Saturday, April 6, 2019
William Shakespeare’s Hamlet Essay Example for Free
William Shakespe ars settlement studyWilliam Shakespeares small town and Paula Vogels How I learned to drive back plays explore the common theme of treason through the acts of the protagonist in the 2 literary works. The two plays olibanum demonstrate some(prenominal) similarities as they build on this theme. For instance, through hamlet, Hamlet is portrayed as being betrayed by Claudius in whom he has trust. Similarly, How I learned to Drives Lil catch endures the betrayal of Uncle quid whom she overly trusts. Moreover, some(prenominal) Hamlet and Lil Bit demonstrate that they are bright persons through their single actions in the face of betrayal. Another similarity is that both Lil Bits and Hamlets families seem to be dysfunctional. The two plays however have a number of differences. For example, Hamlet belongs to royal family while Lil Bit is a humble girl. In addition, while, Hamlet finally exacts visit on his tormentor, Lil Bit finally forgives her detractor . The environments of the 2 characters families are also different. While Lil Bits family is surrounded by problems typical of common people, Hamlets family is plagued by problems that usually affect the high and mighty.All in all, the 2 plays Hamlet and How I learned to Drive demonstrate that their single protagonists are betrayed by people they otherwise trust. To begin with, Hamlet suffers from Claudios (his uncles) maliciousness when Claudius murders superpower Hamlet (Hamlets father) and later seeks to murder the newfangled Hamlet himself. In normal circumstances, virtuosos uncle would not do the heinous act that Claudius does. Claudios commission of the offense is thus an like a shot betrayal of the trust that his nephew has towards the uncle. Hamlets doubts that Claudius really murdered King Hamlet testify to the nephews trust towards his uncle.After his fathers spirit informs the young Hamlet that Claudius murdered King Hamlet, the young Hamlet is initially not sure of the authenticity of the message (Shakespeare and Edwards 69). To further build the theme of betrayal, later realizing that Hamlet is aware of his evil scheme, Claudius plots to have Hamlet murdered. Queen Gertrude, Hamlets widowed and remarried mother, cannot do the son because she has married Claudius the person who murdered her late husband. Hamlets household is thus kind of dysfunctional, a factor that accentuates Hamlets pain of betrayal.Hamlet is thus betrayed on two make by his uncle. Similarly, How I learned to Drives Lil Bit is betrayed by Uncle Peck, a relative whom she trusts and feels close to. For instance, owing to the dysfunctional nature of her family, Lil Bit does not revel the support of her family members. The only person who appears to offer the girl the necessary support and attention is Uncle Peck. The uncle teaches the girls how to drive. Lil Bit is however disappointed when Uncle Pecks niceness ultimately proves to be tinged with selfish desires.For ins tance, the uncle molests Lil Bit on several occasions. He therefore betrays the trust that the young niece has towards him. In addition, aunty Mary Uncle Pecks husband, carries on the theme of betrayal when she refuses to come to the aid of Lil Bit regarding her molestation ordeals by the uncle. Moreover, Lil Bits mother refuses to confront Uncle Peck with regard to his unhealthy intimacy with Lil Bit. The mother thus betrays her daughter regarding the daughters dashed hope that the mother will come to the daughters aid (Vogel 25).Lil Bit thus resembles Hamlet in that both come from somewhat dysfunctional families and are both betrayed by the people who should be their helpers. Moreover, both the Hamlet and the How I learned to Drive plays express that their respective protagonists are wise in their individual rights. Through such depictions of intelligence, the theme of betrayal continues to play out. For instance, Hamlet stages a drama performance that confirms that Claudius re ally murdered King Hamlet. This act demonstrates Hamlets total intelligence and also exposes Claudius act of betrayal.Likewise, Lil Bit demonstrates her wisdom by tactfully objecting to Uncle Pecks adverse sexual advances. The girl does this and still manages to be friends with the uncle. Moreover, her firm refusal to engage in sexual liaisons with Uncle Peck discloses the uncles betrayal in seeking to have an incest-like relationship with his niece. In effect, Hamlet and Lil Bit are portrayed as intelligent characters as they seek to contend with the betrayal which they experience. Conversely, Lil Bit and Hamlet have several differences which serve to highlight the betrayal the two persons endure.For example, while Hamlet is of a royal class, Lil Bit has a humble background. The royalty in Hamlets family background partially make Claudius betray him. King Hamlet is murdered so as to pave way for Claudius to occupy the throne. On the other hand, Lil Bits humble background partiall y contributes to her betrayal by Uncle Peck. This is because most of Lil Bits family members are unreliable. The mother conceived during her teenage years, the father is sexist, while Uncle Peck the molester, is an alcoholic.This situation makes Lil Bit become alienated and thus continue to silently suffer under Uncle Peck. Her continued suffering thus unearths her uncles act of betrayal. Moreover, Hamlet finally revenges on Claudius heinous act while Lil Bit chooses to forgive Uncle Peck. The characters respective actions thus show that their relatives are betrayers who deserve either punishment of forgiveness. In conclusion, Vogels How I learned to Drive and Shakespeares Hamlet play explore the theme of someone being betrayed by someone they have constantly trusted.In How I learned to Drive, Lil Bit is betrayed by Uncle Peck, her mother, and her aunt, all whom she trusts. Conversely, Hamlets Hamlet is betrayed by his uncle Claudius, and his mother Queen Gertrude. The two plays however have several differences which however contribute to the theme of betrayal. kit and caboodle Cited Shakespeare, William and Edwards, Philip. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Cambridge, UK Cambridge University Press, 2003. Vogel, Paula. How I learned to Drive. New York Dramatists Play Service, 1998.
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