
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Nursing 1701 Neighborhood Survey

For this assignment, you result drive through your neighborhood or, if youre up for the ch altoge on that pointnge, a neighborhood of your choice, and answer the following questions. This exercise leave alone give you insight into partnership specifics and provide a tumble appreciation of how important the windshield survey is to a lodge health nurse. A. Housing and Zoning a) What are the ages of the buildings? 4 20 years b) What are the construction materials? Brick, wood and stone c) atomic number 18 the residences single family or multifamily dwellings? Single family dwellings d) What is the size and condition of the much (repaired or damaged)? 90 x 120 with varying shapes, all in serious condition e) Is the sphere of influence well maintain or in disrepair? substantially maintained f) Is in that compliance garbage strewn? No g) atomic number 18 in that respect trashed/ toss away cars, places for rodents or other wildlife to hide; vacant lots? No B . lay and Recreational argonas a) Are there playing areas for children and/or adults? Yes b) Are they safe and maintained? Yes c) Who uses them? part children and families C. Common Areas a) Where do population collect for social gatherings? conjunction play areas, outside homes, or close off the lane for annual block party b) Is there a conjunction hang out area? Yes c) Are they for particular groups or are they open to all?
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sensory(a) only for neighborhood residents d) Are there signs posted? Yes. D. Stores a) What stores ( mart, retail, drug, ironical cleaning, etc.) are in the area? Sma ll neighborhood grocery/convenient market, l! andscaping nursery, chevronbershop, and topical anesthetic pizza joint/bar b) How do residents travel to them? broadly drive, some walk E. Transportation a) How do most good deal get around the area? Drive, bike, walk b) Is there in the public eye(predicate) transportation? If so what kind and does it appear to be use? No c) Who uses it? What is the condition of the streets, roads, highways? Roads are in finely condition and well maintained F. Service Centers a) Where are community...If you fate to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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