders to participate in the process of setting standards, and measures the interest about an issue. For instance, when some stakeholders oppose a particular accounting standard, they raise their concerns by advising the government and other interested parties to influence the amendment or removal of the standard (Godfrey & Chalmers, 2007 and Holgate, 2006). This means that more information about the controversial standard has to be provided by the relevant standard setter. Therefore, lobbying on standard setting in accounting reveals information pertaining to the potential implementation problems and costs of future standards (Frattini, 2007, p, 7). Companies and other stakeholders who will be affected by the accounting standa

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Metric Machine Parts and Supplies Corporation Research Paper

Metric Machine Parts and Supplies Corporation - Research Paper Example The workforce of only 25000 with the limited networking facility could not manage the large customer base. Therefore, the company has decided to outsource (share) the network management facility. The core issue can be summarized as: The Metric Machine Parts and Supplier Corp. is facing issues in network management facility, required for managing heavy network base for the customers. 2. Discussion of the Problem within the Context of the Problem. The company’s heavy network base has now been managed by internal and external networking facilities. Following are some technical problems the company faces: 2.1 Crashed Network As a result of heavy network, the connectivity problems arose, due to which the network periodically crashes. 2.2 Poor Customer Service The crashed network results in an inability to provide up-to-the-mark services to the customers. 2.3 E-mail Interruptions Another major impact of the whole networking problem linked with the poor customer service is the e-mail blockage and interruption. 2.4 High Cost Cost of managing two network bases, i.e. internal and external, and eradication of networking errors has become too high. 2.5 Poor Service by the Telecom Network Management Company The outsourced telecom network management company has proved to be the major business problem for MMPS. The reason is the poor service rendered by the network management company. The company often disagrees that there is even a problem and does not properly address MMPS networking errors. 3. Recommendations in Applications of the technology, Processes and Policies Internal management of overwhelmed network management facility requires highly technical and experienced telecom engineers to manage the network functions of the company (Mayer, Jiang, Xi, McCarron, & Chang, 2010). As mentioned above, the major problem faced by MMPS is the handling of heavy network problems. The most congenial solution to the problem is to develop a system that can easily incorporate the internally managed heavy networking issues. In order to internally manage the networking problem, MMPS should incorporate the Cross Domain Network Management System. 3.1 Application of the Technology The Cross Domain Networking System is one of the most widely used and recommended telecom network management systems (Lu, 2009), that can help companies like MMPS to individually manage the whole networking system without any interruption. 3.2 Process Of Cross Domain NMS: The Cross Domain Networking System functions is a way that allows the operation system of telecom network engineering to gather information and systematically integrate it into the system in a consistent manner so that the large number of different customers can be entertained at the same time without interruption (Etheridge, Chen, Tanaka & Watanabe, 1998). 3.3 Policies Of Cross Domain NMS: The Cross Domain Networking System follows the policies of providing fully secured services for the customer, so the confidential information of the customers can be preserved. 4. Impacts or Risks of the Applied Solutions. The applied solution of the Cross Domain Networking System has some shortcomings or limitations that relate with implementing the solely controlled network managem

Friday, July 26, 2019

Santa Monica Mountain Watershed Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Santa Monica Mountain Watershed - Research Paper Example The paper tells that the Santa Monica Mountains in the United State are parallel to the Mountain Santa Susana which is mainly situated straightly to the north side of the mountains crossways the San Fernando Valley. Many tourists come here every year for viewing and feel the beauty of the fresh air at the mountains, valleys, rivers, and forest in the Mountains. The mountain range is situated on the banks of Pacific Ocean. So it can provide a fantastic beach for the tourist in the evening. The UC natural set aside Scheme that plays an enabling position in the main research project that is of worldwide importance. By offering sheltered, landscape-scale locales, in addition, to support services devoted to research there sites to catch the attention of experts in a large variety of fields ranging from engineering, environmental science and marine environmental science to computer science, forestry sciences and geology. The Santa Monica Mountain Watersheds features and channel morphology are the main purposes of geologic and atmosphere controls. In the San Monica Mountain, the geology was discovered to be one of the significant aspects of developing the presence of summer low flow habitation which is possibly one of the main limiting aspects in California streams. Some of the places aquifers are present and also the water in the ground area is forced to the surface area due to the presence of sheer mistakes, springs and seeps are more general. The appearances of rocks by way of low hydraulic conductivity and a non-existence of faulting presence to show the way little or no base flow. On a regional level the eastern area of the Santa Monica Mountain likely provides a superior prospective for summer season low flow on the reason of the favorable geology. â€Å"Escondido and Little Sycamore also had potential in terms of providing low flow habitat with approximately 49 and 40 percent of the channel being wet during the dry months, respectively. Further comparison and ranking of the quality of fish habitat among basins will be elucidated through analysis of the existing field data† (Harrison et al. 13). Target audience of the Santa Monica Mountain Watersheds are, the K-12, University student, teacher, general public and Non-Formal Educator. More than 90,000 peoples are lives in the regions of the Los Angles state call this watershed house as do innumerable animals and plant species. Protection of watershed is the one of the extremely significant aspects not only the quality of life of the residents of the country but also to guarantee the long-term healthiness of the ecosystem. On the other hand enhanced urbanization has resulted in the quality of water and quantity matters in addition to the loss of grave habitat. Various association and organizations is gather various data’s and information in the watershed, a number of them are going back healthy more than 20 years. Information relating to the quality of water is of particular significance due to its consequence on plant, person, and animal and on the whole system health. â€Å"The Las Virgenes Municipal Water District, H eal the Bay, the Resource Conservation District, the City of Calabasas and many other agencies has

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Key Aspects of Marketing and Sales Professionals Essay

The Key Aspects of Marketing and Sales Professionals - Essay Example Clients on the other hand look for quality products and services that meet their needs. This paper aims at discussing some of the key aspects of marketing and sales professionals. During the marketing process, salesperson sometimes pushes products. It is worth to note that consumers are not always aware of the importance of some services and products. In such cases, consumers offer resistance as the salesperson takes an effort to sell to them. This implies that a salesperson must push for the sales of a product using five major steps. The first step is to promote a product. As a result of the promotion, an opportunity to sell the product emerges. The second step is making a representation. This involves providing a customer with details of the product including the terms of payment and price. Thirdly, the salesperson makes a proposal to the customer in order for him to purchase the product. After addressing the objections that arise, the salesperson makes a sale. Before pushing a product, one should first identify the problem being faced by the consumers and then provide a commodity that fixes their problems. During pushing of products the type of a product ma kes a difference. For example, a salesperson who wants to sell a life assurance policy to a customer may need to push for the product by emulating the 5 stages. This is based on the fact that customer may offer a stronger resistance. However, in case of a product such bottled water a salesperson may not necessarily push using all the 5 stages. One of the major expectations of the sales professional is to increase the number of clients resulting in higher commission or salary. As one enters the field of sales, he or she may have less number of customers since the customers are not aware of his products or services regardless of their quality. Through effective promotion, more customers become aware of the products or services in the market.  Ã‚  

Human resources ( Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Human resources ( - Essay Example Further, performance management also entails the individual performance of the employees and accountability for individual performance enhances overall excellence in company management (Pulakos 113). One of the greatest challenges for managers is handling relationships with employees and talking about their performance. Since performance management expects excellent performance from employees, it might be difficult for managers to challenge employees whom they have a close relationship with. Sometimes it’s hard to tell off a friend for her performance due to fear of rejection or conflict. When a manager fails to undertake responsibilities of performance management by avoiding the conversation on some members, a question of proper performance management arises (Armstrong 77). There are several factors that lead to failure in performance management in the organization as a result of mistakes made by managers. To begin with some managers overlook the essence of conversation with employees for their poor performance and rather concentrate on the process of improving performance in the organization. The second mistake made by managers includes failure to outline a clear link between the strategy and the execution of the task. Thirdly, managers fail to put a distinction between good performance and poor performance such that no consequences are applied for poor performance. Finally, managers may leave the responsibilities of performance management to HR department thus employees feel uninspired and lose focus on objectives (Sydor 45). The biggest concern involved in performance management involves the skills and competency of handling performance. Many people fail on managing performance because they don’t possess the required skills or they don’t understand what performance management requires. For instance when a person is assigned the role of performance management and has

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Advanced HealthCare Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Advanced HealthCare Management - Assignment Example s that make employees perform their responsibilities, managers should then design appropriate motivational strategies to assist these employees towards accomplishing identified goals. Likewise, it was emphasized that since employees could manifest and assume needs and drives that could change over the course of time, the more that managers should be aware that any previously designed motivational program might need updating or revisions. For instance, in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, it was specified that â€Å"people want to satisfy various needs that can be arranged in a hierarchy of importance† (Burns, Bradley, & Weiner, 2012, p. 98). And, according to Martires, â€Å"a need ceases to be potent when it is met and man strives to satisfy the next rung of needs† (Martires, 2004, p. 38). This simply means that if workers needs that need to be satisfied as initially assessed by the manager to be predominantly physiological needs (or receiving a base salary), when this has been satisfied, the manager should re-design the motivational program of the organization to earmark satisfying the next level needs – which is security needs (Burns, Br adley, & Weiner, 2012). In addition, it was also disclosed that â€Å"managers should periodically assess motivation and performance, taking into account the occupational, career-stage and professional factors† (Burns, Bradley, & Weiner, 2012, p. 96), which were considered as important types of individual and situational differences. To enable the manager to make a comprehensive and accurate assessment, it is therefore part of their role to conduct the following activities: â€Å"informal interviews with employees and coworkers in which open-ended questions are asked about individuals’ needs, motives, perceptions, and values† (Burns, Bradley, & Weiner, 2012, p. 96). This could be challenging since some organizations have employees who come and go; meaning, the hiring and firing (or retirement of people) contribute to the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Roles of a Registered Nurse in the Emergency Room Research Paper

Roles of a Registered Nurse in the Emergency Room - Research Paper Example This research paper focuses on describing the profession and everyday duties of registered nurses, also known as (RN), that are the majority of the employees in the industry of health. They are often responsible for assigning tasks to other nurses, nursing assistants and licensed practitioners. The phrase registered is used for a reason, the researcher explaines, and this is because they are specialized and have more knowledge on a certain area in the hospital environment. Normally, there is a registered nurse for each section of the healthcare like oncology, neonatal and in the emergency room. This research paper discusses their duties and roles while in the emergency room. In conclusion, the researcher states that most registered nurses work as staff nurses, who are members of a medical team that provide critical health care. Nevertheless, some of the registered nurses opt to advance to practice nurses, who work together with other physicians or independently. They may also focus o n the stipulation of primary care services. They provide direct care for patients, and expert consultation services in the various specialties of nursing like psychiatric, mental health. Those who specialized in anesthetists, offer anesthesia and correlated care either before or after surgical or obstetrical and diagnostic procedures. They also offer emergency and pain management services like airway management. Nonetheless, there is an assortment of other areas that nurse could choose to specialize and get registered.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Evolutionary Psychology Essay Example for Free

Evolutionary Psychology Essay Just as in the past a brilliant scientist and researcher William Harvey was able to find the fact that it is the heart that is responsible for pumping blood through the human body, psychologists of today have been able to find out and to prove the fact that ‘cognition’ has a particular and specific structure. These psychologists are known as ‘evolutionary psychologists’, and it is this team of experts that have floated the theory that cognitive structure, like physiological structure, has followed, through the centuries, the all important process of natural selection. This was how it has been able to survive and engage in reproduction through the years. What exactly is evolutionary psychology? It is a science that focuses on discovering the evolved process of the nervous systems of human beings, bringing into focus the fact that the human brain is a completely organized structure, just like tissues in any living organism are fully organized. In other words, it is the opinion of evolutionary psychologists that the human brain is composed of several functional parts, made to facilitate the survival and the reproduction of that particular organism. Therefore, this can be taken to mean that the human brain is not an organ with one single function, but rather as an organism made up of a large number of fully functioning parts. In general, evolutionary psychologists refer to the functional components of organisms as ‘adaptations’, and this is the term applied to the functions of the human brain as well. (Hagen, Edward 2004) It is evident therefore that evolutionary psychology refers to a particular approach to psychology, which uses the accepted principles of evolutionary biology to research the design and the workings of the human mind. It can be described as an approach, or a way of thinking, which can be applied to any subject within it. (Cosmides, Leda, Tooby, John 1997) What are the primary activities of evolutionary psychologists? Charles Darwin had this to say, in the year 1859, â€Å"In the distant future, I see open fields for far more important researches. Psychology will be based on a new foundation, that of the necessary acquirement of each mental power and capacity by gradation. † Darwin had foreseen the advances that would be made in the field of psychology in the future, and the science of evolutionary psychology was one of his predictions that came true. As mentioned earlier, evolutionary perspectives on human psychology are a part of the larger theory of general selection, and this field has led to greater scientific advancements in areas like sociobiology and ethnobotany, among others. Evolutionary psychologists have to find answers to questions such as how, why and when did human consciousness evolve, are there any differences between the psychology of men and women, and if so, what are they? Are there any differences between the psychologies of various races and ethnicities? Are there are adaptive explanations for human behaviors such as aggressiveness, self destructiveness and so on? Is it true that human consciousness is evolving today, as it has been steadily over the past hundreds and thousands of years? Is it true that human intelligence is inherited, and is it at all in any way influenced by one’s environment? Can the theories of evolutionary psychology accurately describe and explain the reasons behind the common phobias among human beings? One must remember however that several sociologists, anthropologists and psychologists are completely wary of using and understanding the new evolutionary perspective on human brains and behaviors, perhaps because in their opinion, evolutionary psychologists tended to adapt theories from the animal world and apply them to humans, and also, tended to generalize the principles of evolution in a much too dramatic fashion. (Evolutionary Psychology 2003) these are the basic of evolutionary psychology theory: Darwin’s ‘descent with modification’ theory, Hamilton’s ‘inclusive fitness’ theory, Maynard Smith’s ‘game theory’, and Trivers’ ‘optimization’ theory. Take for example the theory of ‘inclusive fitness’. This is also referred to as ‘kin selection’, and therefore forms an important element of evolutionary psychology. Kin selection explains away the fact of altruism and philanthropy, by stating that all genes are invariably ‘selfish’, and that an individual is in reality nothing but a gene’s ‘survival machine’. Nevertheless, since a gene would automatically be passed on to the next generation, if the person who is carrying that gene survives in order to reproduce, or even if any of the several other relatives of the surviving individual survive and reproduce, thereby passing on the gene to the next generation. According to Maynard Smith, this may be the reason why a lapwing will fake being injured in order to lure a predatory hawk away from its offspring, thereby acting in an altruistic manner towards its young. This type of altruism may also benefit non-relatives, because it is an acknowledged fact that the members of the same species will help take care of the youngsters of the species, even if they are not related in any way. The reason why this happens may be because of the fact that the evolved mechanism may not be sufficiently complex to make fine discriminations of this kind. This may be why some people like to take care of pets, while some do not. The people who do have pets are in fact allowing their caretaking mechanism to be exploited. Evolutionary psychology has also been applied into another important are: aggression of the human being. It is an accepted fact that sexual rivalry often leads to blatant aggression, and most violent deaths are caused by man killing another man, or man killing a woman in the name of sexual tension and rivalry. In such a case, violence may be taken to refer to be just one strategy in the plethora of male coercive tools, coercion being the direct result of sexual proprietorship and possessiveness. Men who allow themselves to be cuckolded would then be considered losers of the zero-sum evolutionary game that human beings play in their desire to make sure that their genes get into the next generation. Men use violence as a tool to stop and prevent their mates from sexually engaging with other men, because although maternity is always a given, paternity may not be proven. It is this same principle that works in the case of step-children and their adoptive fathers. These fathers have no interest in their step children, because they are not carrying their genes onto the next generation, and supporting another man’s child may mean that this man is working in opposition to his evolutionary interests. History can prove to man that in general, step fathers indulge in greater violence and aggression towards their step children than towards their biological children, the primary reason being that of ensuring that his genes are carried forward, and not another man’s. (Evolutionary Psychology 1998) According to evolutionary psychologists, there is a lack of fit between the current environment and the adaptation of the brain. In their opinion, if the brain is an adaptation, then there could be no doubt that at some time back in time, there existed some sort of selection for brain mechanisms, which in effect transformed information about environment and its conditions, into human behaviors that could adapt and change in accordance with the requirements of the situation and environment. Selection, however took place because of the manner in which they responded to the environment at the time in which they were selected. Therefore, this theory can be taken to imply that because environmental conditions are different today, the information that is input to the brain is different as well, and as a direct consequence, the brain may respond by generating behavior that may not be adaptive to the new conditions in which it finds itself. Failure to adapt may occur in two ways: either the brain could continue to produce the same older behavior under the newer conditions given, or the brain could produce new behavior that responded to the new information coming in, and the behavior could fail to be of the adaptive sort. This is in fact a rather common behavioral pattern, and when conditions change, the response becomes different from what the designers intended, like for example, as demonstrated by sophisticated computer programs, designed to perform a variety of complicated tasks, are also programmed to produce adaptive outputs as a direct response to certain key commands. At the same time, a new input could confuse the computer and prompt it into giving a completely nonsensical and non-adaptive output in response. In human beings, as evolutionary psychologists theorize, there is in place an evolved behavioral predisposition to make sure that reproductive success is always at its highest level, but this conflates the theory that the human brain was designed through a process of selection, as mentioned earlier. (Buller J David n. d)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Themes In Spring Summer Fall Winter And Spring Philosophy Essay

Themes In Spring Summer Fall Winter And Spring Philosophy Essay Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring directed by Kim Ki-Duk is a beautiful film about a young Buddhist monk who progresses through the four seasons of life, from childhood to old age. Buddhism is a system of doctrine and practice largely based on the teachings of Gautama Siddhartha commonly known as the Buddha enlightened or awakened. The four central teachings of the Buddha are known as the Four Noble Truths. According to the Buddha, the real nature of the life and universe is nothing other than suffering, the cause of suffering, the cessation of suffering and the way leading to the cessation of suffering. The Four Noble Truths are the fundamental teachings that all Buddhists learn. In the film, three important principles of Buddhism: Samsara, Attachment and Impermanence are elucidated. Samsara is the eternal life cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. Attachments are simple beliefs or delusions that becomes solidified as truth in our mind. Finally, Impermanence is the concept that everything changes and nothing stays the same. The film portrays the suffering of the world and the cause of our suffering is the self. This paper will analyze how the core principles of Buddhism; Samsara, Attachment, and Impermanence, provide an intricate balance between goodness, flaws and the nature of humans in the external world. Samsara is one of Buddhisms fundamental principles that represents the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. There are several examples of this in the film. The changing seasons from spring, summer, fall, winter, and finally spring again represents the metaphor for how Buddhists view the life cycle of a person. Furthermore each season is represented by a different animal: A Dog in the spring, Rooster in the summer, Cat in the fall, and finally a snake in the winter. The snake is the Old Monk who committed suicide to liberate himself from worldly attachments and is reincarnated in a different form. Buddhists believe that Samsara is driven by karma, which is a basic Buddhist theory that stands for action, work or deed. Your actions in life will determine where and how you will be reincarnated. When the boy was young, he tortures a defenseless frog, a snake and a fish, and when he is older he himself suffers from loss of his loved one and internal conflict. In the real world, the act ions of a person, whether good or bad, reflect the quality of his/her life. The cycle of Samsara is broken when one reaches Nirvana. Nirvana means the extinction of clinging; the elimination of the atma-graha (holding to the concept of the self) and dharma-graha (holding to the concept that things are real); and the eradication of the obstacle of defilement and the obstacle of knowledge. (Yun 1987, 50) One is freed from desire and therefore suffering. It illustrates the quiet state of mind that exists when the fire of attachment and desire are annihilated. The Buddhas teaching about attachment begins with the Four Noble Truths. The Truth of Suffering, the Truth of the Arising of Suffering, The Truth of the Cessation of Suffering and The Path leading to the Cessation of Suffering. Absent from the monastery, the young monk returns and is consumed with rage and jealously that forces him to commit murder. In the film the Master states Lust awakens the desire to possess. And that awakens the intent to murder. This is exactly what the young boy did when his worldly delusions led to possessives. The reason for suffering, desire, and lust is because the mind becomes attached to impermanent things and that blinds or alters reality. Everything, and thingness itself, is inseparable from suffering in some form, and that the false, ingrained illusion of I-ness is the cause of the greater part of it. (Humphreys 1969, 50) According to the Buddha, an individuals ego and self is an illusion, meaning there is no such thing as the self, only a set of rea ctions. There isnt a single soul that flows through our perception that isnt changing. When the young boy fell in love with the girl, it awakens his yearnings and lust for sex; his actions established an attachment that ended with murder. We can state that he was unaware of the consequences and did not realize that he was running from one thing to next in pursuit of something that did not exist. As desire increases, our thinking tends to become impractical. We lose the sense of well-grounded reason that is so important to the spiritual path. When the young boy returns to the monastery he tries to kill himself for the wrong deeds that he committed by putting pieces of paper that says shut. But in time the Old monk stops him and punishes him by making him carve the Buddhist sutras into the hermitages deck which brings piece to ones heart. After completing the sutras, the boy is taken into custody and the Old Monk prepares a pyre funeral for himself. Here the killing of oneself is symb olized differently for each monk. The young boy uses the shutting force for inner maturity verses the old monk does it for liberation. In this scene, the concept of attachment plays after the boy completes the sutras and realizes that life is suffering and that everything that we get attached to is impermanent. Impermanence also known as Anicca is central to Buddhas teachings that all things arise must change and decline, and they are but false appearances without any stable essence. (Yun 2001, 27) In the film the animals and the water around the temple change every season, illustrating the growth and the progression of time. The concept of change and impermanence is important in and of itself. Although the things in the world may seem substantial, when analyzed in detail they are essentially evanescent, an illusion which cannot be grasped. All that we can hold on to is a false appearance that is fundamentally devoid of all absolute qualities. The relationship between the young monk and the girl who visited the monastery to treat her soul is an example of impermanence. The young monk flourishes from having no desire to the worldly delusions such of lust, passion and suffering. The concept of impermanence plays when the girl leaves him for another man demonstrating that the world is subject to constant change. As the Master stated sometimes we have to let go of the things we like, what you like others will like as well. The boundaries of the mind are similar to the Buddhist monastery doors as well as the doors on the no walls inside the temple. We can always be conscious of our thoughts and follow the right path or we can choose to follow our desires without regards for any rules. The boy does the latter, follows his heart when the girl invites him to sleep with her. Buddhists believe that the concept of impermanence goes hand in hand with the concept of emptiness. Emptiness means that nothing has a permanent self-nature or essence. (Yun 2001, 28) In other words, nothing in the world has any permanence, definite or absolute fundamental nature. For example, when we face the inherent emptiness of our problems, we are better equipped to see through them and not react with passionate or violent emotions. This story of young boys progression to manhood was not without its obstacles but of resolution as well. He progresses from innocence to love, pain, redemption, and finally Nirvana, the ultimate goal of every Buddhist. Samsara represents the interconnectedness of actions in ones life towards people and nature and their faith after death. Everything that we desire and avoid in life is a form of attachment. It means that without particular person or thing, we cannot live or the obsession to get rid of something or someone that is in our lives. Finally the principles of Impermanence can simple mean reality. Everything that we do and feel is in constant change. A person may feel empty at one moment and overtime that feeling goes away and is replaced with different set of emotions. The teachings of Buddha although may be old but are still very relevant in todays world in which people are tempted on daily basis to pleasures of forbidden and incidences that questions ones morals. They teach love, self-control, obedience, and bring people together in a community setting with other followers. A person goes through many ups and downs in life but in every case finds a way to liberate his soul through mediation, prayer, and relationships.

Safeguards and Policies to Protect Children from Harm

Safeguards and Policies to Protect Children from Harm Protecting children from harm When children are attending school, their parents and carers expect them to be learning and enjoying their day in a safe and secure environment. The Health and Safety at work Act 1974 has been put into place to ensure the environment the children work in is safe and well maintained and safe for children to move around in. The environment in which the children and adults are working within should be safe and clean, and any equipment and resources that are being used by the children should be safe and in good working condition to ensure they are protected from any harm. Children should be able to learn in a safe environment and being able to learn and thrive to their full potential without the risks of illness or injury. Safeguarding is not just about protecting children from harm it also includes issues such the following. Children’s health and safety Bullying Racist abuse Harassment and discrimination Use of physical intervention Meeting the needs of children with medical conditions Providing first aid Drug and substance misuse Internet safety Safeguarding children is the responsibility of all school staff members and governors. They should do the following to protect children from harm. Provide an environment where children feel secure, are encouraged to talk and are listened to Ensure children know that there are adults in school who they can approach with any concerns Provide information that enables children to develop the skills they need to recognise how to stay safe and free from harm Children should be able to feel safe and secure in the school setting. Staff should receive the sufficient training relating to safeguarding children and should identify signs of abuse in order to protect the child from any harm. Children who are protected enjoy and thrive at what they like to do best and this motivates them and gives them a self belief of all the things they enjoy. Children who are not protected in the school setting lack self esteem issues and this would also have a negative impact on their development. Safe guards have been put into place to ensure the following. Protects children and young people from harm and abuse Enables staff to know what to do if they are worried Shows that the group is responsible and has pride in its work Prevents children from under developing Builds children self esteem and self belief Builds confidence in the child Gives the opportunity for the child to enjoy childhood and have no worries that they should not have Gives them a good start to life Prevents them from being under bad influence that could cause long term effects References/bibliography www.gov.uk www.safeguardingchildren (3.4) Policies and Procedures In a school environment there are a range of policies and procedures in place to protect the children and the adults who are working at the school. Policies and procedures are important in schools because they help to ensure that staff and children know what is expected of them, they would receive fair treatment and enjoy the safest conditions possible. Safety in schools is better assured when clear policies and procedures exist. Everyone works better when there are rules that are understood clearly. Policies and procedures set out the rules that must be followed and if not followed there would be consequences. Children behave and perform better when they know the guidelines and when teachers are consistent with enforcing the rules. Some of the procedures set in a school are. Safeguarding and welfare of children policy Safeguarding and school security procedures Statutory school policies School health and safety procedures School improvement policies School support and healthy lifestyle policies General school policies Special educational needs policies School premises policies Educational policies are rules that are used in schools to effectively and efficiently teach children and keep them safe. Policies and procedures enable schools to make good decisions that optimise well being. Schools do this by the following. Involving children in school decision making about governance and policy Involving children and parents in the regular review of school policies and procedures and the determination of computer use, class and playground rules Encouraging children to take active steps in tackling bullying, prejudice and other behaviours that have a negative impact on wellbeing Aligning policy and curriculum References/bibliography www.safenetwork.org.uk (3.5) Reporting poor practice When working with children it is very important that any concerns regarding poor practice are reported. Also to ensure those who’s behaviour is causing concern is reported to protect those who have reported the concern are protected. Reporting concerns about poor practice is very serious and needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. Within the school setting there will be procedures put into place for reporting concerns. When discussing poor practice with the manager poor practice should be accurately identified and if possible, include dates, times and situations when the issue occurred. It is essential to provide as much information as possible. Whistleblowers are protected by law as long as certain criteria are met. The types of whistle blowing eligible for protection (called qualifying disclosures), they include when someone reports the following. That someone’s health and safety is in danger Damage to the environment A criminal offence That the company is not obeying the law That someone is covering up wrongdoing Whistleblowers are protected by law as long as they believe that what they are doing is right and that it is in the public interest. The human resource department will usually play a large role in ensuring that the correct procedures are followed. The human resources department will provide information on the employee’s rights, including their right to representation. If a young person or adult has concerns, it is important that they are able to report them to someone at the school. It is therefore important that the school know how to respond, and who will do this. Once a concern has been reported, it is important that appropriate action be taken. It will not be the school’s responsibility to decide if action needs to be taken, unless a child is at immediate risk of harm. It is however the schools responsibility to respect the concerns appropriately in accordance with the policies, procedures and systems that have been put into place. When someone is reporting their concerns the following should be used to help the situation. Stay calm Reassure the person reporting their concerns that they have done the right thing in telling you Keep an open mind Listen carefully to what is said and take them seriously Explain that the information would have to be shared with others and do not promise to keep secrets. Child abuse can and does occur inside and outside the family environment. It is not always easy for teachers to identify where abuse has occurred. However, all teachers working with children have a duty of care to be vigilant and respond appropriately to suspicions of poor practice, abuse or bullying. Whistle blowing is the process of disclosing wrong doing. Within the school setting this may mean exposing a member of staff to poor practice or behaviour. This could be a member of staff bullying a pupil or a colleague. The way a worker can blow the whistle on wrong doing depends on whether they feel they can tell their employer. A worker cannot be dismissed because of whistle blowing. If they are, they can claim unfair dismissal they will be protected by law as long as certain criteria are met. The following people are protected. Employees A agency worker People that are training with an employer Self employed workers Work in a school A worker will be eligible for protection if They honestly think what they’re reporting is true They think they are telling the right person They believe that their disclosure is in the public interest Reference/bibliography www.whistleblowing.uk www.gov.uk (3.6) Protecting yourself during everyday practice In the school setting there are various policies and procedures in place which support assistants must adhere to in order to protect themselves. The safeguarding if children are usually covered within the induction programme and this will inform teaching assistants of the roles and responsibilities with regard to children and how teaching assistants can be protected against unwanted allegations. Policies within the school setting should be followed to protect you from harm. This includes health and safety policies for example, not standing on the tables to pin a poster on the wall. If an incident is witnessed by another member of staff, they should be asked to document what they have witnessed, sign and date it as evidence When a school trip has been arranged, the teacher and support assistant will usually carry out a risk assessment to ensure that the venue is safe for the class to visit. They will usually need to do the following. Ensure the risk assessments are completed and when appropriate individual safety plans and safe working practices Support the governing body in any decision on approval Assign competent staff to lead and help with trips Verify that all accompanying adults have been CRB checked Make sure that all consent and medical forms are obtained Keep records of visits and provide after visit evaluation to aid future visits All relevant risk assessments must be carried out by the teacher before any proposed visit or activity takes place. Key issues from the risk assessment or safe working procedures completed for the trip must be communicated to all adults before the visit commences. Risk assessments must also be completed for the transport. When hiring a coach or minibus drivers of the transport must have received training within the last four years. The risk assessments are completed to ensure the safety of the teachers and children and are covered if anything does go wrong (insurance). References/bibliography www.gov.uk

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

The Apostolic Fathers are a group of Early Christian Authors who wrote between the end of the New Testament times and c. 150. J.B. Cotelier created the term â€Å"Apostolic Fathers† in 1672 as he designated five writers as ‘Patres aevi apostolici’, which translates to ‘Fathers of the apostolic age’. These authors didn’t come together on their own to create a group themselves, but were put together because of their writings by scholars. As a group, their writings teach us about early Christian struggles in the early second century when Christianity was still growing. These writings include The Didache, 1 Clement & 2 Clement, The Apology of Quadratus and The Epistle to Diognetus, The Shephard of Hermas, The Epistle of Barnabas, The Epistles of Ignatius of Antioch, the Epistle to the Philippians, and The Martyrdom of Polycarp. The Didache’s date and place of origin are uncertain. Researchers have narrowed it down to areas in western Syria, especially Antioch. They estimated the date to be around the first to second century. The Didache can be divided into four different parts. The first part is the Two Ways: The Way of Life and The Way of Death. The second part is describing rituals of baptisms, Christian prayers, and the Eucharist. The third part is rules on receiving wandering apostles and prophets. The fourth and final part is about electing officials such as bishops and deacons. The next is the 1 Clement and 2 Clement. 1 Clement was a letter from the Church of Rome to the Church of Corinth. Iranaeus dates 1 Clement to have been written around 95-97 AD. Although he doesn’t claim that Clement is the author, some historians name him as the author. 1 Clement was sent because the Church of Corinth had replaced its elders in office with... ... the story of his death in twenty-two chapters as a letter from the church in Smyrna to the congregation of Philomelium. â€Å"The execution of Polycarp is particularly significant in early Christian literature because of the framework that it provided for later depictions of the deaths of faithful followers of Christ† (Jefford 2005, 19). The person who witnessed Polycarp’s martyrdom was Everestus. This letter suggests that Polycarp and Jesus lead similar lives. They both prayed for the safety of their followers, hosted a final meal, and betrayed by someone close to them. The Apostolic Fathers were a group of authors that wrote about what was happening with Christianity at the time of their lives. Some authors are known, and some are still unknown to this day. All of these texts help us to learn about what early Christians went through in different parts of the world.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Core Elements of Health Education and Risk Reduction Activities Essay

Core Elements of Health Education and Risk Reduction Activities A number of core elements should be considered in health education and risk reduction program and evaluation activities. Effective Health Education and Risk Reduction program activities: †¢ State realistic, specific, measurable, and attainable program goals and objectives. †¢ Identify methods and activities to achieve specific goals and objectives. †¢ Define staff roles, duties, and responsibilities. †¢ Define the populations to be served by geographic locale, risk behavior(s), gender, sexual orientation, and race/ethnicity. †¢ Assure that educational materials and messages are relevant, culturally competent, and language- and age-appropriate. †¢ Include professional development for all program staff. †¢ Include a written policy and personnel procedures that address stress and burnout. †¢ Include written procedures for the referral and tracking of clients to appropriate services outside of the agency. †¢ Provide for collaboration with other local service providers to assure access to services for clients. †¢ Assure confidentiality of persons served. Effective Health Education and Risk Reduction evaluation activities: †¢ Include process evaluation. †¢ Require consistent and accurate data collection procedures, including number of persons served, quantity and type of literature or materials distributed, and demographics of persons served. A description of the tools to be used and definitions of various measurements (e.g., "unit of service" and "contact") should be outlined. †¢ Include staff supervision, observation, evaluation, and feedback on a regular basis. †¢ Include feedback from persons served. †¢ Designate staff who are responsible for evaluation and quality assurance activities, for compiling and analyzing data, and for documenting and reviewing findings. †¢ Define methods for assessing progress toward stated proc... ...apters to read Aug. 21 - Course outline 26 - The Meaning of Health and Wellness 1 28 - The Meaning of Health and Wellness 1 Sept. 2 – Health Promotion 2 4 - Health Promotion 2 9 - Health Education 3 11 - No class 16 - History of Health Education and Health Promotion 4 18 - History of Health Education and Health Promotion 4 23 - Health Education and Promotion as a Profession 5 25 - Health Education and Promotion as a Profession 5 30 - Settings for Health Education and Promotion 6 Oct. 2 - Settings for Health Education and Promotion 6 7 - Mid-term exam 9 – Fall break 14 - Coordinated School Health Programs 7 16 - Government Initiatives 8 21 - Programs that work 9 23 - Programs that work 9 28 - Learning and Behavior Change: Theories and Models 10 30 - Learning and Behavior Change: Theories and Models 10 Nov. 4 - Needs Assessment, Planning, and Program Implementation 11 6 - Needs Assessment, Planning, and Program Implementation 11 11 - Evaluation 12 13 - Evaluation 12 18 - Current and Future Issues in Health Education and Health Promotion 13 20 - PPD 25 – Interview presentations 27 - Thanksgiving Dec. 2 - Interview presentations 4 - Interview presentations FINAL TBA

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Courtship Violence :: essays research papers fc

Courtship Violence The term courtship violence refers to a couple’s interaction with emotional commitment with or without sexual intimacy. Dating violence involves the perpetration or threat of an act of physical violence by at least one member of an unmarried couple on the other within the context of the dating process (Barnett, Miller-Perrin, Perrin 163). The study of dating violence is important for two reasons. First, such behavior often results in physical and emotional injury. Second, there is reason to believe that dating violence is often a precursor to spousal abuse. Many battered women report that they were first assaulted by their husbands during courtship (Simons 467). Women, more than men, appear to bear the brunt of courtship violence. Despite the fact that rates of partner abuse by males and females are similar, women report more injuries and a greater negative impact as a result of their male partners’ physical aggression (Ronfeldt 72). Studies consistently show that it is women who are disproportionately likely to sustain serious injury. Some significant negative consequences are emotional harm, feelings of victimization, and fear of further violence (Barnett, Miller-Perrin, Perrin 164). The most popular explanation for dating violence is that it is a learned behavior acquired in the family origin. Witnessing parents’ marital aggression or being the victim of harsh corporal punishment may greatly increase the chances that a child will grow up to use violence in a dating relationship (Simons 468). There is a substantial body of evidence suggesting that violence in the family is a risk factor for the perpetration of partner abuse. Men who witnessed interparental violence were three times more likely to hit their wives than men who did not (Ronfeldt 72). Men who witnessed their fathers hitting their mothers were more likely to approve of violence against women and to abuse their own partner. Those growing up in a violent home were more likely to move from verbal to physical aggression. Witnessing paternal marital violence would moderate the association between psychologically controlling behaviors and physical violence so that the association would be stronger for individuals who had witnessed paternal marital violence (Ronfeldt 73). Researchers usually specify observational learning as the process whereby parents influence the probability that their children will be violent in intimate relationships. Some describe the learning process as one of imitation; others emphasize lessons about the legitimacy of violence in intimate relationships. The imitation explanation asserts that children learn about romantic relationships by observing interactions between their parents (Simons 468).

Contemporary Issues in Nursing Essay

In today’s world of nursing, there are efforts to improve patient care at hospitals. Severalstates across America are considering implementing nursing ratio laws. This ratio law wouldrequire hospitals to have strict nurse-to-patient ratios enforced at all times. Only California hasimplemented nursing ratios so far and it has been the subject of mixed reviews. Steps the legislation went throughThroughout the 1990’s, health care labor unions in California tried to implement nursestaffing laws through legislation and ballot initiatives. The California Nurses Association (CNA)campaigned for several years to constitute a mandated nurse-to-patient ratio system in California. The first endeavor was in 1993 when Assembly Bill (AB) 1445 was introduced into theAssembly. Unfortunately, the bill did not succeed. The nurse-to-patient ratios were also a part ofProposition 216, the health care reform initiative introduced by CNA in 1996. Governor PeteWilson vetoed another version of the ratio bill, AB 695, which was passed by the legislature in1997 (Institute for Health, 2001). The CNA organized a rally of nurses and patients throughoutCalifornia to win enactment of AB 394. More than 10,000 letters, post cards and phone callswere made to the governor in support of the bill. Registered nurses (RN) and senior citizens bythe thousands assembled on the Capitol Steps in support of the bill in September, 1999 (Dumpel,H. 2003). Description of issue and recently enacted legislationAB 394 was passed and signed by Governor Gray Davis in 1999. This bill â€Å"directs theCalifornia Department of Health Services to establish minimum, specific, and numerical licensednurse-to-patient ratios by licensed nurse classification and by hospital unit† in acute carehospitals. Although it passed in 1999, it was not implemented until January 1, 2004 due to thefact that the California Department of Health Services could not base deductive evidence onwhich to base the actual ratios (Coffman, J., et al, 2002). The implementation was frozen as anemergency by California Governor Schwarzenegger due to the severe nursing shortage and highcosts. California courts upheld the Governor  and enforced tougher standards (Anonymous,2007). Under the legislation enacted, acute care hospitals in California need to have a minimumof one licensed nurse for every two patients in intensive care units, one nurse for every operatingroom patient and one nurse for every five patients on a medical surgical floor. The legislationcalls for half of the licensed personnel working in intensive and coronary care units to belicensed as an RN. The consequence of the nurse ratio law on quality and access to patientcare is still a subject of debate in California (Coffman, J., et al, 2002). Impact of nursing practiceThe CNA claims that â€Å"ratios have been successful in creating safer workingenvironments in hospitals†. The CNA believes that having the ratio laws in effect will attractRNs that have left the field. Data obtained from the CNA shows that since the ratio law wassigned, the number of actively licensed RN’s in California have grown by more than 60,000,with an additional 60% increase in RN new applications. Turnover vacancy rates in California’sbiggest hospital systems have fallen below 5% as a result of this ratio law (CNA, 2005). Supporters of the ratio law believe that staffing ratios help improve working conditions andattract more young people to the nursing profession. Working conditions within acute carehospitals have an impact on the number of RNs that choose to practice there (Coffman, J, et al,2002). Impact on quality of health care delivery to the patientThere is a strong correlation between nurse-to-patient staffing ratios compared to lowrates of medication errors and patient deaths. Nurse staffing is key to influencing patientoutcomes. In a study of orthopedic and vascular surgery patients discharged from 168Pennsylvania hospitals, the risk of adverse outcomes were 31% higher in the hospitals thatstaffed 1 nurse to 8 patients, compared to 14% higher with hospitals that staffed 1 nurse to 4patients. Hospitals that staff 1 nurse to less than 5 patients also have a lower incidence of patientfalls, medication errors and nosocomial infections (MacPhee, M., et al, 2006). Improved RN topatient ratios also have a reduced rate of  pneumonia, urinary tract infections, shock, cardiacarrest, gastrointestinal bleeding, and other adverse outcomes in acute care settings. Recentresearch indicates that the cost of the RN to patient ratio law is considerably lower than the costof basic safety interventions commonly used in hospitals such as PAP tests for cervical cancerand clot-busting medications to treat stroke and heart attacks. Shorter lengths of stay have alsobeen reported since the ratio laws took place (Needleman, J., et al, 2002)HistoryCalifornia became the first state to mandate minimum nurse staffing ratios. Suggestionsfor nurse-to-patient ratios have been specified in union contracts at hospitals in several otherstates. Since California passed AB 394, related bills were introduced in many other states suchas Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. The cause for staffing ratios was aresult of average patient acuity in the state of California rising and projected increases for acuitylevels to keep increasing through the next 20 years (Institute for Health, 2001). AB 394 mayhave a major impact on demand for nursing personnel, the adequacy of nursing supply and thequality of nursing care provided to consumers. Nursing unions in California representing nursessaw this bill as an aid for improving patient and employee safety. Hospitals throughoutCalifornia were concerned that AB 394 would incr ease the difficulties they face in recruiting andretaining nurses (Coffman, J., et al, 2002). Position of various health organizations on the issueThe topic of nursing ratios seem to be a convincing tool in protecting patient safety andimproving working conditions for nurses. However, realistic thought must be taken inestablishing attainable and pragmatical ratio standards. It is expensive and difficult to attract andretain enough qualified nurses to meet these ratios. Many proponents feel there are not enoughnurses available to meet these requirements. Difficulties in recruiting and retaining hard-to-findnurses costs an estimated $422 million and is a factor in the closure of several hospitals and aleading cause for shutdowns of 11 ERs and psychiatric units throughout California (Leighty, J.,2005). California ranks 49th across all states in the number of nurses per capita. The stateEconomic Development Department states, â€Å"California will be short  more than 97,000 RNs bythe year 2010†. When the ratio law began in California in 2004, 85 per cent of hospitals were notable to be compliant with the regulations. The main contributing factor was not having enoughnurses to cover meal breaks (Anonymous, 2004). Medical surgical nurses see understaffing as a problem that contributes to nurse burnout. Three out of five nurses state that low staffing levels have a negative impact on patient care. Three out of five nurses also state they have thought about leaving the hospital floor nursingsetting in the past two years. Nurses across the country feel that ratio regulations would improveworking conditions (AFT Healthcare, 2003). Impact of this legislationThe CNA believes that nursing ratios protect patient’s safety and eliminatesdangers associated with patient overload. CNA President Deborah Burger strongly feels that theratio laws have alleviated the nursing shortage by attracting 30,000 RNs to the state. She feelsthat burned -out or retired nurses are coming back into the profession because of betterconditions in the workplace (Leighty 2005). From a nurse’s point of view, the ratio regulations are what has been needed to improvepatient care and nurse satisfaction. For each extra patient above 4 added to a nurses assignment,there is a 23% increase in burnout and 15 % increase in job dissatisfaction. Research has shownthat better staffing for nurses in hospitals is reflected lower levels of absenteeism and higher jobsatisfaction (MacPhee, M., et al 2006). Legal responsibilities and Ethical dilemmasThe recent ratio regulations have caused problems throughout California. Hospitals areat times unable to receive patients, ambulances are diverted to more far away hospitals andpatients are now waiting longer in the emergency rooms. Before the regulation was made inplace in California, many nurses felt they made  decisions about patient care and were able toplan his or her workday to meet their patient’s needs. Many feel now, that the regulation is a†numbers game†. (Leighty, J., 2005). Some hospitals may look to cut costs to keep up with thecost of the ratio laws. They may look to decrease other personnel such as unlicensed caregivers,ward clerks, transporters and housekeepers. This could make nursing jobs in the hospital lessappealing to RNs. Higher personnel costs can also sway hospitals from ordering new medicalequipment with state of the art safety features (Coffman, J., et al 2002). Although the ratios are a subject of mixed reviews, many nurses in California are happywith the regulation. As a newer nurse who recently entered the profession, I am overwhelmed attimes with my patient load of five patients. I am thankful to work in a state where nurse ratiolaws are in place. Adding more patients to my daily assignment would more than likely makeme leave the hospital setting due to burn-out due to high levels of job dissatisfaction. References AFT Healthcare (2003, April) Patient- to- Nurse Staffing Ratios: Perspectives from HospitalNurses. Retrieved February, 10, 2004 from http://www.aft.org/pubs-reports/healthcare/HartStaffingReport2003.pdfAnonymous (2004). California Hospitals Express Disappointment Over Court Ruling on NurseStaffing Regulation: Ruling Jeopardizes Hospital’s Ability to Guarantee Access to Care. Retrieved February 13, 2007 from http://www.calhealth.org/public/press/Article%5C103%5CCHA%20News%20Release%20on%20Nurse%20Ratio%20Lawsuit%205-26-04.pdfAnonymous (2007). Does Nurse-To-Patient Ratio Legislation Help Patients or Harm Hospitalsin the United States? Retrieved February 10, 2007 from http://www. Globalinsight.com/Perspective/PerspectiveDetail6099.htmCalifornia Nurses Association (2005) RN to patient Ratios. Retrieved February 10, 2007 fromhttp://www.calnurses.org/nursing-practice/ratios/ratios_index.htmlCoffman, J., Seago, J., Spetz, J., (2002) Minimum Nurse-to-Patient Ratios in Acute CareHospitals. Health Affairs, 21(5), 53-64. Retrieved February 13, 2007, from Research LibraryDatabase.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The History of Electronic Medical Records

cash in ones chips EXPERIENCECase Manager D&S fraternity Services Nashville, TN January 2013 to Present Responsibilities my responsibilities were to keep tout ensemble files up to date I do sure that any(prenominal) client had OT, PT and ST plans. I do sure that thither physicals and dental was up to date. I did the programing as well as periodical reviews on each soul I do risk assessment made sure entirely filing was through with(p) and flummox files and alphabetical order I fax answer phone c onlys and facsimile thing as well as greeting the family and clients when they came in to the office when on ISP put uping and do QA all the notes on each client.Medical Assistant Tennessee Pediatrics Nashville, TN January 2013 to November 2013 Responsibilities computer programming assignings, checking patients in and out, updating patients charts, faxing and scanning snap fastener records, assisting Doctors with patients, giving injections and drawing blood, giving CBC, hematology, and zip urine analysis, taking brisk signs, and a variety of other test that pertain to the needs of the patientPhlebotomist Technician / Receptionist tech CSL Plasma Madison, TN January 2012 to celestial latitude 2012 phlebotomist there and the receptionist tech I put in data and do vital signs welcome guess when they enter the brink and setting up railroad cars DC in which means disconnect donor from the machine can sitting up machines in preparing them for their donationsDirect apprehension Professional Tennessee Family Solutions Nashville, TN March 2010 to February 2012 Ensured the carrying out of outcomes, therapeutic plans, programs and service of process information mingled with the day/school programs. Ensured the implementation of the unmarried Support Plans, ISP and documentation and tracked all progress from the ISP plans. Maintained open communicants with sub judice guardians, advocates, conservator and indepent protrude coordinator.Ensured consistency of individual skills effectiveness of programming, service objectives daily notes. Monitored all doctor appointments and follow up appointment along with medications forindividuals served. Ensured the home for galosh and environmental issues to help to resolve the issues if any were found. Ensured that each individuals current nutritional and behavior focussing plan was universe carried outTechnician Assistant Donaldson get Caring Rehabilitation 2008 to 2009 Administered and monitored the alimony of the patients. Ensured agile treatment programs were cosmos implemented to meet the need of the patient. Developed behavior support systems to help reduce challenging behaviors of the patient. encourage self-development of the patient period they were in the care of the agency. Assisted the activities coordinator with daily activities of the clients. Assisted nurses with enactment daily medication to patients. Completed all paper behave in a timely manner.Resources for Human Development Care Provider 2008 to 2009Ensured the daily living skills of the clients were being met. Ensured that all regulations were met for active treatment and for all services provided to the client. Ensured the each client checkup and nutritional management plan was being followed daily. Ensured consistency of individual skills effectiveness of programming, service objectives and daily notes. Ensured the home was maintained for the safety of the client. Completed all paper work in a timely manner. bring in and implemented behavior supports that were needed for the client.COMPUTER AND pro SKILLS CPR and First Aid qualified. unauthorized Professional Medication Administration Certified Proficient with Microsoft office word, Power Point, Excel, Outlook.EDUCATIONMedical accomplice in M.A Nashville College of medical careers Nashville, TN January 2009 to January 2010 racy School Diploma Cornerstone Christian High School Georgia January 2005 to January 2008ADDITIO NAL INFORMATIONFive age experience in the Developmentally alter and Mentally. Challenged individuals served. Experienced with proving medical assistanceto clients while in rehabilitation.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Supply, Demand and Diversity Factors in the Workforce of Australia

Supply, Demand and Diversity Factors in the Workforce of Australia

1. Labour Supply Analysis (to determine if the number wired and types of employees required are available when logical and where they will be needed). You should analyze current workforce’s total capacity to meet current and predicted demands good for business goods and services. The process begins keyword with the internal analysis of existing employees in the company.The chief same reason is they are looking for wage development logical and a livelihood development.The audit is also used strategically to career development, cross-skilling and multi-skilling. Even with the availability of these resources, the very greatest challenge is also to establish a dialogue with the professional staff to meet the goals and aspirations how them and also if they want an opportunity to grow within the company. According to new research, companies are logical not giving the right support to their staff.Without opportunities, employees are going away.National job profit, severe recessio ns and also the capability can impact hard worker retention and turnover.

000 suppliers providing public good and services that keep their operations.Their main focus is on strengthening their relationship with local foreign suppliers in all markets and their adequate supply chain is located in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong long Kong and India. 2. Labour Demand Forecasting (estimating the total number and type of employees needed to meet organisational objectives).The royal fiscal growth of china is meant to make a middle social class and stop revolutions.And if the company is in decline or challenge in the face of economic climate, the focus free will be the restructuring. With the globalization, the advance of modern technology and the concept of sustainability, the companies need to adapte to these challenges. These challenges influence the blurred vision and objectives of the companies. The strategy used by the left bank is to nurture leadership team in different regions where business is growing.Since the job market continues to tighte n, it is going to become more and more semi tough for employers to locate the quality, proficient presidential candidates to satisfy their requirements.

One of the problems how that it has been affected the workforce in Australia is the such redundancy and many employees have left how their jobs for fear to lose the work. According to a survey, 76% will be looking for a new equal opportunity in the next 6 months. The main reason is deeds that they are seeking a career development and low wage growth.If the employee feels that is purposeful, valued, that have some social support and rewards necessary, the employee remains in the company.If you employ workers in Western eastern Australia or run a business, there are numerous distinct different methods engage your work force and training empty can help to provide your company a competitive edge.Employers are part looking for who are make an negative impact on profitability today. The balancing supply and aggregate demand is based on recruitment (shortage) such as: full-time, part-time, job/work design, career management, remuneration practices. And also Reductions such as: Dismiss als, retirements, retrenchments. 4.Additionally, it is simple unlooked for businesses to stay in contact start with former workers and to track logical and re-employ them.

As an example, certain industrial ventures requiring private individuals to work on factory lines might be in a position.Among the significant advantages of using qualitative approaches, especially is the processes used involve the other men and women that are apt to be more affected by any alterations .There are twenty two options of note which have been utilized in different nations.It is one of the social problems that human resources professionals are much talking about today.