
Monday, November 11, 2013

Romeo And Juliet

This Essay is an analytical movie review comparing and severalise the twain movie readings of Romeo and Juliet. The 1968 verision and the 1996 magnetic declination are truly change in many ways, from the actors to the range to the costumes and even the storyline. I personally preferred the 1968 verion of Romeo and Juliet. I feel that that particular rendition was a good deal relevant to the parole, the selection of actors and actresses was acurate, I in like carriage liked the setting of the 1968 version because of its historical setting. In this canvas I am going to be comparing the 1968 version of Romeo and Juliet to the 1996 version. I am going to be comparing the costumes employ in twain kneads, the actors selected to play the lead roles, the unalike costumes use and the way the two directors of the movie choose to present the storyline. The base of operations of some(prenominal) movies where genuinely different. For example the 1968 version went with a proper 13 centery look, a very historical setting, with very cool costumes whereas the 1996 version was very modern, they used cars instead of horses and guns instead of swords, to me it seemed almost ludicrous like. I think that the 1968 version is more relevant to the book because of its setting. The actors and actresse who were selected to play the lead role were excessively very different in twain movies.
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For example the Romeo and Juliet in the first version were sure-enough(a) than Romeo and Juliet in the 1996 version.But other characters too stood out in both movies, such as Friar Laurence, In the 1968 version he was more settled, but in the 199! 6 version he looked a bit rough, because of all the tattoos he had etc. And the nurse overly stood out to me, in the first movie she was very loudly and talkative and all over the place, but in the pass on movie she acted more like maid. The costumes in both versions were also very different, and unique in their own ways. For example as I said before the 1996 version was very modern, so actors such as Mercutio were wearing wigs and skirts very...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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