
Friday, February 1, 2019

Gender Roles, Socialization and Relationships Essay -- Sociology

Watch the classical carry Grease and one provide understand how relationships function in western sandwich Society. The film tells a story of a boy (Danny) and a young lady ( sandlike) who falls in love. Through a series of misunderstandings they break up, merely button up care enough about each other that they still try revive their relationship. Through ballads much(prenominal) as Summer darks that are still popular today, the film shows how differently males and females horizon relationships. Danny, for example, describes his relationship in more physical terms while arenaceous describes her relationship in much more emotional terms such as what they did that night. Films like Grease are like a mirror, reflecting social values and how it socializes its members. It makes clear that in relationships, males like Dannyare socialized to popular opinion relationships as mostly a physical, sexual endeavor, while females like Sandy view it as an emotional bond, that is has resu lted from a deeper connection between the deuce individuals within a relationship.It is tempting to believe that when couples say that they are in love, they view their love in the same way that they have successfully defined their relationship. Love after all, is the only legitimate reason for matrimony in western society and one should at least be on the same page before entering into a unceasing union (Henslin 468). Sociologists like to say that romantic love is composed of both components sexual attraction (a biological reception) and idealization of the other (a societal created response that promotes a bond between two individuals) (Henslin 468). However this is a real simple definition of love because it turns out that romantic love is in the eye of the beholder. look intoers of heterosexual love have ... ... completely differently. It is not vitiate then to conclude that a dating couple who is watching this painting will be reinforced in what they already believe . The man will still view relationships as mostly physical and sexual and the women, as a means to satisfy her emotional needs and that of her offspring.Works CitedDosser, David A., goofball O. Balswick, and Charles F. Halverson Jr. Male Inexpressiveness and Relationships. ledger of Social and Personal Relationships 3.241 (1986) 241-58. Print. Gray, Peter. Psychology. 6th ed. unexampled York Worth, 2011. Print. Henslin, James M. Sociology A Down-to-Earth Approach. 10th ed. Ally & Bacon, 2010. Print. Kanin, Eugene J., Karen R. Davidson, and Sonia R. Scheck. A Research Note on Male-Female Differentials in Experience of Heterosexual Love. The Journal of Sex Research 6.1 (1970) 64-72. Print.

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