
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Future of Pakistan

FUTURE OF PAKISTAN Pakistan is my landed estate and I love it. Before parachute to explain the future of Pakistan, I would like to make ignore aw be of some of Pakistans captivating facts. Of all the countries in the world, Pakistan is the second largest exporter of garments, fourth largest cotton producer, fifth largest milk producer, one-tenth largest workforce, seventh largest pool of scientists and engineers in the world. Pakistan, indeed, is full of potential. Young genesis is truly the future of Pakistan. Our y discoverhful generation has many capabilities because of which it tush be rightly termed as the shining star of Pakistan. Pakistans offspring fuck do wonders if properly trained, has skills, highly better and well informed in contemporary disciplines of education. Pakistan, our beloved country of origin; is passing through demanding times with regards to financial, social and semipolitical mayhem. In such a chaotic situation, one can cool off see silver lining if the youth fulfills its responsibilities and obligations objectively towards make Pakistan as our Great Quaid envisioned it. For this, the youth has to accomplish the herculean task to help change things for better and to revitalize the assure of affairs from getting worse.
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Many in that respect ar and were many talented people in Pakistan such as Arfa Karim; the youngest Microsoft conscious Professional. Malala Yousafzai; know for her education and womens rights activism in the swat Valley, where the Taliban had at times banned girls from attending school. Ali Moeen Nawazish; he is notability for passing 23 A-levels, a world record. He! got 21 As, a B, and a C. These people turned out to be role models for the young; they do us proud and made their countrys name shine. Still there are many out there waiting to be heard, waiting to be known as the shining stars of Pakistan. If Pakistan concentrates more on the youth because it can easily be known as the finest country. just about people always say that it is because we are in Pakistan and...If you privation to get a full essay, coif it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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